The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

20 TUESDAY MORNING. Zos Angeles at Times OCTOBER 24, L.J DEATHS With Funeral Announcements. PIERRE. Remains of Mrs. Isabelle Pierre were forwarded last evening by Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary to Salt Lake City, Utah, for services and interment.

PORTER. Mrs. Carrie M. Porter, late of Los Angeles and Mexico City, died October 16, 1931, at Reno, Nev. Cremated at Oakland.

RICHARDS. Sylvester W. Richards. late of West Seventeenth street. brother of B.

Frank Richards. Services Wednesday, October 28. at 2 p.m., at Pico Heights Christian Church. 1324 South Berendo. D.

A. Parks Mortuary, directors. RICHARDS. October 26, Esther L. Richards.

Announcement of 'services later by Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary. ROSEBERRY. Mrs. Bonnie Kennedy Roseberry, beloved wife of Louis H. Roseberry of 16 Laughlin Park, this city; daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Peter Kennedy of Winnipeg, Can. Funeral services Wednesday at 3 p.m. from the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Cemetery. W.

A. Brown, funeral director. SEITER. Services for Bel S. Seiter today at 2 p.m.

from the chapel of Dellenbaugh-Tassell-McKellar, Ltd. SESSIONS. In Riverside, October 25, 1931. Katherine E. Sessions, aged years.

beloved wife of Charles H. Sessions of the Glenwood Mission Inn, Riverside, Cal. Services and interment in Cleveland, 0. M. H.

Simons Riverside, directors? SHANLEY. Elizabeth A. Shanley, loving mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Somers, Jane. Katherine and James Shanley, Rosary Tuesday at 8 p.m.

at the parlors of L. F. Utter 4254 South Broadway. Mass at Holy Cross Church Wednesday at 10 a.m. Interment, Calvary.

SHEFF. Mrs. Marie Sheff. Remains at the chapel of W. A.

Brown. 1815 South Flower street. SPRAGUE. Mrs. Matilda B.

Sprague. Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. STARK, Services Robert J.

Stark at Cresse's, Highland Park, today, 1 p.m. STEPHENS. John F. Stephens. Remains at the chapel of W.

A. Brown. 1815 South Flower street. STEWARD. Services for Mrs.

Carrie P. Steward at the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn, today at 3 p.m. Cresse's, Highland Park, directors. TANSEY. Of 1221 West Eighty-seventh street, Naomi Ruble Tansey, devoted wife of Charles F.

Tansey; mother of H. C. Tansey. Remains at the parlors of L. F.

Utter 4254 South Broadway. Notice of funeral later. THOMAS. October 26, Manuel Thomas, Jr. Remains were forwarded by Pierce Brothers to Hanford, for services and interment.

WILSON. At San Fernando, Grace Lopez Wilson. wife of John T. Wilson, mother of John J. and Roland, Wilson and grandmother of Jack and Jimmie Wilson.

Funeral services Wednesday, October 28, at 9:30 a.m., at St. Ferdinand's Catholic Church, San Fernando. Interment. Forest Lawn. Will G.

Noble, funeral director. WORDEN. Services for Mrs. Etta Worden Cresse's, Highland Park, today at aunt p.m. IN MEMORIAM MARIE LOUISE COENEN In memory of our darling mother, who passed away five years 880 today.

sweet fragrance of a rose Though its leaves are crushed and dead So the memory of thy precious love Is with us in thy stead." Her loving children and grandchildren. CECILIA M. ADLER. FUNERAL DIRECTORS EDWARDS BROTHERS Colonial Mortuary An institution devoted to the sacred performance every funeral need. 1000 VENICE BOULEVARD.

WE. 8281. ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME Armco Ingot iron (commonly called steel) caskets, $132: solid copper caskets. $498: solid bronze caskets. $645.

769 VENICE BLVD. WE. 0440. Tenth year of service at this location. RUPPE MORTUARY 950 West Washington WE.

3307 AS LOW AS $70 E. CLAIR OVERHOLTZER CO. Golden Rule Funeral Directors WE. 6147. 1236 South Grand.


1231. GARRETT BROTHERS 921 Venice Boulevard (16th st.) WE. 2039 SHARP O'CONNOR 931 VENICE BOULEVARD. WE. 4448.



MAYNES, Geo. A. Fitch, Inc. 1201 SOUTH HOPE STREET. WE.


3181. L. G. SCOVERN CO. 828 S.



1815 SOUTH FLOWER STREET. WE. 2011. BRAMBLE FUNERAL CHURCH Reverent Christian service, moderate prices BRESEE BROTHERS, Estab. 1892 855 FIGUEROA.

FA. 3125. CEMETERIES VALHALLA MEMORIAL PARK WARM DRY SOIL There is no finer burial property on earth at any price than Valhalla Memorial Park. Warm. sandy earth.

Absolutely dry. Beautifully improved. No tombstones. Entire park perpetually cared for. Protected trust fund of more than $203,000 and by Title Insurance of $60.000.

Make selection from your undertaker while prices or phone Valhalla, GL. 0013. FOREST LAWN MEMORIAL PARK AMONG THE HILLS Cemetery -Crematory Glendale Avenue and San Fernando Road TELEPHONE ALbany 1121 INGLEWOOD PARK CEMETERY LARGEST IN CALIFORNIA Mausoleum- Columbarium Telephone PLeasant 3144 BEAUTIFUL HOLLYWOOD Cemetery Mausoleum Crematory Secluded, exclusive and perpetuated. 6000 Santa Monica Blvd. HEmpstead 3830, HOllywood 8465.

MAUSOLEUMS ANGELES ABBEY MAUSOLEUM 20 minutes from heart of Los Angeles. Crypts reasonable as desirable ground burial. Office, 603 Central Bldg. Telephone TUcker 9532. CEMETERY LOTS FOR bargains in graves crypts.

all cemeteries. Memorial Sales WE. 8750. GRAVES, $20 and up-CRYPTS. $77.50 and up.

WEstmore 8750. SIX graves, Forest Lawn. Section L. Lot 139, cheap. Owner, 3441 Second avenue.

Sell one or more at sacrifice. CA. 12512. EIGHT graves, near a Church of Flowers. MANILA HOUSE VOTES FEMININE FRANCHISE MANILA, Oct.

26. (A) Women would be given equal political rights with men, to vote and hold office, under a bill passed tonight by the Insular House of Representatives. The vote was 38 to 14, Legislative circles believe, however, that the Philippine Senate not pass the bill, or, if it does, will merely give women the right to vote, not the right to hold office. NOTICIAS MUNDIALES DE ULTIMA HORA Por el Prof. Aurelio Manrique, Jr.

Encargado Interino de la de este Diario. NOTAS TELEGRAFICAS Rechaza el la de la Liga TOKIO, 26 de -Tras de un prolongado consejo de ministros que tuvo, lugar hoy por la se aqui oficialmente que el gobierno no se consideraba obligado a atender la de la Liga para evacuar Manchuria, por no 'haberse tomado por unanimidad dicha Se insiste en las mismas declaraciones en que el sigue considerando como fundamentales los. cinco siguientes: compromiso de por parte de los gobiernos de Nankin Tokio respeto a la integridad territorial de cada pais; abardono por parte de China del actual boycot de cualquier otra forma de propaganda anti-japonesa; garantia por parte de las vidas intereses de los del en Manchuria; de toda competencia al ferrocarril sud-manchuriano, de japonesa; reconocimiento por parte de China de los derechos consignados en tratados anteriores, inclusive los arrendamientos de tierras a coreanos japoneses. Se Habla de Guerra en Nankin NANKIN, 26 de octubre. -Se consideran como de la mayor importancia las declaraciones hechas por el presidente Chian-Kai-Chek, al salir de conferencia con los principales del gobierno, por I entenderse que las hizo con de que se le escuchase en el extranjero.

sus palabras, pueden avencinarse para China momentos de crisis la actual prenada de en Inglaterra LONDRES, 26 de de todo el pais se libra hoy la batalla final, en visperas de las elecciones generales de acentuado en todas partes la propaganda en diversas formas, aunque puece observarse que la lucha ha sido menos acre de Jo que en un principio se creyera. Los observadores aseguran que el gobierno nacional de por una mayoria de cerca de 200 votos, bastante mayor de lo que el propio MacDonald como indispensable para poder obrar con toda libertad. La particularmente en el distrito de Ramsay MacDonald, que lucha con dos contrincantes, laborista el uno comunista otro en el distrito de Henderson, el actual jefe del partido laborista. Se la de Las Reparaciones BERLIN, 26 de ministerio de negocios extranjeros declaro hoy que el canciller Bruening, obsequiando sugestiones del presidente de los Estados Unidos del primer ministro Pedro dirigiria en breve a las de los diversos paises signatarios del plan de Young solicitando puna del problema de las reparaciones. por El Resultado de las Platicas WASHINGTON, 26 de Se considera en los circulos oficiales como positivamente satisfactorio el resultado las entre Hoover Laval, que han contribuido a orientar a los dos gobiernos en el problema del desarme, que ha de afrontarse en febrero en Ginebra, dejando a salvo el del gobierno I norteamericano en favor de un desarme efectivo tranquilizando los temores de Francia, al dejarla en una firme por lo que se refiere a su NOTAS LOCALES Religiosa en Pomona su una a POMONA, 25 de asistencia de cerca de 200 representantes de ylos condados cercanos, hoy la de la en el templo local de la colonia mexicana, habiendo disterado el Alfonso Carrillo, de Los Angeles, sobre "La Crisis Quedaron ya los preparativos para la salida de una formada por setenta cinco hombres de negocios de Los Angeles organizada por la de Comercio local.

Los viajeros se dirigen a en de estudio recreo los un tren especial del Sur Pacifico, debiendo encabezarlos el propio presidente de la Sr. J. A. H. Kerr.

Charlas Infantiles Para hiquillos de Escuela XXIII Acostumbraba vigilar el resonador situado por encima del ver se estremecia- -y vibraba cuando el predicador gritaba muy fuertemente, como hacerlo en aquellos los predicadores. (He used to watch the sounding-board over the pulpit quiver and shake when the preacher shouted very loudy, as the preachers used to do in those days.) COURT GRANTS REVIEW IN SHIP PLOT SUIT WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. (P)- Charges by the United States Navigation Company, that the Cunard Steamship Company, and twelve other lines had entered into a conspiracy to drive its ships off the seas today were taken up for review the Supreme Court. It had accused the companies of granting lower rates to shippers who agreed to deal exclusively with their lines.

The Federal District Court of New York had held that the suit should have been brought before the United States Shipping Board instead of in the Federal courts. SETS. NAVAL IDEAL (Continued from First Page) to express national appreciation to the body of men who give so high 2 a service to the nation. "The first necessity of our government is the maintenance of a navy so efficient, and strong that. in conjunction with our army, no enemy may ever invade our country.

The commanding officers of our forces inform me that we are maintaining that strength and efficiency. FORCE OF DEFENSE "Ours is a force of defense, not offense. To maintain forces less than that strength is to destroy national safety; to maintain greater forces is not only economic injury to our. people but a threat against our neighbors and would be righteous cause for ill will amongst them. "Our problem is to assure adjustment of our forces to the minimum based upon the outlook in the world; to strive for lower armament throughout the whole world; to promote good will among nations; to conduct our military activities with rigid economy; to prevent extremists on one side from undermining the public will to support our necessary forces, and to prevent extremists on the other side from waste of public funds.

TRANSPORTS TO DRESS "We are fortunate in having a Navy with long, high-spirited tradition. It possesses a personnel officers and men who have never been excelled in whole history. The nation has reason for confidence in their ability." For the military part of the Navy Day celebration, Secretary, Hurley today directed that vessels -transports and river and harbor craft for the most part--that are in port be "dressed." Thus army craft will join naval in flying a string of international signal flags from bow to mast head and down astern. HURLEY'S MESSAGE Further, Hurley addressed the following message to Secretary Adams: "May Navy Day, 1931, recall to the American people that Navy Department's splendid achievement in their service and the conspicuous part it has played in defending their ideals. The army that has served beside you in peace and war appreciates your unselfish devotion to national defense and extends its best wishes for your continued success." In addition, Gen.

Douglas MacArthur, Chief of Staff, expressed to the chief of naval operations the army's esteem. Gen. MacArthur, in his message, commended the Navy as having been especially wise in its choice of the 27th inst. for Navy Day. It is the birthday of Theodore Roosevelt.

Mine Still Holds Entrapped Men MOCANAQUA (Pa.) Oct. 26. (AP)Rescue gangs working continuously since Saturday night, have been unable to reach the six men trapped in the West End Coal Company mine behind heavy falls of coal following an explosion. Any hope of finding the miners alive has been abandoned. GERMAN-AMERICANS TO REVIVE ALLIANCE CHICAGO, Oct.

26. (P)-Representatives of German-American organizations from eighteen midwestern and eastern States have voted unanimously to resurrect the old German-American National Alliance, abolished during the World War. The new unit will be called the German-American Federation of America. The delegates voted tentative approval of a form of constitution and put off final approval two years. OIL CONCERN ATTACKS OKLAHOMA CLOSURE WASHINGTON, Oct.

The Champlin Refining Company, Oklahoma oil concern, brought to the Supreme Court today its attack on Gov. Murray's use of troops in closing Oklahoma oil wells. Through Attorneys George S. Ramsey of Tulsa, and Harro O. Glasser of Enid, the oil company asserted that the law on which Gov.

Murray based his action is unconstitutional. PHOENIX SLAYER SENTENCED PHOENIX, Oct. 26. (P) Superior Judge Speakman today sentenced Arthur Lepker, convicted slayer of Frank Edwards, underworld character, to serve from twenty-five to fifty years in the State prison. END SHAVING IRRITATION No matter how tender your face, there is no sting or smart after 1 close shave if you use Santiseptic lotion.

It soothes and heals surface irritations. unseen nicks and cuts, prevents infection and ingrown hairs. It tones the tissues and keeps large pores inconspieuous. Get it at any drug store day 50c and $1.00 the bottle. SANTISEPTIC LOTION FOR THE SKIN Heals as it Beautifies A the lotion New Comfort for Those Who Wear FALSE TEETH 1 TATS DOING.

todar Thomas A. Edison memorial service, Bovard Hall, Thirty-fifth. street and University avenue, 9 a.m. Admiral Robley D. Evans W.R.C., meeting, Patriotic Hall, 1816 South Figueroa street, 1 p.m.

Advertising Club luncheon, Biltmore, E. F. McDonough will speak, Derushah Club meeting, 920 South Grand View avenue, 6:30 p.m. Theta Chi Fraternity luncheon, Univercity, Nature Club, Club noon. of California meeting, 648 South Broadway, p.m.

Girls' Corner Club meeting, Auditorium Building. Fifth and Olive streets, 6 p.m. Wilshire Women's Club dinner, club rooms. evening. University Book Club meeting, 342 Hoover Boulevard, noon.

Sigma Nu luncheon, University Club, noon. Soroptimists' Club luncheon, Biltmore, noon. American Legion Luncheon Club meeting. Heyward Hotel, noon. Philosophy lecture, Philosophy Hall, Exposition Boulevard and University avenue, 4:30 p.m.

Dr. Wilbur H. Long will speak on "Taoist Ideas of Wilshire Woman's Club juniors meet1ng. Country Club Manor, afternoon, Lyceum Club meeting. Bible Institute, p.m.

Canadian Club luncheon, Biltmore, noon. Los Angeles Opera and Fine Arts Club benefit bridge party, 1041 South Menio avenue, 8 p.m. Friday Morning Club art section meetIng. 940 South Figueroa street, 11 a.m. Victor Bruce Grant will speak on "'The History and Meaning of the Conts of Arms of American Families." Lions International luncheon, Biltmore, nonn.

Merchandising lecture, room 206. Bovard Administration Building. Thirty-fifth and University avenue, 7 p.m. Harry Drum will speak on "Analysis of the Los Angeles Disarmament Committee mass meeting, First Congregational Church, evening. President Walter Dexter.

Rev. Graham Hunter and Dean McHenry will speak. Zonta Club luncheon. Biltmore, noon. Public Library lecture, lecture room, 7:30 p.m.

Helen E. Haines will speak on "Current and Contemporary Books of Enclish Biography" Beverly Hills Woman's Club meeting, club rooms, afternoon. West Ebell Club meeting, club rooms, afternoon. Laurance Hill will speak on "The History of Highland Park Ebell Club meeting. club rooms, afternoon.

Professors Carl Sumner Knopf and G. J. Holwerda will speak. Parent- Teacher Association, Alexandria school sewing circle meeting. 527 North Normandie avenue, afternoon.

Alpha Delta Chapter, Pl Omicron, meetIns. Biltmore. 7 p.m. Women's University Club. friendship group meeting.

943 South Hoover street, 2:30 p.m. Glendale Tuesday Afternoon Club lunchcon, club rooms, afternoon. Carl Bronson will speak. Cosmos Club meeting, club rooms, afternoon. District Federation of Women's Clubs, child welfare division meeting, headquarters.

10 a.m. Dr. Maude Wilde will speak. Huntington Library and Art Gallery are open from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. to those holding admission cards.

Admission cards may be obtained by sending a selfaddressed and stamped envelope to the library at San Marino. Southwest Museum exhibit. Highland Park, afternoon. Free permanent California exhibit, State Exposition Building, Exposition Park, 10:30 8.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Los Angeles Museum exhibit. Exposition Park. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m Chamber of Commerce exhibit and free motion pictures. Chamber of Commerce Building, all day.

Lawn bowling. Exposition Park, dally after 1 p.m. Boxing, Olympic Auditorium. 8:30 p.m. Tommy (Kid) Murphy vs.

Swede Berglund. State Societies Illinois and Kentucky State Societies Joint social and dance, Odd Fellows' Temple, Washington and Oak streets. evening. Maryland State Society dinner party, 542 South Broadway, 6:30 p.m. "TIMES" THEATER GUIDE MOTION PICTURES Carthay Circle, Carthay Center- "Consolation Irene Dunne makes her debut as a star in an interesting story.

Chinese. Hollywood at Orange "Yellow Ticket." Luxurious settings, vivid photography and Lionel Barrymore an acting spree make up the high lights of this unusual picture. Criterion. 642 S. Ticket." Downtown, Hill at Seventh "Ruling Voice." A fantastic melodrama about white-collar racketeers.

with Walter Huston. Filmarte, 1228 N. Vine- "Pagliacci." A Alm version of the opera. Hillstreet, Hill at Eighth "Homicide Squad," and eight acts of vaudeville. The police and the gangsters still battling on the screen, with the former winning out.

Hollywood, Hollywood at WilcoxVoice." Loew's State, Broadway at- Sister." Linda Watkins, a newcomer, portrays a girl reporter who always gets her story. Los Angeles. 615 S. A weepy story made convincing by the acting of Elissa Landi and McLaglen. Million Dollar, Broadway at of the Dragon." featuring Sessue Hayakawa.

Orpheum. Broadway at Ninth- "Spirit of Notre Dame." A gripping and wellexecuted picture of football. The best of its kind to date. Pantages, Hollywood at Vine "Pardon Us," starring Laurel and Hardy, The Two Black Crows are on the stage. Paramount, Hill at Sixth- "The Beloved Bachelor," with.

Maurice Chevalier on the stage. The picture is pleasing and Chevalier, naturally, is a sensation on the stage. United Artists. Broadway near Days." Eddie Cantor and Charlotte Greenwood provide many laughs. Western, Wilshire at WesternFinal." Opens tonight.

STAGE Belasco, Hill near Eleventh- "The Silent Reviewed in today's Times. Biltmore, Grand at Tuneful music, clever portrayals and 11N- usual settings make this A decidedly worth-while attraction. El Capitan. Hollywood near Silver Cord." A powerful drama, splendidly acted by Laura Hope Crews, Kay Hammond and others. Hollywood Playhouse, Vine near Hollywood "Alias the Deacon." Berton Churchill resumes his well-remembered role in the Hymer and Clemens farce.

BURLESQUE Follies, Main near Fourth. EXPLOSION KILLS ONE TURLOCK, Oct. 26. (P) -J. 0.

Newman, 60 years of age, was killed, and W. F. Harmon, 35, was injured today when a charge of dynamite went off prematurely. The men were blasting tree stumps. Spend the Night at HomeUNITED AIR MINES and fly to San Francisco to keep a noon appointment or have dinner in Portland, Tacoma or Seattle.

Fastest Service on the Coast Flyer" Ly. Los Angeles a. m. Ar. San Francisco 11:50 a.

m. Ar. Portland 5:25 p. m. Ar.

Seattle 7:10 p.m. 2 Planes Dally to New York TICKETS: 749 S. HILL TRinity 3434 After 6:00 P.M. phone HOllywood 4151. Leading Hotels, Travel Bureaus All Western Union BORING SYSTEM -Subsidiary of UNITED AIR LINES Funeral given prompt, courteous attention.

Orders Alled for any place in the world. ROBERT McCAW Florist TUcker 4257 001 South Grand Ave. WEATHER REPORT LOCAL OFFICE, U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, Los Angeles, Oct.

by Hersey; At 5 o'clock a.m. the 1 barometer registered 30.01; at 5 p.m.. 29.96. Thermometer for the corresponding hours showed 60 dek. and 64 deg.

Relative humidity, 5 a.m., 83 per cent; 5 p.m., 72 per cent. Wind, 5 a.m., east, velocity 3 miles; 5 p.m., west, velocity 6 miles. Temperatures, highest, 75 lowest. 58 deg. Rainfall for season.

32 of an inch; normal to date. .77 of an inch; last season to date, of an inch. Barometer reduced to sea- level. WEATHER CONDITIONS. -Oct.

26: Light to moderate rain has fallen during the past twenty-four hours in the North Atlantic States. in the Upper Mississippi Valley, in Arkansas. Missouri and Oklahoma. in the Rocky Mountain country and along the Pacific Coast as far south as San Francisco. It was quite warm this morning over the great central valleys and eastward to the Atlantic.

but temperatures were near normal over the western portion of the country. In Southern California partly cloudy, cool weather prevailed yesterday, It was cloudy this morning at most stations, with temperatures near the normal. Fair weather will continue in Los Angeles and vicinity Tuesday, with slightly lower temperature. Gentle variable winds will prevail. LOCAL TEMPERATURES.

Oct. 26: Minimum and maximum temperatures from Southern California points. reported yesterday to the Los Angeles office of the U. S. Weather Bureau, were as follows: Stations- Max.

Min. Imperial 90 54 Los Angeles Harbor 70 58 Mt. Wilson 65 43 Pasadena 70 Pomona 69 55 Porterville 68 44 Redlands 72 53 Riverside 67 53 San Bernardino 76 56 Santa Ana 73 58 Santa Barbara 71 48 LOCAL FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Partly cloudy Tuesday and Wednesday; moderate temperature. TEMPERATURES Tempera- -tures- Conditions, 5 p.m. Max.

Min. tion. Boise -Cloudy 48 40 Boston- 54 48 Buffalo- Clear 58 42 Chicago- Raining 60 46 Denver Clear 74 54 Des Moines- -Pt. 66 50 Edmonton- cloudy 42 24 El Paso- -Clear 84 58 Eureka-Cloudy 56 42 Flagstaff Cloudy 62 42 Fresno--Partly cloudy 66 48 Havre- Helena- Partly -Partly cloudy cloudy 42 54 42 40 -00 Cloudy 82 72 .18 -Pt. cloudy 48 38 Kansas City -Pt.

cloudy. 82 46 Lander- Partly cloudy 56 52 Los Angeles -Cloudy 75 58 Modena -Clear 54 46 Needles Cloudy 82 58 New Orleans- -Clear 86 70 New York- -Clear 60 50 North Head--Raining 50 44 Oklahoma City- 82 66 Omaha- Partly cloudy 82 58 Phoenix--Partly cloudy 88 60 Pittsburgh- Clear 60 42 Portland, Or. -Cloudy 52 44 Red Bluff -Cloudy 64 Roseburg -Cloudy 54 40 St. Louis- Clear 74 52 St. Paul and Minneapo-Cloudy 54 50 .18 Sacramento- Clear 62 42 0 Salt Lake City- -Pt.

cldy. 46 36 .08 San Diego- Cloudy 70 62 San Francisco -Cloudy 64 50 Santa Fe- -Partly cloudy. 66 46 Seattle- Cloudy 50 44 Spokane--Clear 50 40 Tonopah- Cloudy 48 32 Tucson--Clear 90 54 Washington -Clear 66 46 Winnemucca- Pt. cloudy. 46 32 Winnipeg -Cloudy 56 44 Yuma -Clear 88 54 -Yesterday's report.

5 a.m. to 5 p.m. STATE FORECAST SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. -Weather forecasts San Francisco Bay region: Cloudy Tuesday and Wednesday, becoming unsettled Tuesday night or Wednesday; moderate temperature; moderate west winds. Northern California: Fair in south and cloudy in north and central portions Tuesday and Wednesday, with rains op the extreme north coast: moderate temperature; moderate changeable winds offshore, except fresh southerly off Cape Mendocino.

Sierra Nevada: Fair in south cloudy in north portion and Wednesday; no change in temperature; moderate changeable winds. Sacramento and Santa Clara valleys: Cloudy and mild Tuesday and Wednesday, becoming unsettled Wednesday; gentle changeable winds. San Joaquin Valley: Fair and mild Tuesday and Wednesday, but becoming cloudy Wednesday; light variable winds. Southern California: Fair Tuesday and Wednesday, but with occasional cloudiness: moderate temperature; gentle northwest winds offshore. Nevada: Cloudy Tuesday and Wednesday, becoming unsettled in the north portion: temperature below normal.

Fire-weather forecast for Southern Callfornia: Fair but with some cloudiness; no change in temperature or humidity; gentle to moderate west winds. ARIZONA FORECAST PHOENIX (Ariz.) Oct. for Arizona: Tuesday and Wednesday fair; little change in temperature. COLORADO RIVER YUMA (Ariz.) Oct. Dispatch from the U.

S. Reclamation Service.) Gauge height Colorado River, 4.5 feet; discharge, Monday, 7000 cubic feet per second. At Grand Canyon, gauge height, 18.90 feet: discharge, Monday, 3700 cubic feet per second. VITAL RECORD INTENTION TO MARRY The following intention to marry were issued yesterday. Name and age given.

ADAIR Mahin, 31. John N. Adair, 40; Lura AGRUSA GALANTI. Simon Agrusa, 23; Jeanette Galanti. 18.

ALVARADO JUAREZ. Manuel Alvarado, 25; Jennie Juarez, 24. AMES HARRIS. Richards L. Ames, 26; Margaret E.

Harris, 24. ARREDONDO -LOPEZ. Marcos Arredondo, 23; Isabel Lopez, 18. AXLEY-ARNOLD. Robert Axles, 37; Edna M.

Arnold, BARTLEY-BRINKMAN. Thomas H. Bartley, 20; Virginia L. Brinkman. 16.

BATTELS RUPP. Clyde H. Battels, 34; Matilda M. Rupp, 28. BENNELL- -FREEMAN, Herbert S.

Bennell, 21; Marjorie D. Freeman, 22. BERKLAND- MURIHEAD. Arvid L. Berkland, 53; Sarah E.

Murihead, 45. BESSON RAMBAUD. Marius A. Besson, 32; Mathilde C. Rambaud, 26.

BORNSTEIN KRONE. Herbert S. Bornstein, 25; Rose Krone, 22. CAMERON LUSH. Albert Cameron, 40; Ada K.

Lush, 26. CAMPBELL- WILLIAMS. Santo Campbell, 22; Emma Williams, 22. CARRILLO ESPINOZA. Henry Carrillo, 30; Celia Espinoza, 24.

CATRON HETHERINGTON. Temple N. Catron, 41; Helen Hetherington, 41. CAZENAVE JONES. Max Cazenave, 25; Juanita CHANDLER- -WOODBURN.

Floyd A. Chandier, 23; Woodburn, 21. CLARK-YOUNG. James Clark, 22; Arcelia Young, 18. DAVIS QUICK.

Herbert H. Davis, 28; Irene E. Quick. 34. DE LALLI SOULE.

George De Lalli, 30; Nellie Soule, 26. EBBERT. COLEE. Chester J. Ebbert, 21; Wilma Colee, 18.

ELLIS- HARLOW, George H. Ellis, 27; Ena L. Harlow, 21. PEASE EKSTRAND. George M.

Fease, 30; Mae A. Ekstrand, 20. FOOTE-HILLIARD. Rawson. W.

Foote, 45; Vida B. Hilliard, 29. FULLER BROWN. Oscar W. Fuller, 18; Ruth M.

Brown, 18.: GARCIA- BARRIOS. Juan O. Garcia, 31; Guadalupe Barrios, 25. GRIMM SHUGART. Roscoe Grimm, 25; Lorell Shugart, 22.

HALL KUSCHEL. Charles E. Hall, 23; Alice M. Kuschel, 21. HALLIDAY- Wilfred J.

Halliday, 29; Sylvia Cairns: 30. HASTINGS KELLOGG. Ernest F. Hastings, 31: Lillian E. Kellogg, 32.

HENDERSON MASON. William Henderson, 30; Georgia Mason, 45. HOLBROOK- STARK. Wellington C. Holbrook, Waunita J.

Stark, 26. HUNTER- ERWIN. Charles M. Hunter, 26; Evelyn W. Erwin, 18.

HURLEY- Harry A. Hurley, 24; Vera Clarke, 24. IVANOFF Voldemar G. Ivanoff. 28; Luba Besenevich, 32.

JARBQE-NEEN, Wallace Jarboe, 25; Sally E. Neen. 18. JIMENEZ-ROBLEDO. Carlos M.

Jimenez, 27: Maria Robledo, 23. JOHNSON-BARRETT. Lynwood Johnson. Edythe S. Barrett, 21.

JOHNSON DE MAESTRI. Harold H. Johnson. 26; Josephine L. De Maestri, 26.

JOY- -BENNETT. Ollie J. Joy, 21; Mary H. Bennett. JUDKINS- MCINTOSH, Clyde R.

Judkins, 27; Helen McIntosh, 26. KETTLE -COPE. Hubert Kettle, 39; Patricia A. Cope, 28. KOEKKOEK- WALLACE.

John H. Koekkoek, 22: Jane C. Wallace. 19, KURTZ Eugene Kurtz, 27: Alice Miller, 19. LOWE Bernard D.

Lowe, 21; Gertrude E. Price. 22. MALCOLM- Walter N. Mal24: La Ville M.

Liermann. 24. MARTIN' ARES. William M. Martin, 28: Dolores M.

Fares, 35. The following notices of intention marry were issued yesterday. Name and age given. MARTIN- Paul Martin, 26; Irene 25. MARTINEZ Herlinda Adame, 31.

Amando Martinez, McAVOY KERWIN. Walter L. McAvoy, 31; Elinor Kerwin, 28. McKINLEY SQUIRE. Malcolm McKinley, 38: Hazel G.

Squire, 39. MILLER- ROSEN-BAUM. Lloyd B. Miller, 48; Ellen Rosen-Baum, 44, -FELDMAN. John E.

Millard, 23; Ruth E. Feldman, 22.9 NAKAYA-KONO. Masaru Nakaya, 25; Tomika Kono, 23. NELSEN- CAULEY, Peter Nelsen, 63; Amelin Cauley. 55.

OTAKE-MATSUMOTO, Torao Otake, 38; Shizue Matsumoto, 19. PEARSON-EVANS. Joseph H. Pearson, 31; June R. Evans, 17.

PECK SHOMAR. Richard E. Peck, 31; N. Shomar, 22. PERKINS -SILVA.

Kenneth P. Perkins, 27; Anne L. Silva, 25. PHILLIPS ORTIZ. Nicholas T.

Phillips, 36; Margarita Ortiz. 40. PIERCE DUERR. 'Earl P. Pierce, 27; Ellen Duerr, 21.

QUIST-O'BRIEN. All E. Quist. 40; Martha P. O'Brien, 49.

RAMIREZ-DUARTE. Frank Ramirez, 27; Pomposa Duarte. 29. REAY- Enlo R. Reay, 22; Nona V.

Garrett, 25. REGIN REICHARDT. David Regin, 32; Olive M. Reichardt. 31.

ROMAN- Tom Roman, 21; Josephine Chavez, 19. SCHULTZ- JONES. Robert R. Schultz, 36; Florence B. Jones.

37. -VALENTINE. Harold W. Shannon. 23: Evelyn E.

Valentine, 22. SHULTS SPEER. Harley E. Shults, 29; Ruby P. Speer, 29.

SMITH RUNYON. Otto J. Smith, 22; STAHL DECKER. Louis A. Stahl, 45; Helen A.

Runyon, 16. Karolina Decker, 39. STRINZ- Albert T. Strinz, 28: Minerva J. Swenstrup, 24.

SVELLA- -LOWNEY. Michael H. Svella, 49; Helen H. Lowney, 49. THOMASON SCHMITT.

Marshall D. Thomason, 23; Mary E. Schmitt, 19. THOMPSON SANDERSON. Harold C.

Thompson, 26: Ruby M. Sanderson, 20. TINDLE DAINS. Emmett C. Tindle, 40; Elizabeth C.

Dains. 34. TORRES -FACUNDO. Bardorniano Tortes, 37; Angela Facundo, 24. TRAMMELL- SMITH.

Wendrell V. Trammell, 27; Clara Smith, 18. TRAVER- LOOMIS. George L. Traver, 23; Mary A.

Loomis. 19. UPDEGROVE- MAGNUS. Wilbert J. Updegrove.

22: Mildred C. Magnus, 20. VANDER VOORT- CLELAND. Hal Vander Voort, 24; Dorothy Cleland, 20. VASQUEZ- JIMENEZ.

J. Trinidad Vasquez, 28; Petra Jimenez, 22. WALLIS -MARKLE. David H. Wallis, 36; Mildred B.

Markle, 25. WARNER DOEBLER. Henry O. Warner, 47: Amelia O. Doebler.

38. John B. Warnock, 29; Dorothy A. Keefe, 24. WEHN- -BENNETT.

Cecil 0. Wehn, 22; Ruth Bennett, 17. WEITZ-SCHEER. Harry Weitz, 22; Blanche Scheer. 18.

WESTRICHER McMULLEN. Otto Westricher, 25; Evelyn J. McMullen, 21. WHITING LIGHT. Charles C.

Whiting, 55; Anna Light, 27. WILSON- -KAYETAN. James D. Wilson, 31; Mary Kayetan. 24.

WOOLARD KNUDSEN. Robert Woolard, 25: Dorothy Knudsen. 25. YAMAMOTO. Soyef Yamamoto.

30; Kinu Yamamoto, 26. ZIMMERMANN VAN KANZLER. Karl Zimmermann, 31: Caroline Van Kanzler, 36. BIRTHS Names, sex, place and date of birth. BRIDGES.

Mr. and Mrs. James. Daughter. Good Samaritan Hospital.

October 20. CALLAHAN. Mr. and Mrs. Francis.

Daughter. Southwest Hospital. October 21. CAREY. Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas. Boy. 2557 South Hoover street. October 23.

CLARKE. Mr. and Mrs. John. Boy.

Methodist Hospital. October 23. COGAN. Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph. Boy. Hollywood C. B. M.

Hospital. October 18. COOK. Mr. and Mrs.

George. Boy. 5600 York Boulevard. October 23. DEGELIA.

Mr. and Mrs. Angelo. Daughter. 10601 Hickory street.

October 25. FLEMING. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar.

Daughter. 1107 West Forty-ninth street. October 19. FORRAND. Mr.

and Mrs. James. Daughter, 2315 Riverdale avenue. October 26. FORRIENTE.

Mr. and Mrs. Angel. Daughter. Rice's Maternity Hospital.

October 20. GREENUP. Mr. and Mrs. Howard.

Boy. 430 East One Hundred Third street. October 21. HADLEY. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert. Boy. Good Samaritan Hospital. October 17, MADIGAN.

Mr. and Mrs. Russel. Daughter. Fountain avenue.

October 23. MARTIN. Mr. and Mrs. W.

Daughter. 1924 Tenth avenue. October 12. McDONALD. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles. Daugh- Octer. Rice's Maternity Hospital. tober 22.

METCALFE. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert. 1352 Waterloo street.

October 25. MOBLEY. Mr. and Mrs. James.

Boy, Angelus Hospital. October 21. MORHOUSEN. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles. Boy. 1005 Orme street. October 22, NOLL. Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence. Boy. South Catalina street. October 21.

POLAND. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar. Boy.

8652 Lehigh street. October 23, POULIN. Mr. and Mrs. Burt.

Boy. 408 West Ninty-eighth street. October 23. PECKHAM. Mr.

and Mrs. LeRoy. Boy. 1570 Fair Park avenue. October 19.

RACK. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley. Daughter.

Angelus Hospital. October 15. ROGERS. Mr. and Mrs.

Elberner. Boy. Angelus Hospital. October 21, SWAN. Mr.

and Mrs. William. Boy. St. Vincent's Hospital.

October 23. 'WALLACE. Mr. and Mrs. Ferley.

Boy. Good Samaritan Hospital, October 21, WHITE. Mr. and Mrs. Leon.

Daughter, 646 East One Hundred and Sixth street. October 22. YOUNG. Mr. and Mrs.

Everett. Boy. Methodist Hospital. October 22. DIVORCE SUITS FILED INTENTION TO MARRY ALLEN.

Vera. L. against Harold D. BARBEE. Lucille against Oscar.

BORGLUM. Lucille G. against Alfred M. John against Elizabeth. CORNELL.

Elizabeth M. against Adrian F. cox. Gertrude L. against Lorenzo B.

DARROW. Helen C. against Niles E. DAWSON. Eulallie against Guy C.

DELMARTER. Grace V. against T. R. HATCHER.

Sadie against Edward. HILL. Cleste M. against Velmar C. E.

KEENER. Keenie L. against Charles KERSTETER. Winifred against James W. LLOYD.

E. S. against Marian. MASON. Evelyn B.

against Joseph P. McELVAIN. Esther R. against Floyd L. MENDOZA.

Lora against Jack A. MOHLER. William T. Maude C. MOORE.

Gertrude S. against Roy B. NICHOLS Velma L. against Walter J. RILEY.

Madeleine against James J. ROSE. Maria F. against Raymond M. SIMPSON.

Ruth P. against John W. WALTON. Leah E. against Vernon S.

WEERSING. Frederick J. against Bata B. WILKIE. Alexander E.


Anna K. from John C. EVENSON. Carl J. from Catherine, GALLEGOS.

Pedro from Maria. HAMILTON. Edna from Clifford H. HESSELTINE. Dorothy De Wtt from Charles T.

INGHAM. Everett E. from Margy, McCOY. Cora from Charles L. McMAHON.

Myrtle from William E. MEHLER. Martha C. from Robert. MUNDY.

Elizabeth C. from Lloyd B. POTTER. Pearl M. from Ellsworth J.

SAATHOFF. Efert G. from Karin. SANTMAN. Anthony C.

from Henrietta. SCHOLTZ. Theodore from Lorraine. SIMONE. Lura from George D.


Marie T. from George E. STEIER. Belle from Joseph. TEICHRIEB.

Christine from Leonard. WATSON, Floy E. G. Aldwyn B. WILLIAMS.

Mary L. from George E. OFFICIAL DEATH LIST (Los Angeles) Name- Age. Date. BARD, Elma 83 Oct.

23 BROPHY, James 60 Oct. 23 CLAAR, Zarl 73 Oct. 24 DAVIS. Anna 82 Oct. 23 FILLMORE, Emily 81 Oct.

22 FLORMANN. Frances 67 Oct. 23 GIBBONS. Charles 47 Oct. 23 HANFORD, Stella 30 Oct.

22 HENSON, George 33 Oct. 15 HOFFMAN, Charles 71 Oct. 22 KELLY, Francis 23 22 LAVIN, Emilio 54 Oct. 22 LEFFINGWELL. Stella 31 Oct.

24 LIGGY, Vera 24 Oct. 17 LOGAN, Lena 66 Oct. 23 LOTT, Carrie 56 Oct. 22 LYNCH. Jessie 80 Oct.

20 MANRING, Ralph 33 Oct. 20 MILL. Herman 76 Oct. 22 MURPHY. Mary 86 Oct.

23 PENBERTHY, Louis 71 Oct. 22. PETERSON, Charles 76 Oct. 20 ROBINSON. Jennie 68 Oct.

22 SCHENK. Mary 58 Oct. 23 SHELDON, Robert 56 Oct. 23 SMITH, Alice 78 Oct. 22 STARK.

Robert 47 Oct. 24 STROUP, Josie 72 Oct. 22 SWEANY, Royal 64 Oct. 19 YBARRA, Raymond 47 Oct. 22 DEATHS With Funeral Announcements.

ALDERMAN. Eliza Ann. Alderman, wife of William Wesley Alderman. Services will be held today at 2 p.m. from the C.

F. Lamb Funeral Home, Pasadena. ATKINS. Thomas M. Atkins, late of 632 Crocker street.

Services Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Bramble Funeral Church. 1816 South Toberman. BALDWIN. Thomas C.

Baldwin. Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown. 1815 South Flower street.

BARNES. Funeral services for Ephriam, Barnes will be held at Bresee Broth'ers' chapel Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. DEATHS With Funeral Announcements. BARNETCHE. Anna, of Puente, loving wife of Jean Barnetche.

Puneral notice, later. Addleman Klingerman, Monte, directors. BERENTSEN. At Beverly Hills. John Berentsen.

beloved husband of Mrs. Jennie C. Berentsen and father of Mrs. Mildred Isabel Morgan and Mrs. Beatrice Lucille Thompson of Beverly Hills, and Mrs.

Gwendolyn Florence Brooks of San Diego. Funeral services Wednesday at p.m. from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street.

BERWIN. Funeral services for Leonora Berwin will be held at Bresee Brothers' chapel, Tuesday, 10:30 a.m. BIEDERMAN. Mrs. Fannie Biederman.

Services Wednesday at 10 a.m. at chapel of D. W. Bosserman. BORIS.

Services for Roy Boris will be held today at 1 p.m. from Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary, 1000 Venice Boulevard. BOURLAND. The funeral services of Mrs. Ellen Bourland will be held today at 2 p.m.

from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. BURKE. Clarence E.

Burke, at Third avenue. Services Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Bramble Funeral Church, '1816 South Toberman. CALDERON. The funeral of Mrs.

Luz Calderon today at 10 a.m. from the chapel of Gus Alvarez Moore. CAPPER. At San Marino, October 25. John S.

Capper, aged 64 years. beloved husband of Nellie E. Capper and father of Mrs. Margaret Beaver of. Chicago, Mrs.

Marion Capper Doud of. Beverly Hills, Howard C. Capper of Chicago and John S. Capper, of Star City, Ind. Services will be held at Mt.

View Mausoleum, Tuesday, October 27, at 2 p.m. F. A. Utter Son, Alhambra, directors. CARLYLE.

Services for Mrs. Anna G. Carlyle will be held today at 2:30 p.m. from Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary, 1000 Venice Boulevard. C.

CASSELL. Mrs. Lucy Bush Cassell at 2744 Fleur Drive, San Marino. October 25. wife of Frank T.

Cassell; mother of John Bush Cassell of San Marino and Mrs. John P. Cluett of Dobbs Ferry, N. sister of Mrs. Harriet Bush Greer of Walla Walla, member of the Episcopal Church.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2.0 o'clock from the residence, 2744 Fleur Drive, San Marino. C. Hal Reynolds John W. Eberle Mortuary, Pasadena, in charge. COFFMAN.

Services for James O. Coffman Thursday, October 29, at 10 a.m., from Pierce Brothers' chapel. COLLINS. Cora I. Collins.

Services Thursday at 2. p.m. from the chapel of Brown Brothers, 935 West Washington street. COOK. October 26, Lewis Raymond Cook (known as Ray Cook.) father of Lewis R.

Cook, and Milton Park Cook; brother of Mrs. H. A. Follette. Services Wednesday, October 28.

at 3 p.m., from Pierce Brothers' chapel. COYLE. October 25, Mary E. Coyle, loving mother of Mrs. Albert Clark.

Mrs. Charles I. Wunderle, Mrs. James M. Arnold, Mrs.

Edward Hart. Mrs. William Gesner, John P. Coyle, Mrs. Florence Larimer, Wilfred O.

Coyle and Mrs. Charles Mosopust. Rosary will be recited this evening at 8 o'clock at the residence, 849 West Fiftieth street. Funeral Wednesday, October 28, at 8:15 a.m., from the residence. Requiem mass at St.

Cecelia's Church, Forty-second and Normandie avenue, at 9 a.m. Interment, Calvary. Cunningham O'Connor, directors. DARLING. Mrs.

Georgia N. Darling. Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower DECARIE.

Services for Amelia Decarie today at 1 p.m. from Pierce Brothers' chapel. DWIRE. At San Pedro, Dr. Dumont Dwire, father of Earl D.

and A. Carl Dwire, and Mrs. Gail C. co*ke: brother of T. C.

Dwire and Mrs. C. C. Kagley, Funeral services will be held from the chapel of Ivy H. Overholtzer, 1719 South Flower street.

Los Angeles, Wednesday, October 28, at 2 p.m. Downey Lodge, No. 220, F. A. will have charge of services in Rosedale Cemetery.

EARLE. Funeral services for Henry Earle will be held at Bresee Brothers' chapel, Wednesday, 3 p.m. FAIRBURN. Funeral services for Howard H. Fairburn will be held at 2 p.m.

today, under auspices of the Masonic body, at the chapel of Adair Payne, 817 Venice Boulevard. GIBBONS. The funeral services of Charles B. Gibbons will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. from the chapel of W.

A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. HANNAH. Thomas John Hannah, beloved father of Mrs. Margaret Truitt.

Services Wednesday at 2 p.m. from Ruppe Mortuary. HAGLE. Mrs. Cerissa B.

Hagle, aged 77 years. widow of Senator D. C. Hagle of Illinois, at her home. 1609 Bushnell avenue, South Pasadena, October 24: a native of Pennsylvania: surviving her are three daughters, Gail H.

and Dorothy Hagle of South Pasadena and Mrs. Henry Hayward of Salinas. Cal. Funeral services will be held from the chapel of Turner, Stevens Berry, 1000 Fremont avenue, South Pasadena, this morning at 10 o'clock. Interment, Forest Lawn Cemetery.

HENRY. October 25, at 465 Alpine, Pasadena, Mrs. Eliza Ann Henry, aged 99 years, widow of James E. Henry and mother of J. H.

Henry and Mrs. H. S. Middleton: a resident of Lincoln, N. and for the past several winters of Pasadena.

Services Wednesday at 3. p.m. at the chapel of Turner Stevens Marengo at Holly, Pasadena. Interment, Littleton, N. H.

HETHERINGTON. Services for James Le Roy Hetherington today at 2 p.m. from Pierce Brothers' chapel. HYDE. Services for Mary Ann Hyde today at 1 p.m.

from the Le Cheminant Mortuary, 911 Venice Boulevard. JOHNSON. Ormond H. Johnson. Funeral services will be held in the chapel of J.

D. Faris-Kenneth H. Gillette corner Tenth and Flower streets, today at 10:30 a.m. JOHNSON. At South Virgil, October 25.

Nannie H. Johnson. Remains at Bresee Brothers. Interment, Kansas City, Mo. KREUTER.

October 26, Amelia Kreuter, aged 68 years. Funeral 3 p.m. Wednesday from the Methodist Church, North Kingsley Drive near Santa Monica Boulevard. J. H.

Riedeman in charge. KREUTER, October 25, Louis Kreuter, aged 69 years. Funeral 3 p.m. Wednesday from the Methodist Church on North Kingsley Drive near Santa Monica Boulevard. J.

H. Riedeman in charge. LEFFINGWELL. Services for Stella E. Leffingwell at All Saints' Episcopal Church today at 2 p.m.

Cresse's, Highland Park. directors. LENO. The funeral services of Mrs. Estelle Leno will be held today at 3 p.m.

from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. LINFORD, Miss Irene Mary Linford. Remains at the chapel of W.

A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. LOHMAN. At 5013 Hub street, Mary Lohman. Remains in care of Cresse's, Highland Park.

LYNCH. Miss. Jessie J. Lynch. Remains at the chapel of W.

Brown, 1815 South Flower street. McVEITY, At 4905 Fifth avenue. October 26, John McVelty, beloved husband of Margaret V. McVeity; son of the late John and Mary Jane McVeity, and brother of Margaret McVelty of Brooklyn, N. Y.

Funeral services at Grace Chapel, Inglewood Cemetery, Thursday, 3 p.m. Bresee Brothers, directors. MEYERS. Accidentally, October 22, Amalia Meyers, beloved mother of Mrs. Anna Jackson, Robert, Henry and J.

Meyers; grandmother of Mrs. Dwain Esper, William and Hyacinthe Jackson: great-grandmother of Millicent and Dwain Esper, Jr. Services today at 3 p.m. from Pierce Brothers' chapel. MURPHY.

Wiley E. Murphy, beloved husband of Lily L. Murphy and loving father of Dorothy Murphy; brother of Calvin Murphy of Los Angeles, Joseph W. Murphy of San Francisco, Mrs. Clifford Snyder of Burbank, Mrs.

Mary Bodholdt. of Glendale and Mrs. Margaret Hiller of Texas. Services Thursday at 10 a.m. from Ruppe Mortuary.

NELSON. Remains of Robert Nelson were forwarded Monday by Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary to Denver, for services and interment. NEWMAN. At 268 South Lorraine Boulevard, Mrs. Charlotte Davis Newman, beloved mother of the Misses Helen Kate E.

and Hattie A. Newman. Funeral services Wednesday at p.m. from residence, 268 South Lorraine Boulevard. W.

A. Brown, funeral director. OSBORNE. October 24. Michael Osborne, at 705 Balboa street, Glendale, loving brother of Mary Trenholm, John, WilItam J.

and Leo Osborne. Funeral services today at 2 p.m. from the chapel of L. G. Scovern 828 South Brand Boulevard.

PEREZ. The funeral of Francisco Perez, October 28. at 2 p.m.. from Plaza Church. Gus Alvarez Moore, directors.

PHINNEY. Ati 573 South Boyle avenue, Oc tober 25, C. Phinney, aged 79 years. Funeral at the Hollenbeck Home chapel today at 10 8.11. Interment.

Evergreen Cemetery, Vesper Son, directors. No longer does any wearer of false teeth need to be uncomfortable. Fasteeth, a new, greatly i improved powder, sprinkled on upper or lower plates. holds them firm and comfortable. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling.

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The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.