The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania (2024)

Evening Sentinel. AT THE CARLISLE, POST OFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. The Daily Edition is served by carriers each weekday evening in Carlisle week. and surrounding towns, at six cents per By mail at 25 per month or payable $8.00 per in year. Yearly subscriptions aze advance.

The Weekly Edition, $1.50 per year. It ta a large eight page paper, sixty-four columns. making a paper twice as large as the SENTINEL. It is the great family paper going Into two-thirds of the country homes of this county. As a medium of reaching the people of the rural districts it has no equal.

Subscribers will please notify us of talinre to properly receive the paper. Address all letters to THE SENTINEL, Cartiste, Pa. THURSDAY EVENING, JAN. 24, 1895. To -Ad communications should be the writer's name as a guarantee of If it is a letter of news the name net be or publication.

If a disquesion men 01 it is very desirable the that the name a signature to TOR SENTINEL. There is some very interesting advertising in the SENTINEL just now. A bill to prevent hawking and peddling in the vicinity of camp meetings has passed second reading in the house. A couple of gentlemen who are interested in the patents and manufacture of a new wagon wheel came to Carlisle several weeks ago and conferred with a few of our prominent business men with the view of locating the industry here. Those who talked with these gentlemen at that time and who examined the patented wheel were satisfied that it was desirable that the industry should be located here.

The committee that was subsequently appointed at a citizens' meeting have made a thorough investigation and have obtained a basis on which the gentlemen are willing to locate and are now ready to report to the citizens at the public meeting this evening. Let there be a large turnout. There are several reasons why this industry seems very desirable--the principal ones being that wheels are of universal use, and that this one seems to be a great improvement. Even if the patented tire should prove a failure the wheel industry should the amount of capital needed is small. Public 00 It is no doubt a waste of good paper and ink to suggest to the political opponents of the administration that the welfare of the country would be better served by them were they to give their aid to the President in solving aright the great national problems which, 'as Chief Magistrate, he has to determine Not since the close of the war of the rebellion has a President of the United States been confronted by 80 many serious questions of national importance as has Mr.

Cleveland, and during that or any period no president has been so grossly assailed and misrepresented by political antagonists upon purely partisan grounds. Yesterday was a remarkable day for London with the respect to the weather. There was a heavy snow-fall and a severe thunder storm, during which several buildings were struck and three persons were killed by lightning. The death of Mrs. Henry K.

Peffer whose funeral took place to-day, was very unexpected and very sudden. She awoke on Saturday morning last, at her home in Monmouth, in ap. parently her usual health. Shetalked with her daughter, Mrs. Sprout, who was already up, and asked her to get her a drink of water.

Mrs. Sprout went for the water, was absent but a minute or two, but in that moment of time her mother had passed away, peacefully and without a movement of the body. Her death was no doubt due to heart trouble of which she had some previous indications. Mrs. Sterner Dead.

Mrs. Joseph Sterner died at her home on West Louther street at 5 o'clock this morning, aged about 67 years. She had been ill about three years. The deceased was a sister of the late Charles Shapley and was a native and life-long resident of Carlisle. She was a member of the M.

E. church. Her husband and one danghter survive. Mrs. Caroline Gibson, of Philadelphia, is a sister and Joel Shapley, of Shippensburg, a brother.

The funeral will be announced later, The Carlisle car works turned out within one hundred of the usual number of cars the past year. This was very good for hard times. New automatic machines are being placed in the knitting mill at Newvillee. Free Pills. Send your address to H.

E. Bucklen Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache.

For Malaria and Liver troubles they have bern proven invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely veg table. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c box. Sold by W.

F. Horn. Fackler's taffies are always on top. New Central Supply Depot Near Police Station. Arctic Ice handled exclusively j24tf M.

BUSHMAN. Coal Wood -Ice-Kindling-Wood, Flour and Feed of all kinds, kept constantly on hand and delivered to all parts of town in such quantities as desired. Clarence Liggett to-day rented to James P. Neff the Samuel Hertzler residence on South Hanover street, posession to be given April 1st. Church of God Revival.

Revival services of the Church of God, which have been in progress for several weeks, still continue and considerable interest is manifested. A number of seekers have come forward and a number have been converted. The attendance is very good. Special Officer Bentley, assisted by Policeman Hays, arrested Wilson Lamison, jr on a charge of gambling. He give bail for hearing in sum of $100.00.

John Peck, Chapel alley was arrested for disorderly conduct, on complaint of his father and is now in jail. Funeral of Mrs. Peffer. The funeral of Mrs. H.

K. Peffer, took place at two o'clock this afternoon the residence of her son W. H. Peffer. Dr.

Norcross officiated and preached from the text "There remaineth a rest." The pall-bearers were her three sons and Mr. John Searight a nephew. The funeral was very largely attended. Officers Installed. The Heptasoph, last night installed the following officers: Past Archon--P.

S. Ligget. Archon-E. L. Doner.

Provost -C. E. Bosler. Inspector -W. H.

Shearer. Prelate-Jas. P. Neff. Secty.

-O. F. Connelly. Treasurer -Lew Masonheimer. Financier -H.

G. Rinehart. -Moses Braught. Sentinel -M. K.

Hench. Med. Examiner--S. L. Diven.

installation was followed by a banquet. Indian Sohool Entertainment. The entertainment to be given in the opera house Saturday night 266 by the students from the Indian school will be one of the most pleasing and attractive of the season. The novelty and originality displayed by the young Indians in the setting and speech of the various parts demonstrated by its production recently before the school, and a few guests, warrant us in saying that those who neglect to witness its reproduction will miss a rare treat. Tickets and reserved seats on sale at Mean's book store.

Musical Program. The famous Si Perkins orchestra will render the following program during the performance of the play by that name next Thursday, Jan. 31st, evening. Lovers of high grade music should not fail to be there early and hear the entire program: Descriptive- A TRIP TO CONEY ISLAND Synopsis--Rush to the boat. "All aboard." Whistle.

Life on the ocean wave. Italian band playing on the steamer. Appearance of jubilee singers. "All ashore." Whistle. Carousals.

Passing a free-and-easy. Ejecting an unpleasant customer. Appearance of German band. Entering West Brighton hotel, the great cornetist is heard. Thunder and lightning, followed by sunshine.

Boarding the marine railroad, train leaves in time to hear Gilmore's band play Anvil Chorus. Signal for Paine's fireworks followed by cannon shots and sky rockets. Rush for home-bound train. "Home Sweet Home." Characteristic- Jubilee." Medley Royal Flush." and Peasant." During Act 4 G. G.

Vance will play a cornet solo. FINALE- -March of Chicago." G. G. Vance, director; Geo. H.

Holcombe, drums, traps and electrical displays. Butter chips (our own make) at Fackler's. FUNERALS. MRS. MARTHA STUART The funeral of the late Mrs.

Martba Stuart took place at 11 a. m. to-day, interment in the old Carlisle cemetery. Rev. Drs.

Norcross Erskine officiated and the bearers were Wm. A. Coffey, Andrew Blair, Jno. M. Woodpal burn, Abram Beetem, Wm.

Kerr, James Mean. MRS. MARY E. SENER. The funeral of Mrs.

Mary E. Sener took place at 3:30 p. m. interment in the new addition to the old cemetery. Rev.

J. W. Messinger officiated and the pall-bearers were A. Albright, Wm. Fells, George Ruhl, Oron Long.

Fackler's taffies are always on top and mean to stay there. Miss Sadie Davis, FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING, No 226 West South St. Carlisle, Pa. Prices exceedingly reasonable. Don't Stop Tobacco, Winconsin.

Fuel Saved How to Cure Yourself While Using It. The tobacco habit grows on a man until his nervous system is seriously affected, impairing health, comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly is too severe a shock to the system, as tobacco, to an inveterate user becomes a stimu' lant his system continually craves. Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for the tobacco habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin Physician who has used it in his private practice since 1872, without a failure, purely vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want, while taking Baco-Curo, it will notify you when to stop.

We give a written guarantee to permanently cure any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent. interest. Baco-Ouro is not a substitute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid ef will power and with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggists, with our ironclad guarantee, at $1.00 per box, three boxes, (thirty days treatment,) $2.50.

or sent direct upon receipt of price. SEND SIX TWO-CENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX, BOOKLET AND PROOFS FREE. Eureka Chemical Company, Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse, all desired. By getting Houston Rupp to put A Rich's common-sense weather strip on your doors and windows, the only air tight stripping in use. 8jdtf THE MARKETS.

KILDUFF CO, -Post Office Building, wires to all the great Commercial Centres Stocks, Grain and Provisions bought and sold on Commission or outright. THE STOCKS. Specially reported for the SENTINEL. NEW YORK. January 24, 1805.

Opening Atchinson 44 707 Cotton 28 23 Chicago 724 724 Oordage. 54 Cordage 83 C. C. 38 374 D. C.

F. 104 D. and L. and 10 10 General 34 Jersey 874 Lake 139 139 L. and 538 364 334 Missouri Pacific.

Manhattan. 1074 948 So. Ry. 331 334 N. P.

16 New 818 N. Y. 997 994 33 Rock Island 628 624 Reading. 94 St. 554 554 Sugar.

90 Union 94 94 Western 871 Bay State CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE Wheat, May 544 July 558 56 Corn, May 454 454 July 454 454 454 Oats, May 291 297 294 July Pork, May 1085 1090 1050 1060 6 6 Lard, May 6 70 6 70 6 55 6 60 DIPHTHERIA Bovinine Saves Life Too many homes bear this fear-inspiring placard, denoting the prevalence of that most insidious and dreaded of all diseases Diphtheria. It is to-day a recognized fact among the best practitioners nine out of ten cases formerly considered hopeless may be brought to a happy termination by the use of that great original raw food product, Bovinine. This great blood-generating, life-mainstrength-developing, and fleshproducing, product of lean, raw meat, contains the greatest amount of lifepreserving qualities in the least possible bulk of any preparation known. In cases of Diphtheria, Bovinine has special advantages.

In this disease, as in others, the rapidity with which it is assimilated gives to it a preference over all other foods, passing, as it does, into the system immediately, without causing the digestive organs to perform any labor. And considering the fact that the lesions in the throat prevent the swallowing of solid food, it becomes an absolute necessity. In the worst cases, where even liquids cannot be taken by the mouth, by being used as an injection. Above all, Bovinine is in itself a germicide, and in all such diseases as Diphtheria, caused by microbes, it not only performs but? greatest mission of maintaining life, antidotes the existing bacilli. Bovinine has done wonders in thousands of cases of Diphtheria.

When your doctor uses it you may cease to worry, and be assured of a speedy recovery. To neglect its use may mean years of remorse in the feeling that some loved one might still be with you if everything possible had been done. Bovinine is sold by all Druggists, Plank's Stupendous Shrinkage Sale For January 1805 This Sale Shall Set the Pace for the Year. A very large proportion of this magnificent stock of merchandise, which, at actual inventory to-day would aggregate nearly fifty thousand dollars, must, for several reasons, stand a shrinkage of from five to eight thousand dollars. In other words, this amount of merchandise will be distributed gradually among our patrons during this shrinkage sale and everybody is invited to the banquet.

Now for the reasons. The year starts under a new financial system. We govern, not the congress that exacts the laws but we govern our business, and when, under a new rate of duties we are enabled to purchase foreign goods at a lower scale of prices. you shall not be required to longer pay the old rates, even though it means a loss to us. We close our books February for the year, therefore, the loss occasioned by the shrinkage sale must be thrown into this years business, that the new year's merchandising be not crippled or handicapped in any way by assuming loses that rightly belong to the present year.

However unpleasant to us the above facts may be, as we are bound to protect the interests of our patrons we follow the straight forward course, thus this Great Shrinkage Sale. racelebrated Turkish chewing taffy j19tf at WE BIND BOOKS At The Sentinel In First Class Style. POLITICAL MEETINGS. DEMOCRATIC. SECOND WARD, CARLISLE.

The democrats of the Second ward will meet at Gottwerth's hotel on Friday evening, Jan. 25th, at 7:30 to nominate a ticket. By order of the Committee. FIRST WARD, CARLISLE. There will be a meeting of the First ward democrats, at the Garber house, Thursday, Jan.

24, at 7:30 o'clock. By order of committee WM. BYERS, GEO. BOWERS, THIRD WARD DEMOCRATS. The democrats of Third ward will meet in the arbitration chamber, on Saturday evening the 26th at o'clock for the purpose of nominating 7 ward officers.

COMMITTEE. UPPER WEST PENNSBORO. Democrats of Upper Westpennsboro township, will meet at Blue Hill school house on Saturday, January 26, 2 o'clock p. m. to nominate a township ticket.

By order of the Committee. NEWVILLE, NORTH. The Democrats of the North ward of the Borough of Newville, will assemble at their regular voting place in the public school house, on Saturday evening, January 26, 1895, at 7 o'clock to nominate a ticket to be voted for on February 19. By order of Committee. MIDDLESEX.

The democratic primary election of Middlesex township will be held at Middlesex schoolhouse on Saturday, January 26th. BY COMMITTEE. NORTH MIDDLETON. The democratic primary election of North Middleton township will be held at Beecher's Hotel on Saturday January 26th at 2 p.m. J.

HoY. G. W. SWIGERT. Committee.

NEWTON. The democrats of Newton township will meet at Oakville school house, Saturday, January 26th, 1895, at 2 p. to nominate a ticket to be voted for on February 19th. By order of the Committee. UPPER FRANKFORD.

The democrats of Upper Frankford will meet on Saturday Jan. 26th at Bloserville school house at three o'clock. SOUTH MIDDLETON. The democratic primary election of Upper South Middleton township will be held at Centre school house on Saturday, January 26th, between 2 and 4 p. m.


MONROE. The democrats Monroe will meet at the hotel in Churchtown on Saturhay, Jan. 26th, from 6 to 7 o'clock p. m. to nominate a ticket.

A full attendance requested. Committee. UPPER DICKINSON. The democratic primary election of Upper Dickinson will be held to elect conferees, at the Stone House, on Saturday, January 26th, from 2 to 4 p. m.

SILVER SPRING. The democrats of Silver Spring township, will meet in the Hotel at Hoguestown, on Saturday, from 2 to 7 o'clock January 26th. NEWTON. The democrats of Newton township will meet at Oakville school house, Saturday, January 26th, at 2 p. m.

to nominate a ticket. COOK. The democrats of Cook will meet at the store in Pine Grove Saturday, from 6 to 7 p. m. The democratic primary election of Lower West Pennsboro township will be held at Plainfield school house on Saturday, Jan.

26th, at 2 p. By order of Committee. REPUBLICAN. NORTH MIDDLETON. The republican primary election of North Middleton township will be held at Beecher's Hotel on Saturday, January 26th at 3 p.

m. Committee. MIDDLESEX. Republicans of Middlesex township will meet at the school house in Middiesex on Saturday evening, 26, for the purpose of placing in nomination the township ticket. COMMITTEE.

SECOND WARD REPUBLICANS. The Republicans of Second ward Carlisle will meet at the weigh-room of the market-house, on Saturday Jan. 26, at 7 p. for the purpose of nominating a ward ticket. COMMITTEE.

THIRD WARD, CARLISLE. The republicans of the Third ward will meet in the Goodwill hall on Saturday evening, January 26, between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating ward officers. FOURTH WARD, CARLISLE. The republicans of the Fourth ward of Carlisle will meet Jordan's Hall on Saturday, January 25, between the hours of 6 and 8 p. m.

for the purpose of making ward nominations. The republican voters of the several precincts of the Fourth ward will meet their respective polling places on Tuesday, January 29, from 6 to 8 p. m. for the purpose of nominating officers for the election precincts. COMMITTEE.

Herman Berg, Jr. Pure Whiskey. All The Favorite Brands. Herman Borg, LIQUOR STORE, 25 N. HANOV CARLISLE, PA LAPAYETTE COLLEGE, EASTON, PENNA.

Seven Civil, Courses Mining, in Art. Philosophy and Science, and Electrical Engineering Chemistry. ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT, JUNE 201M. Fall Term begins Sept. 18th.

For Catalogues address THE REGISTRAR, Easton, Penna. FRECKLES! PIMPLES! Hundreds of men and women art seen upon the streets every day whose faces are covered with Disfiguring Copper-Colored Freckles or Scaly Pimples, which are constantly suppurating, but which never heal. To those who are afflicted with these humiliating and distressing diseases of the skin EMPRESS JOSEPHINE FACE BLEACH appeals with a force which is irresistible. This wonderful preparation never fails to effect a cure, even when doctors pronounce the case hopeless and nos. trums are proven to be useless.

EMPRESS JOSEPHINE FACE BLEACH will not only remove Freckles and Pimples, but is guaranteed to be a positive cure for Eczema, Acne, Moth-Patches, Brown Spots, Blotches, Sallowness, and all other cutaneous diseases. EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. sale by V. H. Ritchey, No.

29 North Hanover Geo. W. Sipe, No. 160 North Hanover street, B. F.

Emrick, No. 28 West Main street, W. F. Horn, No. 32 West Main St.

The Fair. Next Door to Post Office. No let up here. A general clear up for the next month. 15 inch galvanized coal buckets at 25c usually a 50 center.

Here is a new decorated 56 piece tea set dainty decorated in colors and gold just such a set as you say $10.00, but our new method prices make $5.69, or the 101 piece La Belle china dinner sets choice enough for anybody but ought to be $20.00, January special price $15.98 500 glass jelly dishes use them for anything you like usually a 10c dish, January while they last 4c each. Such elegant ware at such low prices never known before, 100 piece decorated dinner set blue and pink decorations usually $1.00 special $.49 56 piece tea sets the same at $3.49 usually $5.005 clothes pins 1c a dozen, chamber pails made of galvanized iron full size usually 50c, Jan special 35c, Asbestos stove mats 5c instead of 10c. Bread raisers a most useful and convenient article. Proceed this 10 qt size 15x54 inches 59c, 14 qt size 164x inches 69c are in the habit of paying. Japanese bread boxes 3 sizes, smallest big enough to hold a great deal, prices half ordinary store prices, 39, 49 69.

Beautifully Japanned and wide guilt band and stamp table oil cloth best quality 17c usually 20c, 7 copper bottom wash boilers 750 usually $1.00 also a fine line of imported market baskets from 5c up. Still another special: Steel hand saw usually 50c. Another lot of those cloth bound books 19c usually 50c. Brass pad locks (two keys) 14c usually 25c, steel pad locks 12c, usually 20c (two keys.) Steel hammer 20c usually 25c, corn poppers 9c usually 15c, sewing machine oil 5c a bottle usually 15c, ink 5c usually 10c a bottle, clothes hangers 4c usually 10c, tooth pics 4c usually 5c box, iron holders 5c usuall 10c, cologne usually 20c bottle, buttermilk soap 5c and hundreds other bargains too numerous to mention. Watch the window for specials, it will pay you.

Carlisle Bargain House, PHILIP ROSENBERG, FAHNESTOCK'S THE NEW DEPARTMENTS. We've been too busy buying and selling the past few weeks to say anything about the new additions to our stock. We have added a great many new and desirable articles that are selling freely. FANCY WARES, suitable for Christmas and wedding gifts, in Bisque, Royal Hanover, Teplitz and Japanese bric-a-brac. Our collection is magnificent and embraces all that is desirable in figures, fancy vases, jardiniers and an endless assortment of fancy pieces that add to the appearance of a home.

We invite an early inspection of this beautiful display, feeling confident that this is the finest display of these wares ever shown in the city and at prices that will enable anyone to make a selection. Fancy Trays and Frames in white metal -Many curious designs that can be used for various purposes. These goods are extremely popular and inexpensive. PERFUMERY-Only the best. We sell nothing trashy.

You don't want it and we won't sell it. It will be well for you to make the acquaintance of this sweet smelling department. We take great pride in it. If you wish we can eupply you with handsome boxes for it. We will have an unusually attractive line of holiday good: this season, and everything will be new as this is our first season in fancy wares, and it will be in keeping withour other depart ente.

Everything Good and Reliable. W. E. FAHNESTOCK. 308 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa We will Bind Sights and Scenes, The Magic City Stoddard's Photographs and all similar publications Handsomely and Substantially At $1.00 and Upwards all and see samples at the SENTINEL OIL OR MADE ENGINE.


NATIONAL OIL BURNER CO. 692 CEDAR CLEVELAND. OHIO Where to Attend School We impart a thorough knowledge of the COMMERCIAL STUDIES at the cost of less time and money than other schools. THOUSANDS DU heir success in life (so they say! to the training they raceived here. We made BREAD INNERS of them.

We want you to know write and we will tell you all about this LIVE SCHOOL. N. B. We assist gradrates to positions. PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1708-1710 Chestnut St.a Railroad Time Tables -(0)- Cumberland Valley R.

R. Takes effect Monday, Dec. 1, 1894, DOWN TRAINS. Ly. Shippensburg, 7 38, 9 51, a.

126, 5 20 10 10 p. m. Lv. Newville, 762, 10 09 a. 146, 5 40, 10 31 p.

m. Lv. CARLISLE, 5 55, 7.0 06, 18 15 10 31 12 10, 2 10, 57 p. m. Lv.

Mechanicsburg, 6 18, 7 30, 8. 40, 9 31, 10 51 a 36, 4 09, 516, 6 30, 9 35, 11 20 pm. Ar. Harrisburg, 6 40,7 50, 9 00, 9-55, 11 00, a. 12 55, 2 10, 2.

55, 4 30, 5 40, 6 50, 10 10, 11 40. Ar. Philadelphia, 12 17, 3 00, 6 50, 11 15, p. m. 30 a.

m. Ar. New York, 236, 5 58, 9 38, 353 p. m. 7 33 a.

m. Ar. Baltimore, 12,20, 3 10, 6 45, 40 p. 6 20 a. 10.

UP TRAINS. Lv. Baltimore, 11 50, p. 4 50, 8 58, 11.40 4 45 p. m.

Ly. New York, 8.00 00 p. 19 15, 9 30 a. m. 2 00 p.

Lv. Philadelphia, 11 30 p. 4 30, 8 50, 19 25, a. m.4 30 p. m.

Lv. Harrisburg, 5 00, 7 10, 8 19, 9 11 10 a. m. 12 10, 2 3 10, 345, 5 6 8 10, 10 55 p. m.

Lv. Mechanicsburg, 5 21, 8 34, 10 04 m. 12 Lv. 31, 2 45, 4 07, 5 35, 6 8 30, 11 16 p. CARLISLE, 542, 18 58, a.

12 54, 4 32, 18 55, p. m. Lv. Newville, 6 06, 920 a. 1 17, 4 57, 9 18 p.

m. Lv. Shippensburg, 6 25, 9 38 a.m., 1 28, 6 18 9 39 p.m. The that the train only runs as far as Mechanicsburg or Carlisle. Sunday trains.

Through coach from Hagerstown to Philadelphia on train leaving Carlisle at 10:31 a. and through coach from Philadelphia to Hagerstown on train leaving Carlisle at 12:54 pad 8:55 p. m. H. A.

RIDDLE, J. F. BOYD, Gen'l Ticket Agent. Superintendent. W.

H. Shepler, Agent Carlisle, Pa. Western Maryland Railroad. Trains leave Shippensburg at 6:00 A. M.

1:09 and 3:10 P.M. and arrive at Baltimore at 10:37 A. 5:54 and 7:13 P. M. Returning leave Baltimore at 4:30 and 8:00 A.

M. and 4:02 P. arriving at Shippensburg at A. 1:06 and 8:53 P.M. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Trains leave Carlisle as follows For Shippensburg 8:40 A.

1:10 and 4:25 M. For A. 12:50 and 4:95 P. M. For A.

11:50 and 4:25 P. M. Trains arrive at Carlisle from Shippensburg and Gettysburg at 8:30 A. from Harrisburg at 9:20 A. from Shippensburg, Gettysburg and Harrisburg at 5:23 P.

M. From Gettysburg at 11:50 A. M. DA Sunday train runs from Harrisburg to Gettysburg and return but does not connect for Carlisle. Norfolk and Western Railroad.

Leave Hagerstown for the south at 7:35 A. M. 4:20 F. M. to and 12:20 A.M Arrive from the South at 8:15 A.

M. from and 6:50 P. M. Baltimore Ohio R. R.

Leave Hagerstown for the east at 6:30 and 11:10 A. M. and 3:50 and 5:00 P. M. connections at Arrive from the east and west at 8:40 A.

ME. 2:11, and 8:40 P.M. PENNSYLVANIA The Standard Railway of America. On and after November 26th, 1894, trains will leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia and New York as follows: Philadelphia ..1:10 a. m.

Eastern ...2:15 Fast .3:45 Atlantic ..9:35 Pennsylvania 1:40 p. Day express. .3:40 Mail 7:30 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Columbia Harrisburg Accommodation .6:50 7:15 a Seashore 11:40 Philadelphia accommodation ....2:15 p. SUNDAY ONLY.

Mail 7:30 DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. Harrisburg accommodation. 4:50 All through trains connect at Jersey with boats for Brooklyn, N. Y. city Trains leave Harrisburg for Altoona and the West as follows: Southwestern 1:20 a.

Pacificexpress. ..3:10 .8:18 Mail 11:20 Fast .3:50 p. 1 Pennsylvania limited Altoona .5:00 Chicago and St. Louis 7:30 Daily except Monday Express 10 20 Western express. 11:65 For Miffin 3:10, 8:18, 11:20 a.

3:50 5:00 p. m. 10:20 p. m. daily except Sunday.

Sundays 3:10, 8:18, 11:20 a. 3:50, 5:00 p. m. S. M.

PREV 981, J.R WOOD, Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pas Agt Sentinel Upera House. RETURN OF THE FAVORITE, 3-NIGHTS COMMENOING MONDAY JAN. 28. "the cleverest of them all" MINNIE SEWARD, and her clever company, in three of her best plays, Only 10, 20 and 30 cts.

SEATS NOW ON SALE AT MONYER'S. Every purchaser of a ticket is entitled to a chance on a fine gold watch bought in Carlisle and guaranteed for 15 The handsomest present ever offered by a dramatic company in Carlisle. Thursday, Jan. 31, ONE NIGHT ONLY- -THE COMEDIANSAM J. BURTON AND THE CHARMING COMEDIENNE MISS LILLIE COLEMAN IN THENEW SI PERKINS! A Superb Scenic Preduction Hip Hurrah Hilarious Sensational Comedy Drama A Roaring, Rousing Rally of Fun, Laughter and YellsProf.

G. G. Vance' TRA SOLO of ORCHES- twelve skilled musicians, is the strongest ever presented to the public by a traveling One of the most necessary features for a first-class performance is the best of music rendered in an artistic manner- especially is this so in SI PERKINS, running over with songs, dances, catchy music, where a good orchestra is absolutely necessary. See the Street Parade at Noon by the Famous Pughtown Farmer Band Free concert in front of opera house at 1 o'clock p.m. Prices, 25, 35 And 50.

FOR SALE. That desirable TRUCK FARM, situated at Barnitz Station and known as the Besserer place, containing about 18 Acres, all under a high state of cultivation and good fencing. The buildings are excellent. This is one of the nicest and most convenient Truck Farms in the valley. Easy terms will be given.

For further information apply to Herman Berg, 25 N. Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa. Hotel Wellington Buss and Baggage Transfer TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Leave orders at Hotel office. Doct-3md FOR RENT. FOR P.

Nell, possession store room soon. occupied by Inquire of J14dtt W. W. SCOTT DOYLE, LINN MOOULLOUGE. North STORY SIX ROOM HOUSE AT TWO and East streets.

A. Grove, Apply to 013dtf. Dr Several small tenant houses on Railroad avenue, Apply to 1jdtf Cor. MRS. SAMUEL WETZEL, North nd College Sta.

FOUR block, DESIRABLE also OFFICE ROOMS ROOM. IN HENDER0. LIGGETT, Real Estate Agent. STABLE, situated on Chapel will alley, near street, accommodate three or four horses and the same number of carriages or wagons, with yard attached possession given at once. Apply to J.

S. AD, nov16tf South Hanover Carlisle, Pa. Arrests. THREE GOOD ROOMS ON THE THIRD story of the house oscupied by Mrs. monyer These rooms will be rented furnished or unfurnished.

Apply to 03dtf H. S. STUART. WEST POMERET ST. NEAR PITT, A new brick house, six rooms and bath room on April 1st.

Inquire at No. 36 West Main St. j4dtr. A j19-def HOUSE IN IRVINE'S ROW. JOHN IRVINE.

HOUSE WITH ELEVEN ROOMS story brick. Apply at 00 East Louther. d88dtf B. J. ECKERT.

FOR cottages West Louther 1 6 room house 8. Pitt seven room house S. West two 6 room houses W. Chuch from Arpil 1st. Inquire of A.

J. WETZE, j5-dtt 106 S. Wear St. A established -on just North vacated, Pitt street. with fine An cold storage house.

Apply to John Low 123-dtf FROM APRIL A STORY ELEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, No. 148 North Bedford street. Inquire of O. K. WAGGONER, 8jandtt Hotel Wellington.

TWO SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSES, NoT. 323 and 325 East Louther street. quire of J. A. HILDEBRANDT, or C.


North St. Possession April 1st 22 j6td. FIVE ROOM HOUSE, No. 36 South West street. Apply at No.

38. jan19-dtf now briek house No. 402. N. Bedford street.

Inquire at 142 N. Hanover St. jan 28tf A SEVEN ROOM ROOM HOUSE, WITH furnanca, hot and cold water on South Pitt street, Carlisle, Pa. Apply to MRS. CARRIE MAIZE, 12jdtf No.

East High St. STORE ROOM, BALTIMORE AVENUE FEE Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. Inquire of j12d3w H. A.

WOLFE. A STORE Inquire at ROOM 31 South NEAR Hanover THE St. MARKET. 14jdtt HOUSE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP IN to Middlesex Isaac H. for Wise.

rent from April 1st. Apply 116d18t wat. A FEW COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE from the first of April next. Inquire of WM. BLAIR, 8jan dtf An eight room brick house on North Bedford street.

Possession after January 1st. Inquire of H. Gardner 601 North Hanover street. 22deo-tt TWO HOUSES on North Hanover 6t. Inquire 502 North Hanover 6t.

16jdtt TWO AND A HALE STORY, 11 ROOMed brick house, No. 60 East Louther. Apply at No. 228 South Pitt. 1176t WANTED.

answering advertisem*nts addressed to the Sentinel office, or in care of the Sentinel should not look to the Sentinel for an anaper. ed These to the letters and messages are carefully deliver furtner advertiser, with and after that we have not ing to do them. -Editor A COUNTRY within four miles of for a Carlisle. city gen0. M.

LIGGETT. Real Estate Agent, 10 Court House Ave. Twenty-five quarriers quarry stone by the perch, apply to 010dtf E. A. GROVE.

WINDERS at office. the Carlisle Silk Mill. 15jdtf Apply $75 A week the paid Rapid to Dish ladies Washer. and gents Washes de and dries them in twe minutes without wetting the hands. No experience necessary: sells at sight; permanent position.

Ad W. P. Harrison Olerk Ne. 14, Ohio. bRB, $12 White day Metal agents Plater or selling taking the orders Royal for plating.

furnished Trade secrets, formulas, receipts free. A good agent can make two to three thousand dollars per year with the Royal Plater. For terms, address Gray Plating Works, Columbus Ohio. MAKE 85 DAILY. MARVELOUS invention; Retails 25 cents: 2 to 6 sold in house; sample mailed FREE.

McMAKIN, Cincinnati, 0. Wanted--A Man in every section at once to sell staple goods to dealers; no peddling; experience annecersary; best side line. 875.00 a month. Salary and expenses or large commission made. Address, with 2 cent stamp for sealed partieulars, Clifton and Manufaoturing pany, Cincinnati, Ohio.

526d WA Cash paid on delivery at 200 No. lbs. 137 of GUM North West street. J. K.

WEAVER j19dtf Agont. A GENTS Nurseries; WANTED- Large To stock; canvass for Leading the specialties; Liberal terms; Salary or commisIon. Write Geo. Moulson Son, Union Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.

Established 1848. d31d3m WANTED salary Men or who large will work commission, for $75.06 salling goods by sample to dealers. Experience unnecessary. Write us, We will explaio. For sealed particulars send stamp.

HOUSE HOLD SPECIALTY 00., (79, Cineinnati, 0. d19d26t. FOR SALE OR RENT BAKERY FOR Bakery, SALE No. OR 188 RENT. South West Apply 8t to Carlisle, Pa.

jan14 dimo THE LARGE 3 STORY BRICK BUILD ING No. 61 West Louther now by Mrs. Dr. Keiffer. Possession given April ist.

Apply on premises or to G. E. Mills, 18 Court House Avenue. 141d FOR SALE. THOTS in MOST the city, DESIRABLE just north of BLOCK freight ON track, on West street, known as the show lot This is a bargain for some one.

Call on M. I Mansion House. 19jd tf. Funkhouser, AND HARNESS FOR SALE Apply to John Kelver, 149 East Louther. cheap.

j23-d6t 100BUILDING LOTS for Sale. Prices $20 Furniture. Established 1850. Shapley's Furniture Rooms. We are every day adding to our great stock of FURNITURE and have reduced the price on everything so that all can buy.

If you are, or will be, in need of any goods in the FURNITURE LINE call and see our goods and prices before buying as it will certainly pay you. Furniture Cheaper than ever before. C. Shapley's Cor. Han.

and Louther St. Carlisle, Pa. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria..

The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.