The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

I THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1937 a de 41 Orphans' Court Joseph- Notices -Pauline Swoboda. William Administrators, d. b. n. Fischer, et Middleton.

-Taylor, Administrators. Adele Tim57-Timmins, Administratrix Frank Laveson. Ad-Trigiano, Vito ministrator. William M. West, Administrator.

-William M. West. Ad59 n. 60-Venuti. ministrator.

Rosa C. -Paul E. Walz. 61-WAlz. ministrator.

Caroline Max Dora White, Administra62-White. -Reba Wise, Administra63-Wise, LouisGustave E. -William R. 64- Woerwag WoerwAg, Administrator. Walter (Also known 65-Yardley, Yardley) -Einar C.

Berg, Administrator. Joseph N. -Virginia C. 66 Zirkelbach, Administratrix. GUARDIANS -The City of James 67 -Sweeney, Guardian.

Helen- -James A. McAleer, 68- -Tobin, Guardian. Edith, Louis, and Sol69-Waxman, Goffman, Guardian. Edward L. -John W.

Arm70 Wilson, strong. Joseph W. -John W. Guardian. 11-Wilson, strong Guardian.

TRUSTEES P. -J. Frederick Mar12-Simpson, Lewis Trustees. Smith. Agnes M.

Integrity Trust April Co. Trustees under Deed 1926. Smith, John--Land Title Bank Trust 14- Trustees Mary Batchelder Smith under Anti- Nuptial Contract Smith, March Mahlon K. -The 26, 1921. Penna.

Co. for Ins. on Lives, etc. Trustee for Frances Margaret 1903. Buck under Deed dated Nellie Loesser- Provident Tr.

February 14, -Smith, of Trustee under Deed datCo. ed November 10, 1927. 11-Smith, Sally et al. Roberts Trustees. -John H.

W. Ingersoll Smucker, Emma Trust Co. et Trustees under Deeds dated May 15, 1934, and July 30, 1934. -Snyder. Mary I.

-City National Bank of Phila. Trustee. South. Walter- -Girard Trust Trustee. -Starr, on Mary, Parrish--The Penna.

Trustees Co. for Ins. Lives, et (Residuary Estate). Trust -Stevens, Co. et Trustees for Nellie 8.

Frank--Land Title Bank H. Stevens. -Stokes, Samuel Trustee E. under Deed -Fidelity-Phila. Trust dated February 12, 1897.

-Streeper, Caroline J. -Manayunk Trust Trustee for care of lots nos. 19 and 20. St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church, Barren Hill, Thompson, George W.

-The Penna. Co. for Ins. on Lives, et Trustees. -Townsend, George, Jr.

-Commercial National Bank of Trustee for Chase. Townsend, George, Jr. A. -Commercial National Bank Phila. Trustee for Cemetery Fund.

John-Fidelity-Phila. Trust Trustee. -Walt, Ella Elizabeth- -The Penna. Co. for Ins.

on Lives, Trustee. -Waters, Susanna R. -Caroline V. Gross. Trustee.

-Wayne, Emma Wayne Savage, Trustee. Charles and Florence M. Crowell- Germantown Trust Trustee for Charles C. Williams under Deed dated March 4. 1932, and amendments.

-Wilson, Robert -Roland R. Foulke, Trustee. -Wittman, Joseph F. -Joseph P. man et Trustees for Emma Wittman Artelt.

-Wood, Walter -Spencer P. Hazard et Trustees for nominees of William Glasgow, Jr. -Wray, Eliza Title Bank Trust Trustee for George K. Ballentine. "-Wright.

Charles Trust Trustee. -Yard. John Tr. Co. et al.

Trustees for Margaret B. Turner. 96-Yard, John L. Tr. Co.

et al. Trustees for Methodist Episcopal Church of the Covenant and Salem Memorial Chapel. 100-Yewdall, Ellen Ann-Fidelity-Phila. Trust Trustee for Jennie McComsey. 101-Zellner, Rose M.

-Northern Trust Co. et Trustees for Samuel Z. Wormser, Charles M. Wormser and Carolyn Wormser. 102-Zellner, Sina- -Rose Zellner et Trustees.

ROOM 436 MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1937 Judge KLEIN (Called at 10 A. Standard Time) WILLS 1-Granlees. Helen A. Kerk Execs. -Grimmer, Christian--Lena Remmlein, Executrix.

3 -Groben, Helen S. Groben, Exec. 4-Hagerty, George--Augustus Gwin, Executor. 5-Hagey, Rachel E. -Victor Paul, Executor.

-Haggart, Daniel L. -D. Ross HAget Execs. 1-Hallowell. Clarence -Ellen J.

Hallowell. Executrix. -Halpen, William C. (also known William C. Halpen, Halpen, Admr.

c. t. A. -Hammerman, Julius- Charles Medway, Exec. 10-Harris, Elizabeth -Ida Ingram et Admrs.

c. 11-Hastings, Kate- Agnes Hastings et Execs. 12-Haugg, Helena M. Fels et Execs. 13-Hause, Anna Trust Exec.

14-Heade, Patrick Trust ancillary Exec. 15-Heaton, Meud -Emily Heaton Wilson et ancillary Execs. 16-Helinek. John C. (also known as John Helinek) -Stella Helinek, Administratrix t.

a. 17-Henderson, George M. -Girard Tr. Executor. 19-Herb, Michael-Oiney Bank Trust et Executors.

20-Hess. M. Adele- -Emily Westbrook Hess, Executrix. 21-Heyco*ck, Ann- -George M. Heyco*ck et Executors.

22-Hodes, Beryl M. (also known as Byrle M. Hodes) -Alice F. Swift et Execs. 23-Hodgson, Ella Trust Executor.

24-Hogan, Mary B. (also known AS Mamie Hogan)- -Etta M. Vannaman, Exec. 25-Hojnacki, Michalina-Mary Olejarski et Executrices. 26 Holland.

Anna E. -Land Title Bank Trust Executor. 21-Hollard. Catharine- -Frank Gorrell, Executor. 28-Holton.

S. -Fidelity-Phila. Trust Co. et Executors. 29-Hosemann.

Richard Edelman, Executor. 80-Howe, Emily D. -David I. Howe et Executors. 81-Howell.

Stacy B. -Edward Dailey, Executor. 32-Hubbell, Helena -John G. Williams, Executor. 33-Huber, Pauline- -Philip Stern, Executor.

34-Hudson, Charles Trust Co. et Executors. 35-Hughes, Katherine M. J. Barton.

Executor. 36-Irvin. James H. -The Southwestern National Bank. Executor.

27-Jacobs. George W. -Charles C. Shoemaker et Executors. 38 -Jacoby.

Mary E. Germantown Tr. Co. et Executors, 39-Jasinska Marya-Waclaw Jasinska et Executors. 40-Jendrzejcak.

Marianna -Rosalia McGuigan, Executrix. 41-Juliana. Joseph A. -Ella J. Juliana, Administratrix c.

t. a. 42-Kain. Nora S. -The Penna.

Co. for Ins. on Lives, Executor. 43-Kapczynski, Frank Joseph (also known as Frank J. Kapezynski) -Helen Marie Kapezynski.

Executrix. 44-Kauffman, Rufus Kensington SecurIty Bank Trust Executor. 45-Kearns, Anna Nichols, Administratrix c. t. a.

46 Kees, John- -Ella M. Farrow, Executrix. 47-Kelly. Mary Trust Co. Executors, 48-Kelly, Rose E.

-The Penna. Co. for Ins. on Lives, et Executors. INTESTATES 49-Early.

Ella G. -Florence M. Lex. Administratrix. 50-Eckert.

Mary -Philip B. Driver, et Administrators. 51-Eschenfelder, Ida M. -Bernhard M. Smith.

Administrator. 52-Evans. James -Catherine Schwartz, Administratrix. 53-Finley, John. Jr.

(also known AS John Finley) -Walter J. Combs. istrator. M. Fricker.

Katie (also known As Catherine Fricker) -Margaret Walser. ministratrix. -Gaines, James E. -Samuel D. Brown.

Administrator. 86 Gallagher, Patrick--Patrick Curran, Administrator. 57-Getsin. David Marcia G. Stein.

Administratrix. 58-Goldsmith. Morris- Esther Goldsmith. Administratrix. 59-Gunnis, Robert -Mitten Bank Trust et Administrators.

60-Haak. Anna -Paul G. Haak, Administrator. 61-Harrison, Thomas 3. -Andrew J.

Schroder, 2d. Administrator. -Hellman, Horace E. Genevieve J. Heilman, Administratrix.

-Heron, Patrick J. (also known AS P. J. Heron) -Anna T. McNells.

istratrix. 64 -Hoffman. Emma -William H. Voehl, Administrator. -Hottman.

Sophie B. Hoffman, Administrator. -Humay, Julia- -Stephen Fazik et Administrators. GUARDIANS -Gallagher, Margaret Samuel H. Jones.

Guardian. -Gearhart, George Emerson town Trust Guardian. -Goldenberg, Harriet Benjamin S. Goldberger, Guardian. Orphans' Court Notices 70-Goldenberg.

Guardian. -Benjamin TRUSTEES 71-Harrigan, Mary Adelaide Hill Girard Bulman. Trust Trustee for 72-Henzler, Pauline- Tradesmens Natiunal Bank Trust Co. et Trustees for Pauline Hammer. 73-Herzog, Rose M.

-Clara Sandman Trustees for Frank Herzog. Roland F. -Maurice C. Bur. ton, one of Trustees under DEED dated October 18.

1898. 75-Hiestand. Trust et Annie E. Trustees for -Fidelity-Phila. Sallie les Hiestand, Phoebe A.

K. -Sarah E. verwood. Trustee for Herman L. Hohlfeld.

Milton L. Hohlfeld, and Elsie Norrie Hohifeld. 77. -Howell. William-Fidelity-Phila.

Trust Trustee under will of Edgar C. Howell. 78-Hulshizer, Allen H. -John Dickey. Trustee.

79-Huston. Rose 1936 Trust Trustee for sale of S. 57th st. 80-Hutchins. J.

Warner The Penna. Co. for Ins. on Lives, et Trustees (Residuary Estate), 81-Hunn, Lydia J. -Grahame Wood.

Trus tee for Mary H. Wood. 82-Ingraham. -Fidelity-Phila. Tr.

Trustee. -Irvin, James H. -The Southwestern National Bank, Trustee for Anna Brooks. -Irvin, James H. -The Southwestern National Bank.

Trustee for Sophia Irvin. Anna Brooks, and James H. Irvin, Jr. Irvin. James H.

The Southwestern National Bank, Trustee for James H. Irvin, Jr. 86 -Jones, Hannah L. -Germantown Trust Trustee. George Germantown Tr.

et Trustees. Keller. Eudora and Frank Provident Trust Co. of Trustee under DEED dated August 22, 1933. -Kendig.

Josephine The Penna. Co. for Ins. on Lives, Trustee for Joseph T. Monges.

Kerrigan, Edward -Provident Trust Co. of Trustee. 91-Kiefeber, Peter Trust Co. et Trustees for care of burial lots. Peter C.

Lang. Trustee. -Lavenson. Isaac--The Northwestern National Bank Trust Co. of et Trustees.

-Lewis, Charlotte S. -Theodore J. Lewis, Trustee for Alouise C. Longstreth. -Lewis, Francis A.

Lewis, Trustee. 96-Lippincott, J. Dundas -The Penna. Co. for Ins.

on Lives, Trustee (Residuary Estate). 97-Lit, Jacob -Jessie Wedell Herold. Trustee for Flora J. Ives, under DEED dated March 27, 1929. 96- Lit.

Jacob -Jessie Wedell Herold. Trustee for Malaka J. Mata and others under DEED dated March 27, 1929. -Lockrey, Charles -Fidelity-Phila. Tr.

Trustee Charles Lockrey, Jr. 100-Loeb, Adolf -The Pennsylvania Co. for Ins. on Lives, et Trustees for Richard I. Loeb.

101-MacLeish. Lenore McCall -First National Bank of Phila. et Trustees under DEED dated October 6, 1930. 102-Macready. Rosetta- M.

Cody, Trustee for Ellis H. Ehrlich. ROOM 432 MONDAY, JUNE 7. 1937 JUDGE BOLGER WILLS Mary--Francis A. Cotney, Executor.

-Kinsey, Frances Trust Executor. 8-Kline, Mahlon N. -Isadora E. Kline et Executors. -Knight, Edward Jr.

-The Penna. Co. for Ins. on Lives, et ancillary Execs. -Krantz, George B.

Krantz, Administrator c. t. a. 6-Knight, Mary S. -Richard N.

Knight, et al, Executors. 7-Koch, Joseph A. -Germantown Tr. Executors. -Krohs.

Katie (also known as Katie Kross. Georgianna K. Krohs, and Georgianna Kroohs) -Norman W. Paullin. Executor.

-Krombach. Pauline- Alfred A. Krombach. Executor. 10 Victor known AS Viktor Krumenacker) -George Keehfuss, Executor.

11-Kutnow, Teresa- -James M. Kutnow, Executor. 12-Ladomus, Henry Homer Atherton. Executor. 13-Lahart, Catherine (also known Catherine M.

Lahart and Kate Lahart) -John J. Finnerty, Executor. 14 Lanza, Joseph- -Angelo Terace, Administrator c. t. 15-Law, William A.

(also known as Wm. A. Law) -Fidelity-Phila Tr. et. Executors.

16-Lea, Elizabeth J. -Van Antwerp Lea, Executor. 17-Leedom, 'Zaidee L. Kendig, et Executrices. 18-Leonhardt, Herman-William G.

Conover, Executor. 19-Levrer, Emil- -Integrity Trust Executor. 20-Leslie, William Henry (also known as William H. Leslie- Charles E. Frick, Executor.

21-Liebig, Clara- -Integrity Trust Co. Executors. 22-Loeb, Horace--Charles Edwin Fox, et Executors. 23-Lower, Edward Scott (also known As E. Scott Lower) -Viola M.

Lower, Executrix. 24-Lynch, Mary -Alfred J. M. Treacy et Executors. 25-MacDuffee, Mary Harold Watson, Executor.

26-MacLeod, Jessie--Eliza Ross, Executrix. 27. -Maher, Anson A. -The Penna Co. for Ins.

on Executor. 28-Maher, Ellen--Margaret Maher, Executrix. 29-Maier, -Elsie Maler Bolard, Executrix. 30-Martin, William W. Martin, et Executors.

31-Mathews, Ella -Chester-Cambridge Bank Trust Executor. 32-Mayer, on George Lives, Lewis- -The Penna. Admin- Co. for Ins. et istrators c.

t. a. 33-Meason, Ida Quinda A. McIntyre, et Executors. 34-Meinster, Joe -Freda Meinster, Executrix.

35 -Melvin, Bascom Worthington -Russell Hayes MacBride, Executor. 36-Merkel, George W. -Frankford Tr. ancillary Executor. 37-Meyers.

Daniel -Land Title Bank Trust ancillary Executor. 38 Miller, Charles A. Miller, et Executors. 39-Millar. Edward C.

Millar, Executrix. 40-Miller, Ida Virginia -Fidelity-Phila. Trust et Executors. 41-Millett, Ellen Derby- -The Penna. Execs.

Co. for Ins. on Lives, et 42-Mitchell, Ellen- -George Mitchell, et Executors. 43-Montgomery, Robert -Mary Adella Montgomery, Executrix. Moon, James -Henry Knox.

Executor. -Morgan, George- Ralph Morgan, ecutor. 46-Morgan, Mrs. H. (also known as Mary Andrews Morgan and A Mary Morgan) Harry E.

McCone, -Marie Executor. M. Muench, 47-Muench, Amelia Executrix. 48-Mundell, Mary G. Ziegler, Executor.

INTESTATES 49 -Hummel, Adelaide -Integrity Tr. Administrator. James Deeter, Ad50-Jones. ministrator. 51-Juzenas, Anthony--Charles S.

Cheleden, Administrator. 52-Klein, William S. Klein, Administrator. 53-Kolnicki, Bertha (also known AS Bronislawa Kolnicki) -Joseph Rzeznicki. Administrator.

54-Lange. F. Paul (also known as Paul Lange)- Paul Lange, Admr. 55-Leahy, Jerome Powers, Administratrix. 56-Lerner, David -Leah Lerner, known Admx.

AR 57-Liebner. Raymond (also -Margaret John Raymond Breisch, Administratrix. 58 Lowengrund, Robert J. -Thomas B. K.

59- Lucas, Edward (also known as Charles Ringe, Administrator. E. Lucas) George Berkowitz, Admr. 60-Mackey, Kate (also known as Kate 61-Marino, Pasquale (also known As PasMcKay)- -C. Leo Sutton, Admr.

quale Morino)- -John T. Nulty, Admr. 62-Maxwell, Fannie- -John Lindsay, Administrator. 63-Mayan. John (also known as John B.

-John J. Dwyer, Admr. 64-Messina, Angelina- -John Messina, ministrator. 65-Minton. Augustus -Florence ton, Administratrix.

Catharine Mary C. 66 McGetligan, Dougherty let Administrators. GUARDIANS 67- Glenn, Jennie Cianfaro, Guardian. 68 -Lasota, Catherine--Northern Trust Guardian. 69-Lee.

Irma Northern Trust Guardian. 70-O' Brien, William Joseph. Jr. -Fidelity-Phila. Trust Guardian.

TRUSTEES 71-Martin, -Fidelity-Phila. Trust Co. et Trustees. 72-May. Simon -The Real for Estate Laura Trust M.

Co. of Trustee May and Norma May Stern. 73-Meigs, Mary R. et Trustee al. -Fidelity.

Phila. Trust for Mary Morrow under DEED dated November 15, 1920. 74-Mellor, Alfred- -Provident Tr. Co. of Phila.

et Trustees. 75-Meng. Anna Maria -Liberty Title Trust Trustee for Anna C. Lane (Anna M. Lane), 76-Miller, Florence- Provident Tr.

Co. of Trustee. 77-Monges, Ann- -Penna. Co. for Ins.

on Lives, Trustee will for Josephine Joseph M. 1. Monges under of Kendig. 78-Myers, Harry, et al. -Integrity Trust under Trustee for Harry Myers DEED dated December 27, 1924.

79-Myers, Trustee. Mary E. -Benjamin F. Brooks, 80-Myers, Rebecca W. Benjamin F.

Brooks, Trustee. 81-McClelland. Kathryn R. Sarah -Harry McClelland. Trustee for Kate McClelland.

82-McCoy. Emma B. Gertrude -Thomas Marsh J. and ris, Trustee for E. Joseph M.

Howe. 83-McCoy. Trustee Emma for Joseph -Thomas M. Howe. J.

Nor- Orphans' Court Notices -McDowell, Ida V. -Win. N. Topnam, Trustee for Dorothy S. Gilroy (nee Lownes).

McFillin. Margaret L. -Provident Ir. Co. of Trustee for Catherine Quigley.

86-McKean. Thomas Fidelity-Phila. Trust Co. et Trustees under DEED dated March 3. 1920.

87 George H. FidelityPhila. Trust Trustee under DEED dated December 15, 1915. McLaughlin. George H.

FidelityPhila. Trust Trustee under DEED dated February 11, 1920. -McLaughlin, George H. FidelityPhila. Trust Co.

et Trustees under DEED dated March 16, 1925. Laughlin, Marcellus -FidelityPhila. Trust Co. et Trustees under DEED dated April 28. 1930.

91-McLaughlin. Marcellus Hood -Fidelity-Phila. Trust Co. et Trustees under DEED dated February 19, 1925. 92-McLaughlin, Patrick- Provident Tr.

Co. of Trustee for James Ballentine. 93-MeLaughlin, William Sr. -FidelityPhila. Trust Co.

et Trustees under DEED dated March 20. 1920. 94-McLaughlin, William Jr. -FidelityPhila. Trust Co.

et Trustees under DEED dated December 29, 1928. 95-McLaughlin, William J. FidelityPhila. Trust Co. et Trustees under DEED dated March 18, 1935.

96-McNamee, Wilhelmina Coxe et Trustees for Emma Aikin. 97-Nathans. Margaret C. L. -Richard R.

Keenan et Trustees. 98- -Nelson. Sophia A. -Charles A. Trustee for Amelia A.

Garman. 99-Neumeister, Paulena -Sophie Hoffman. Trustee. 100-Oberholtzer, Sara Louisa- Ellie 101-Parker, John H. Trust son Oberholtzer, A Trustee.

Trustee. 102-Parker, Thomas -Jeannette Parker Muir et Trustees. ROOM 426 MONDAY. JUNE 7. 1937 JUDGE LADNER WILLS Davitt Darwin- -Elizabeth Mercer Chidester, Executrix.

2 et Davitt Darwin -Donato A. Giangiulio Administrators, d. b. n. c.

t. R. -Christine, Flora Benson -Girard Trust Executors. Clark, Rose M. -Mary R.

Edwards, Executrix. -Clay, R. Edey-Fidelity-Phila. Trust Co. et Executors.

-Clement, Gregory--Helen Wright Clement. Executrix. Clifford. Wilfred -Marion E. Fowler et Executors.

-Cochran. Henry Trust Executors. 9. Combs. Rose W.

Light, Executor. 10-Cooper, Ellen-Isabella Baxter, trix. 11-Cross, Sarah -Barnett Cross et Executors. 12-Daily, James T. -Regina B.

Daily, Administratrix c. 13-Daily, Sarah E. (also known as Sarah A. Daily) -Regina B. Daily, Administratrix c.

14-Dallam, Elizabeth Forbes -The Penna. Co. for Ins. on Lives, Executor. 15-Dalsemer, Armand -Herbert Daisimer, Executor.

16-Davis, Eleanor Peale (also known Eleanor P. Davis) -The Pennsylvania Co. for Ins. on Lives, et ecutors. 17-David, Emma Hageman (also known as Emma H.

David) -Louis E. David et Executors. 18 -Davis, Susie- -Harry M. McBurney, Executors. 19-Dawson, Maria Magdalena -W.

Shappell, Executor. 20 Deal. Emily J. R. Trust Executor.

21-DeHaan, Louis -North Phila. Trust Executor, 22-DeLaurentiis, Angelo Vito M. Baidi, Executor. 23-Devine, James -James Andrews. Administrator c.

t. a. 24 Devine, Margaret-Agnes O'Hara, Executrix. 25-Diblin, George -Industrial Trust Executor. 26-DiNardo, Rocco -Nicola Cimino, Executor.

27-D'Ippolito, Saverio John Amoroso, Executor, 28-Donnelly, -Hugh Donnelly et Executors. 29-Dripps, Mary Moyer-Provident Trust Co. of Phila. et Executors. 30-Dugan, Annie- Owen Fay, Executors.

31-Elvidge, Martha N. -National Bank of Germantown Trust Executor. 32-Emmes, Katharine L. (also known Katharine L. S.

Emmes and K. Benson Emmes) -Germantown Trust Executor. 38-Falion, Louis F. -Penna. Co.

for Ins. on Lives, ancillary Administrator d. b. n. c.

t. a. 34-Fernberger, Herman T. Fernberger, Executrix. 35-Filderman, Marcus (also known M.

-Charles V. Linshaw, Executor. 36-Fischer, Barbara--William Schlobohm, aneillary Executor. 37-Fish. Ada 7.

-Fidelity-Phila. Trust Executor. 38-Flanagan, James Pierce et Executrices. 39-Forrest, Louis -Northwestern National Bank in Administrator c. t.

40-Frankenfield, David G. -Mary J. Frankenfeld et Executrices. 41-Fraser, Kate A. -North Phila.

Trust Executor. 42-French, Charles Trust Co. et Executrices. 43-Gallagher, Elizabeth M. -Margaret u.

Gallagher, Executrix. 44-Gill, Ida -Provident Trust Co. of Phila, et Executrices. -Gillespie, Margaret -Richard F. Kelly, Executor.

46 -Glendinning, Robert-The Penna. Co. for Ins. on Lives, et Executors. 47-Glover, John Trust Executor.

48 Gluwick, John- Charles M. Phillips, ancillary Administrator C. 49 Gorman, John F. -Hugh Quinn, Executor. INTESTATES 50-Butler, Alexander (also known Alex Butler J.

Hill, Admx. 51-Clark, Arthur Elizabeth F. C. Clark, Administratrix. 52-Coccia, Fortunato-Ralph C.

Busser, Administrator. 58-Cohen, Ida (also known AS Ida Gootman)-Louis Cohen, Administrator. 54-Cohen, Jenny -William Cohen, ministrator. 55-Cooke, Josephine J. -The Penna.

Co. for Ins. on Lives, et ministrators. 56-Crescenzo. Francesco- Elvira politan, Administratrix.

57-D' Alonzo, Mario- Concezio D' Alonzo, Administrator. 58-Daly, Margaret P. Daly, Administrator. 59-Davis, Michael (also known MIchael H. -Frank M.

ney, -Davis, Winfield S. -Frederick N. Admr. Davis et Administrators. 61-Diefenderfer, Cornelius W.

-Horace G. Diefesderfer, Administrator. 62-Dienes. Louis--Ann Tafel, Administratrix. 63 -Dolan, Mary--John J.

Gallagher, Administrator. 64-Dubin, Samuel (also known Administratrix. as Sam Dubin). -Sonia Dubin, 65-Duleba, Frank Fred- -Robert B. Koft, Administrator.

66- Earle, Catherine -Louis C. Joyce, Administrator. GUARDIANS 67-Eagan, Walter J. Provident Trust Co. of Guardian.

68-Fink, Allen Jr. -Frankford Trust Guardian. 69- -Fiscella, Vincent, Jr. -Joseph Perri, Guardian. 70-Frey, Frederick -Henry H.

mon, Guardian. TRUSTEES 71-deMorat, Oliver B. --Helene deMorat Nichols et Trustees for Marie deMorat Smith and Helene deMorat Nichols. 72-Dickinson. Mahlon -The Real Estate Trust Co.

of Trustee for Ida M. Manley. 73-Dickson. David Trustee W. -Provident Annuitants.

Trust Co. 74-Diesinger, Charles Trustees. -William H. Kingsley et 75-Dietz, Catharine -Integrity Trust Co. et Trustees for Clara Dietz.

76-Dunn, Charles Bullen- Girard Trust Trustee. 77-Du Pont, Francis G. -Girard Trust Co. et Trustees under will of Eleanor Du Pont Taney. 78-Earley, John -Girard Trust Trustee.

79-Edwards, John Trust Trustee. 80-Edwards, John H. Trust Trustee for Lydia B. Taft. 81-Farr, William Girard Clementine Trust Farr Co.

et Trustees for Duff. 82 Ferguson. Reginald T. Trust Co. et Trustees.

83-Fitzpatrick. Edward -Elizabeth A. Fitzpatrick et Trustees for sale of real estate. 84- Flanagan, J. Walter- Tradesmens Trustees Marion K.

Grabosky. National Banda Trust et 85-Foulke, William Parker- -Provident Trust Co. of Phila. et Trustees for Gwendolen Foulke Andrews. 86-French, C.

Stanley- Tradesmens National Bank Trust Co. et Trustees. tional Bank Trust Trustee for 87-French, Sarah -Tradesmens Margaret B. French and Angelina French. Trust Co.

of Phila. et Trustees 88-Garretson. Beulah 24-Provident under DEED dated February 8, 1929. 89-Gaw, Millicent -The Real Estate Trust Co. of Phila.

et Trustees for Millicent Johnson Lennig. 90-Gluwick, John -Charles M. Phillips, Trustee. 91-Goodbread, Lida C. and Will of David.

Execu- S. tors and Trustees of Joseph Goodbread -The Trustee Penna Co. for DEED Ins. on Lives, under dated April 30, 1934. 92-Gordon, Mary P.

-James Gay Gordon et Trustees. 93 Grant, Margaret A. -Provident Trust Co. of Trustee for Frances Grant Hawley. 94 Grant, Margaret -Provident Trust Co.

of Trustee under DEED dated July 7, 1920. 95 Grant, Margaret Trust Co. of Trustee under DEED dated October 21, 1922. Orphans' Court Notices -Green. John The Penna.

Co. tor Ins. on Lives, et Trustees for Dorothy S. Briggs. 97 Groshon, Waiter: Trust Co.

et Trustees under DEED dated June 28, 1930. 98-Grubb. Clement B. The Penna. Co Ins.

on Lives, et Trustees for Daisy E. B. Grubb of a part of Cornwall Ore Banks, 99-Hallahan. Butler- Fidelity-Phila. Trust Trustee under DEED daten October 11, 1926.

Walter J. -Fidelity-Phila. Trust Co. et Trustees DEED dated May 13, 1930. 101-Hammer.

Flora Hermina -Integrity Trust Trustee for August Alwin Hammer. 102-Hansell, Mary R. -The Penna. Co. for Ins.

on Lives, Trustee for Mary F. Hansell. City Claims OTHER CITY CLAIMS ON PAGE 3 36 Greene st and Windrim ave, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Elizabeth M. Wiley et Defendants: City Wiley et al.

P. No. 5. March Term. 1932.

No. 2555. M. L. D.

Claim for nuisance for $16.75. Premises cor 11th and Thompson sts, front 16 ft. 20th ward. (See above notice.) To Greenneld Realty Company, Defendant: City v. Sloane.

C. P. No. 5. March Term.

1932. No. 2559. M. L.

D. Claim for water pipe for $91.85. Premises cor Sackett and Levick sts, 35th ward. (See above notice.) To Hush Werabnikof et Defendants: City v. Werabnikoff et ux.

C. P. No. 5 March Term, 1932, No. 3614.

M. D. Claim for nuisance for $18. Premises side 7th st, 20 ft in Buttonwood st. front 17 ft.

13th ward. (See above notice.) To William Steadman, Defendant: City v. Steadman. C. P.

No. 5. March Term. 1932. No.

4611. M. L. D. Claim for nuisance for 816.25.

Premises side Emily st. 167 ft 6 In 6th st, front 17 ft. 39th ward. (See above notice.) Te Andrew Rider, Defendant: City v. Rider.

C. P. No. 1. March.

Term. 1932, No. 2359. M. L.

D. Claim for taxes for $60.15. Premises F. side Germantown Ave, 243 ft in Luray st, front 14 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice.) Te Tyler Realty Corporation, Defendant: City V.

Tyler Realty Corp. C. P. No. March Term.

1932. No. 2391. M. L.

D. Claim for taxes for $81.23. Premises side Ash mead st. 375 ft E. Magnolia st, front 15 ft.

22d ward. (See above notice.) To Esther M. Andre, Defendant: City Audre. C. P.

No. 1. March Term. 1932, No. 2456.

M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $77. Premises side Bringhurst st, 62 ft in Magnolia st, front 15 ft, 220 ward.

(See above notice.) To Louis Kephart, Defendant: City v. Kephart. C. P. No.

1. March Term. 1932. No. 2466.

M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $39.09. Premises 'S side Collom st, 321 ft 5 in E.

Wakefield st, front 20 ft. 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Helen Reder, Defendant: City v. Reder. C.

P. No. March Term. 1932. No.

2477, M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $98.08. Premises side Stenton ave, 185 ft in Louden st, front 15 ft.

22d ward. (See above notice.) Te Rae Smith, Defendant: City v. Smith. C. P.

No. 2. March Term, 1932. No. 2480, M.

L. D. Claim for taxes for $98.08. Premises side of Stenton ave, 110 ft in Lounden st, front 15 ft. 22d ward (See above notice.) Te Elisabeth Crawford, Defendant: City v.

Crawford. C. P. No. 2, March Term, 1932.

No. 2505. M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $43.31. Premises side of Bloyd st, 317 ft Church st, front 14 ft, 22d ward. (Se above notice.) To James Finnegan, Defendants: City v. Finnegan et al. C.

P. No. 2. March Term. 1932, No.

2523, M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $60.15. Premises side of Crowson st, 151 ft Church st.

front 15 ft. 224 ward. (See above notice.) Te Cremieux Building and Loan Association, Defendant: cor Lena and Earlham sta, front 14 ft Claim for taxes for $51.72. Premises March City v. Term, B.

and 1932, L. No. Assn. 2572. C.

M. P. No. NOBA In. 220 ward.

(See above notice.) To Margaret Wilmont, Defendant: City V. Wilmont. C. P. No.

March Term, 1932, No. 2652. M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $60.15. Premises side of Wister st, 151 ft Sprague st. front 21 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Sylvia Lupowitz, Defendant: City v. Lupowitz.

C. P. No. 2. Mar.

Term, 1932. No. 2702. M. L.

D. Claim for taxes for $22.23. Premises side High 256 ft 3 in Crittenden st, front 40 ft. 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Charles F.

Roobard, Defendant: City v. Roobard. C. P. No.

2. Mar. Term, 1932, No. 2729, M. L.

D. Claim for taxes for $95.97. Premises side Herman st. 382 ft in Germantown ave, front 22 ft in, 22d ward. (See above notice.) Te Mary D.

Cassidy, Defendant: City v. Cassidy. C. P. No.

2. Mar. Term, 1932, No. 2735. M.

L. D. Claim for taxes for $64.37. Premises side Walnut lane, 562 ft in Germantown ave, front 14 ft. 22d ward.

(See above notice.) Te Albert Doak, Incorporated, Defendant: City v. Doak, Inc. C. P. No.

2, Mar. Term, 1932, No. 2747, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $11.71. Premises side High st. 296 ft 3 in Crittenden st, front ft. 22d ward. (See above notice.) Te Florence M.

Brown, Defendant: City v. Brown. C. P. No.

2. Mar. Term. 1932, No. 2760, M.

L. D. Claim Pastorius for taxes st, for $55.94. Premises side 21 ft 5 in Baynton st, front 21 ft 5 in, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Benjamin Alexander, Defendant: City v.

Alexander. C. P. No. 3.

June Term, 1934, No. 4349, M. L. D. Claim side for of taxes for $446.39.

Premises Vine st. 166 ft 3 in 15th st. front 19 ft, 10th ward. (See above notice.) Te Charles Graham, et Defendants: City v. Graham, et al.

P. No. 1, Mar. Term. 1932, No.

2506. M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $74.91.

Premises side of Church lane, rear of 847 Church lane, front 25 ft. 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Benjamin D. Eisenbere, Defendant: City v. Eisenberg.

C. P. No. Mar. Term, 1932.

No. 2637. M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $32.77. Premises side of Duval st, 102 ft in Ross st, front 35 ft in. 22d ward. (See above notice.) To William F. Potter, Defendant: 1932, City No.

V. 2681, M. L. D. Claim for taxes Potter.

C. P. No. 1, Mar. Term, for $15.91.

Premises side of Orchard st, 104 ft 4 in Lena st, front It 21 in, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Mary Cassidy, Defendant: City v. Cassidy. C. M.

P. D. No. 1, Claim Mar. Term.

1932, No. 2737, L. for taxes for $64.37. Premises side of Walnut lane, 576 ft in German town ave. front 14 ft.

22d ward. (See above notice.) To Roscoe C. Cramer, Defendant: City V. Cramer. P.

No. 1, March Term, 1932, No. 2742, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $33.91. Premises side of High st. 167 ft 9 in Crittenden st, front 138 ft. 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Roscoe C.

Cramer, Defendant: City v. Cramer. P. No. 1.

March Term, 1932, No. 2756, M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $18.01.

Premises side of Mechanic st, 450 ft in E. Crittenden at, front 60 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To William Johnson, et Defendants: City V. Johnson, et al. P.

No. 1, March Term. 1932. No. 2862, L.

D. Claim for taxes for $68.59. Premises side of Garrett st. 30 ft in Bass st, front 15 ft. 22d ward.

(See above notice.) Ta Manhattan Building and Loan Association, Defendant: March City v. Term. B. and 1932. L.

No. 2872. P. L. D.

Assn. C. No. Claim for taxes for $53.83. Premises side of Musgrave st.

50 ft in Pleasant st. front 23 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice.) Te John R. Roy, et Defendants: City v. Roy, et al.

P. L. D. No. 2.

Claim March Term. 1932. No. 2389, M. for for $81.23.

Premises side of Ashtaxes mead st. 240 ft. Magnolia st. front 15 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice.) Te the Standard Building and Conn Asso ciation.

Defendant: City v. B. and L. Assn. C.

P. No. 2, Mar. for Term. 1932.

No. 2778, M. L. D. Claim taxes for $64.37.

Premises side Cosgrove st. 73 ft In Ross st. front 14 ft 7 in, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Otha Goldman et Defendants: City v. Goldman et Al.

C. P. No. 2, Mar. Term, 1932.

No. 2851, M. L. D. Claim for for $62.26.

Premises side of Montaxes tana 506 ft Musgrave st, front 14 ft st, In. 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Isaac J. Miller, Defendant: City Miller, C. P.

No. Mar. Term, No. 2406. M.

L. D. Claim for taxes 1932. for $11.69. Premises side of Church lane, rear of 921, 39 Church lane, front 105 ft.

224 ward. (See above notice.) To John F. Fencel et Defendants: City v. Fencel et al. C.

P. No. 3. March Term, 1932, No. 2408.

M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $95.97. Premises N.

side of Church lane, 272 ft 5 in Wister st. front 15 f1 in, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Hugh Hamilton, Defendant: City Hamilton. P. No.

3. March Term, 1932. No. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $95.97. Preroises side of Sheldon st and NE cor Collom st, front 25 ft 6 in. 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Lake McLaughlin et et C. P.

Defendants: No. 3. City McLaughlin al. March Term, 1932. No.

2463, M. L. D. City Claims Claim for taxes for $58. Premises side of Wakefield st.

281 f1 6 in Collom front 16 ft in. 32d ward. (See above notice.) John Nichoins, Defendant: City Nicholas, C. P. No.

March term. 1902. No. 2470, M. L.

D. Claim for taxes for $38.55. Premises side of Ashmead st. 424 ft in Germantown ave. front 20 ft.

22d ward. (See above notice.) To Fred Woodland, Defendant: City Woodland. C. P. No.

March 1932. No. 2478. M. L.

D. Claim for taxes for 898.08. Premises side of Stenton ave. 200 ct. in Louden front 15 ft.

22d ward. (See above notice.) To Patrick Malloy, Defendant: City v. Molloy. C. P.

No. 3, Mar. Term, 1932. No. 2540.

M. L. D. Claim for for $43.11. Premises N.

side of Stafford st. 556 ft in Cena st, front 15 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice. 1 Te Industrial Building and Loan tion, Defendant: City B. and L.

Assn, C. P. No. Mar. Term, 1932.

No. 2708. M. 1. Claim for taxes for 883.32.

Premises side of Tulpehocken st. 595 ft in Baynton st. front 16 ft. 22d ward. (See above notice.) To the Prudential Company, Defendant: City Prudential Co.

C. P. No. Mar. Term, 1932.

No. 2717, M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $64.37.

Premises side of Pelham rd. 195 ft 2 in Hortter st. front 49 ft. in. 22d ward.

(See above notice.) To Cajetan H. Maurer, Defendant: City V. Maurer, No. 3, Mar. Term.

1932. No. 2751. M. D.

Claim for taxes for $64.37. Premises side of Sprague st. 644 ft in Wister st, front 16 in. 22d ward. (see above notice.) To Merceda Rafterty, Defendant: City v.

Rafferty. P. No. 3. Mar.

Term. 1932. No. 2767. M.

L. D. Claim tor taxes for 3 $11.69. Premises 8 side of High st, 336 ft in Crittenden st, front ft. 22d ward.

(See above notice.) To Silas Batts, Defendant: City Batts. C. P. No. 3.

Mar. Term 1932. No. 2800. M.

L. D. Claim for taxes for $34.88. Premises side Ross 194 ft in Phil-Ellena st. front 13 ft 8 in.

22d ward. (See above notice.) To Sarah Noreross, Defendant: City V. Norcross. C. P.

No. 3, Mar. Term. 1932. No.

2821. M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $47.51.

Premises side Montana st, 154 ft 6 in Musgrave st, front 14 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice. To James Lomax el Defendants: City Lomax et C. P. No.

4, Mar. Term. 1932. No. 2357.

M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $81.23. Premises side Ashmead st.

270 ft Magnolia at, front 15 ft. ward. (See above notice.) To Daniel V. Howard el P. Defendants: City v.

Howard et al. No. Mar. Term, 1932. No.

2382, M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $33.91. Premises side Collom st.

30 ft Sheldon st. front 29 ft in. 22d ward. (See above notice.) Te Hugh A. Hamilton, Defendant: City Hamilton.

C. P. No. Mar. Term, 1932.

No. 2404. M. D. Claim for taxes for $85.43.

Premises side Sheldon st, 49 ft 7 in Collom st, front 35 ft in. 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Emma F. Hickey, Defendant: City v. Hickey.

C. No. 3. Mar. Term.

1932. No. 2422, M. I. D.

Claim for taxes for $43.31. Premises side Sheldon st 85 ft Collom st. front 45 ft in. 22d ward. (See above notice.) Te Rae Smith, Defendant: City v.

Smith. C. P. No. Mar.

Term. 1932. No, 2479, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $98.08. Premises side Stenton ave, 95 ft in Louden st, front 15 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice.) Te Harry Levesen, Defendant: City Leveyen, C. P. No.

Mar. Term. 1932, No. 2573. M.

L. D. Claim for taxes for $51.72. Premises side Lena 101 in Coulter st, front 14 ft in, 22d ward. (See above notice.) Te Charles H.

Taw, Defendants: City Law, al. P. No. Mar. Term, 1932.

No. 2580. M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $22.23. Premises side Johnson st, 80 ft Ross at, front 20 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Chew Building and Loan Association, Defendant: City v. B. and L.

Assn. C. P. 1 No. 4.

Mar. Term, 1932. No. 2606. M.

D. Claim for taxes for $85.43. Premises cor Boyer and Woodlawn sts. front 16 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Roscoe C.

Cramer, Defendant: City v. Cramer, C. P. No. 4, Mar.

Term, 1932. No. 2741, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes ft 9 in Crittenden st, front for $13.80. Premises side ward. (See above notice.) To Roscoe C. Cramer, P. Defendant: City v.

Cramer, No. 4, Mar. Term. 1932. No.

2743, M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $13.80. Premises side High 155 ft Crittenden st, front 61 ft 3 in.

22d ward. (See above notice.) To Hanca D'Italia and Trees Company, Defendant: Mar. City v. Term, 1932, No. 2749, M.

5. Claim Bank and Trust Co. No. for taxes for $18.01. Premises High st, 402 ft Crittenden st, front 30 M.

22 ward. (See above notice.) To Grace Spindler, Defendant: City V. Spindler, C. P. No, 4, Mar.

Term, 1932, No. 2848, M. L. D. Claim for taxes 105 for ft $68.59.

in Premises Bass st, front Garrett ad ward. (See above notice.) To Jennie Martin, Defendant: City v. Martin, C. P. No.

Mar. Term, 1932, No. 2860, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $68.59. Premises side Garrett 120 ft in Bass front ft, ward. (See above notice.) To Patrick Malloy, Defendant: City v. Malloy, C. P.

No. March Term, 1932, No. 2575, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $43.11. Premises side of Stafford 571 ft in Lena front 15 ft, ward. (See above notice.) To 1 Gibson Melivain Company, tion, Defendant: City v. Corporation, C. No.

March Term. 1932, M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $33.91.

Premises side of Haines st, 471 ft in Germantown ave, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Joseph Herback, Defendant: City v. Herbach. C. P.

No. 5. March Term, 1932, No. 2611, M. L.

D. Claim for taxes for $85.43. Premises side of Matthew 511 ft 11 in Wister front 16 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Harker Chadwick, C. Defendant: City v.

Chadwick, March Term, 1932. No. 2757, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $13.82. Premises side of Mechanic st, 230 ft in Crittenden front 80 ft, 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Mattes Esposito, Defendants: City V. Esposito, et C. P.

No. 5, March Term, 1932, No. D. Claim for taxes for $43.29. Premises side of High st, 37 ft 6 in F.

Magnolia at, front 12 ft in. 22d ward. (See above notice.) To Yonur Men's Building and Lose sociation, Defendant: City B. and L. Assn.

C. P. No. Mar. Term, 1932, No.

2861. M. D. Claim for taxes for $68.59. Premises side Garrett st, 75 ft in Bass st, front 15 It, 22d ward.

(See above notice.) To William L. Adama, Defendant: City v. Adams. C. P.

No. 5. June Term, 1936, No. 38191, M. L.

D. Claim for taxes for $6.84. Premises side Buist ave, 150 ft 82d st. front 50 feet, 40th ward. (See above notice.) To J.

Collins Allen, Defendant: City Allen. C. P. No. 3.

June Term, 1934. No. 112, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $197.77. Premises 8 cor Florence Ave and 50th st, front 16 ft in, 46th ward. (See above notice.) To Lilly Brooks, Defendant: City V. Brooks. C.

P. No. 3, June Term, 1934. No. 197, M.

L. D. Claim for taxes for $108.20. Premises side of Catharine st, 110 ft 3 in 58th st, front 15 ft 7 in. 46th ward.

(See above notice.) To Kate K. Grafly, Detendant: City y. Grafly. C. No.

3. June Term, 1934. No. 515, M. L.

D. Claim for taxes for $153.96. Premises side of Chancellor st, 116 ft 2 in 59th at, front 15 IL 10 In, 46th ward. (See above notice.) To Anna Rupp Braisted, Defendant: City v. Braisted.

C. P. No. 3. June Term.

1934. No. 613. M. L.

D. Claim for taxeR for $114.73. Premises side of Chestnut st. 407 ft in 61st at, front 15 feet 5 in. 46th ward.

(See above notice.) To Rosa Staunton, Defendant: City Staunton. P. No. 3. June Term, 1934.

No. 874. M. D. Claim for taxes for $831.29.

Premises side of Hazel ave, 220 ft 1 in 61st st, front 120 ft. 46th ward. (See above notice.) To Kate K. Grafy, Defendant: City v. Grafy.

C. P. No. 3, June Term. 1934.

No. 993, M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $153.96.

Premises side of Chancellor st. 147 ft 10 in 59th at, 46th ward. (See above notice.) To James R. Hopkins, Defendant: City v. Hopkins.

C. P. No. 3. June Term.

1934, No. 2741. M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $891.61. Premises cor Locust and Van Pelt ats, front 20 ft. 8th ward. (See above notice.) To Mary A. Hart, et Defendants: City Hart et al.

P. No. 2, June Term, 1934. No. 2753, M.

L. D. Claim for taxes for $1,537.19. Premises side 17th 14 ft Ionic at. front 17 ft.

8th ward. (See above notice.) To Forrest Theatre Company, Defendant: City v. Theatre Co. C. P.

No. 3. June Term. 1934. No.

2850, M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $557.70. Premises side of Manning st.

200 ft Broad st. front 17 ft 4 inch. 8th ward. (See above notice.) To Fannie Harris. Harris, C.

P. Defendant: No. 3. June Term, City V. City Claims 1934.

No. 3163, M. L. D. Claim for taxes st.

158 ft 10th st, front 16 ft. 7th ward. for $112.45. Premises side of Lombard (See above notice. To Samuel Gornish, Defendant: City Gornish.

C. P. No. 3, June Term. 1934.

No. 3171. M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $201.52. Premises side Pine st. 155 tt W. 10th front 17 ft. 7th ward.

(See above notice.) Te Trustee of African Masonic Hail, Defendant: City Masonic Hall. P. No. 3. June Term.

1934. No. 3186, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $245.99. Premises side 11th st. 21 ft Waverley st, front 20 ft, 7th ward. (See above To George L. Parker, Defendant: City Parker.

Jr. No. 3. June Term. 1934.

No. 3888. M. L. Claim for taxes for $134.74.

Premises cot 17th and Naudain sta. front 16 ft. 7th ward. (See above notice.) Te Frank Hudson, Defendant: City Hudson. C.

P. No. 3. June Term, 1934. No.3508.

M. L. D. Claim for taxes for 8101.35, Premises cor 21st and Naudain sta, front 14 ft. 7th ward.

(See above notice. Te Peter tallie Defendants: City Mallie P. No. 3. June Term.

1934. No. 3741, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $234.89. Premises side South 40 ft Darien st, front 16 ft. 7th ward (See above notice.) To Albert Lady el Defendants: City v. Ludy et al. C.

P. No. 3. June Term. 1934.

No. 3879, M. L. D. Claim taxeR for $156.98.

Premises side Lombard st, 151 ft 6 in 20th st, front 30 ft. 7th ward. (See above notice.) To Irvin Lipshute, Defendant: City v. Lipshutz. C.

P. No. 3. June Term, 1934. No.

3902. M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $123.60.

Premises side 10th st, 54 ft Rodman st, front 18 ft. 7th ward. (See above notice.) To Henry Heyman Building and Loan Assoelation, Defendant: City 3. and I. Assn.

C. P. No. 3. June Term.

1934. No. 3948, M. D. Claim for taxes for $312.82.

Premises side of Race st, 40 ft Lambert st. front 20 ft, 10th ward. (See above notice.) To John T. Brackin, Defendant: City v. Brackin.

C. P. No. 3. June Term.

1934. No. 4010, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $224.32. Premises side of Vine st. 258 ft 10th front 20 ft, 10th ward. (See above notice.) Te Benjamin Alesander, Defendant: Alexander. P.

No. June Term, 1934. No. 4021. M.

D. Claim for taxes for $446,39. Premises side of Vine st, 308 ft 15th st, front 17 ft 6 10th ward. (See above notice.) To Irvin Stout, Defendant: City v. Stout.

C. P. No. 3, June Term. 1934, No.

4025. M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $379 60.

Premises side of Vine at. 131 ft in 17th st, front 18 ft 8 in, 10th ward. (See above notice.) Te Anna Bradley, Defendant: City v. Bradley. P.

No. 3, June Term 1934. No. 4030. M.

L. D. Claim for taxes for $246.03. Premises cot of 21st and Appletree front 16 ft. 10th ward.

(See above notice.) To Dennis Dougherty, Defendant: City Dougherty, P. No. 3. June Term, 1934. 4044, M.

L. D. Claim for at, 216 ft Cherry st, front 36 ft, 10th taxes for $1,670.75. Premises side of 15th ward. (See above notice.) To Charles Banish, Defendant: City V.

Banish, P. No. 3, June Term, 1934 No. 4255, M. L.

D. Claim for taxes for $268.28. Premises side of Winter st. 292 ft 15th st. front 30 ft 6 in, 10th ward.

(See above notice.) To Girard Trust Company, Trustee, Defendant: City v. Trust Trustee. C. P. No.

June Term, 1934. No. 4273, M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $902.91. Premises side of Arch at. 247 ft 17th af, front 24 ft 6 in. 10th ward. (See above notice.) Te Archibald Keller Defendants: City v.

Kellog al. C. P. No. 3, June Term, 1934.

No. 4342. M. L. D.

Claim for taxes for $268.28. Premises side of Vine st, 37 ft Marvine st, front 18 ft. 10th ward. (See above notice.) Te Archibald Kellog al, Defendants: City v. Kellog et al.

C. P. No. 3, June Term, 1934. No.

4346. M. L. D. Claim for taxes for $490.90.

Premises side of Vine at, 55 ft Marvine st, front 36 ft, 10th ward. (See above notice.) WILLIAM J. HAMILTON, 5-21-8 Sherift 2, at 1566 Pratt THOMAS C. husband of Clara Ascough (nee Guhi). Relatives and friends, Frankford Post, No.

211, A. and employees of Board of Education are invited to attend funeral service, 1 P. at Hackman 905-07 W. Lehigh ave, Int. private.

Viewing to M. 1, JOHN husband of the late Margaret Gallagher Bateman. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral, Sat. 8.30 from his late residence, 5138 Wayne Gtn. Solemn Mass of Requiem, St.

Francis of Assisi Church, 10 A. M. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Friends may call Fri.

eve. THOMAS husband of Irene Beasley (nee Quirk). Relatives and friends, also employees of the Germantown Dye Works, and all other organizations of which he WAR member. are invited to funeral service. 2 P.

at his late residence, 173 E. Herman Gin. Int. Forest Hills. Friends call Fri.

eve. BEAUCHAMP -June 2, BERTRAND E. husband of Katharine L. Beauchamp, aged 64 years, of 6726 N. Broad st.

Relatives and friends, also Penna. Lodge No. 380. F. A.

Phila, Consistory, Lu Lu Temple and employees of E. Wright are Invited to services, 2.30 P. Funeral Home of Andrew J. Bair Son. 3925 Chestnut st.

Int. Westminster Cem. Friends may call 7-10 P. M. BELL.

-June 2, formerly of Mantau, MARGARET (nee Gray), widow of Robert Bell. Relatives and friends invited to the service, 2.30 P. Parlors of Harold B. Mulligan, 119 W. Lehigh ave.

Int. Greenwood (K. of Cem. Viewing Fri.eve. Langhorne, June 1, THOMAS husband of Bargaret Brennan.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral, 9 A. from him late residence, Bellevue S. Langhorne. Solemm requiem mass at Our Lady of Grace Church, 10 A. M.

Int. St. Andrew's Newtown. 2, at Roxborough Home, MARY ANN BROWN, Services Saturday, 11. A.

at Stetter Funeral Home, 6024 Ridge Roxborough. Interment private. BUCHER. -June 2, FRANCIS E. BUCHER, of 4230 Pine st.

Relatives and friends are invited to funeral, 9.30 A. from Oliver H. Bair 1820 Chestnut st. Solemn requiem mass at St. Francis de Sales' Church at 11 A.

M. Int. private. Friends may call Fri. eve.

Port Richmond, June KATHERINE (nee McCarron), Relatives wife of friends the late Patrick Burke. and are her late residence, 2514 N. invited to attend funeral, 7 A. from 10th st. Low at St.

Edward's Church, 8 A. M. St. Anne's Cem. Friends call Fri.

eve. Mass Int. 2, HUGH, husband of late Mary Burns (nee Moran), funeral Relatives 8.30 and A. friends are invited to from residence of his daughter. 3628 st.

Solemn requiem mass at St. Church at 10 M. Int. Holy Cross Aspen Agatha's Cem. Pittsburgh, June 2.

LILLIAN, wife of Orin B. Carpenter (nee Stoll), Relatives and friends are invited attend funeral, 8.30 A. from to residence of her sister, Mra. Anna Klinker, Lawndale. High Mass of 6138 Argyle Requiem.

St. William's Church. 10 A. M. Int.

Holy Redeemer Cem. 3. ARIELILLY (nee Polle), wife of the late Frederick H. Chamberlin. Relatives and friends are invited to services, 3 P.

at Schroeder 715 Cooper Camden, N. Funeral Home, J. Int. Harleigh Cem. Friends may call Fri.

eve, -June 1. DR. CHARLES CURRIE. of Elfreeda W. Currie.

Services husband 2.30 P. at his home, 50 W. Walnut lane, Germantown. Int private. June CATHERINE, daughter of the Inte Michael and Catherine Dooley (nee Carlin).

Relatives and friends and B. V. M. Sodality are invited from to her attend late tuneral, residence, 531 8.30 W. West' moreland st.

Solemn mass of requiem, St. Veronica's Church, 10 A. M. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem.

On June 2, ANNA R. DOUGHERTY. Relatives and friends are Invited to funeral. 8 A from Fitzpatrick Funeral Home, Broad and moreland Solemn Mass of Requiem. Church of the Holy Child.

9 A. M. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. ELLENDER.

-June 2, FRANK band of the late Carrie Ellender, aged 86 years. Relatives and friends, AlsO Betty Ross Council No. 668, 0. I. are invited to funeral, 2 P.

M. from Wagner Funeral Home, 224 Monmouth Gloucester. N. J. Int.

Wenonah Cem. Viewing Fri. eve. his residence, 4821 Windsor on June 2, WILLIAM FOCHT. Relatives and friends are invited to the services, 8 P.

at the Oliver H. Bair 1820 Chestnut st. Int, at Easton, Pa. June 1, of 6317 Lambert GERTRUDE wife of John Galloway. Relatives and friends invited to services, 2 P.

at Funeral Home of Nathan Marple, 2d. 34 W. Coulter Gtn. 3, FRANCES Funeral EATON, of Dr. Robert G.

Gamble, serVices will be held at her late residence, Weinunee, Interment Haverford, Kindly on omit At flowers. 3 P. M. private. GILBERT.

-June 2, RUTH beloved wife of John B. Gilbert. of 4245 Sansom Phila. Funeral services P. At Funeral Home.

250 White Horse Audubon. N. J. Int. private, Chelten Hill Pike, Crematory, Friends may call after P.


FREEMAN CO. 5032 Germantown 10 A. Machinery and Equipment of Machine Shop SAMUEL T. CO. Fishers Rd.

rock MaRT. 11 A. Valuable Farni. ture and Furnishings ASSOCIATED Market 10 A.M.. and Enuipment of Auto Accessories PENN JERSEY 38 Armat St.

11 A. M. Equipment Candy Mfr. Plant THOS. R.

LOVATT 220 5. Kighth St. A. Furniture 00C Associated AUCTIONEERS. INC.

1915-17-19 CHESTNUT PA. PEREMPTORY NAI.E Machinery Equipment AUTO ACCESSORIES FORD AUTO TRUCK FORD ROADSTER OTe Re Sold on Premises at Pubile Auction Today, June 4, 1937, at 10 A. M. (D. S.

4119 Market Street, Phila. Artisan bench lathe. Ampco bench testing machine, air compressor, tank and motor, double head electric bench grinders, electric circular SAW table. storage battery machine, Blitz battery charger, foot punch, electric motors. bench vises, oil tanks and pumps, electric hydraulie and stationary jacks, water heater, gas range, storage batteries, auto accessories, tire tubes, time clock.

generators And, starters, chain hoists, exhaust fan, National cash regBister, rubber IMMEDIATE hose. etc. DELIVERIES Thomas B. Lovatt Sons GENERAL, AUCTIONEERS, Weekly Furniture Sale AT THE AUCTION HOUSE. 720 8th Today, June 4, 10 A.

M. EVERY FRIDAY DURING SUMMER Dining Room, Living Room Bedroom Suits, Dinettes spinet desks, bookcases, Wicker kitchen seta, secretarial couch, tables, floor rugs, radios, pianos, 40. new porch rockers, bureaus, chifforobes, beds, gAR ranges, refrigerators, china. Weekly Furniture Sale EVERY June FRIDAY, AT Starting THE AUCTION HOUSE, 220 S. 8TH incl.

United States Loan Society Sells forfeited pledges from 1310 Arch st, to No. 244134 306 Market to No.111934 DIAM'DS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 10 A. M. SHARP 2 P.

at residence, Lafayette Fort Washington, Pa. Int. private. Friends may call Fri. 7-9.

-June 2, NICANDRO, husband of Bridget Guarini. Relatives and friends invited to attend funeral. 8.30 A. are residence, 1630 8. 15th st.

Solemn 10 A. M. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Viewing Fri, Requiem Mass, St.

Thomas Aquinas' Church. eve. GUENTHER. -June 2. ELIZABETH D.

in (nee her 61st year. Relatives and friends, Hausmann), wife of Charles Guenther. Harry Clay Council, No. 99. S.

and D. of invited to services, 2 P. at her late residence, 2843 N. 25th st. Int.

Northwood Cem. Friends may call Fri. eve. HAMPTON. -June 2.

WILBUR P. hus. band of Sarah E. Hampton (nee Pugh), of 308 N. Owen Lansdowne, Services 3 P.

George C. Funeral Home, Garrett rd. at Lansdowne ave. Int. Arlington.

Friends may call Friday evening. -June 2, MARGARET E. (nee Sullivan), of J. Holleran. Relatives and friends, invited to funeral, 8.30 A.

residence, 6546 Reedland st. Solemn Requiem Mass, Church of St. Barnabas, 10 A. M. Int.

Holy Cross Cern. -June 3, FRANCES A. HOMEYARD (nee Bailey), wife of Henry Relatives F. and friends are invited to services, Homeyard, of 5004 Walton ave. 2 P.

at Parlors of David H. Bowen Son. 50th and Catharine sta. Int. private.

Friends may call 7 10 9 P. M. band of Jane M. Johnston. Relatives and 2, EDWARD friende are invited to service, 8 P.

at his late residence, 720 60th st. Int. at Huntingdon, Sat. afternoon. 8, GEORGE humband of Rose Keyser (nee Yerkes).

Funeral services 2 P. at his late residence, 6413 Limekiin pike. Int. private. Friends may call to 9 P.

M. KIFFE. June the MARY (nee Thompson), wife friends of are late invited August to Kiffe. serRelatives and vices. 2 P.

at 47 Eckard AbIngton, Pa. Int. private. Friends may call Fri. eve.

1, HELEN, friends wife of invited George to Luner, and funeral, 8.30 A. from late dence, 8042 Osage Solemn requiem mass, St. Carthage Church, 10 A. M. Int.

Holy Cross Cem. -May 30. MARY daughter of the late Patrick and Bridget MeAdama. Relatives and friends B. V.

M. Sodality, League of the Sacred Heart, invited to funeral, 8.30 4. from residence of sister, Mrs. 1. Hayburn, 407 N.

54th st. Solemn requiem mass, Our Lady of Victory Church, 10 A. M. Int. Cathedral Cem.

MeCAFFERY. June 3 FRANCIS husband of Elizabeth McCaffery (nee O'Hara), Relatives and friends, also all socletien of which he WAS member, are invited to the funeral, 9 A. from his late residence, 329 E. County Line more, Pa. Solemn Requiem Mass.

St. Colman's Church, 10 A. M. Int. Holy Cross Cemetery, 31, MARY (nee Colgan), beloved wife of James M.

Mefriends and B. V. M. Sodality are invited to Collough, of 6310 Kingsessing ave. Relatives, funeral, 8.30 from the home of her daughter, Mrs.

James Fox, 609 N. 63d at. Solemn Requiem Masa, Church of the Good Shepherd, 10 A. M. 1, MARY A.

(nee Killoran), wife of the late Patrick Me- inG. vited to funeral, 9.30 A. from Laughlin. Relatives and friends are residence, 5927 Latona st. Solemn mass of requiem, Church of St.

Carthage, 11 A. M. Int. St. Dominic Cem.

June 1, ELLA aged G. 72 years. Relatives and friends are invited MARSHALL, of 5835 Warrington to services, 2.30 P. at Oliver H. Bair 1820 Chestnut st.

Int. Mt. Moriah Cem. Viewing Fri. eve.

2, SUSAN MILLER. Relatives and friends are invited to neral services at her residence, 445 E. Washington 8 P. M. Int.

private. -June 1. JAMES, band of the late E. Montgomery, of Carthage, Mo. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, 2 P.

the home of his niece, Mary Armfrom strong (nee Boice) 1506 S. 28th st. Int. Fernwood Cem. Viewing Friday evening.

-June 1, PATRICK J. son of the late Patrick and Mary Moran, of Swinford, County Mayo, Ireland. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral, 8.30 A. from the residence of his brother-in-law, Michael Doyle, 2632 N. 17th st.

Solemn Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Mercy Church, 10 A. M. Int. Holy Cross. 2, TILLIE A.

(nee Wilmot), wife of Frank Norgan. Relatives and friends invited to attend services on 1.30 P. at Funeral Home of Jas. G. Ogden.

822 E. Allegheny ave. Int. Baptist Haddonfeld. N.

J. '2, GERALD, aged 5 years con of Corneltur C. and Margaret Connolly O' Brien. Relatives and friends are invited to funeral, 8 A. residence of parents, 7107 Llanfair Bywood, Pa.

Mask of the Angels. 8 A. St. Laurence Church. Int.

Holy Cross Cem. June 2, MOSES, husband of Lillie Rickersburg, of the Hotel Majestic. Relatives and friends, also Phila. Lodge J. are invited to attend funeral services, 2 P.

precisely, at Morris Son Memorial Chapel, Cem. 2009 N. Broad st. Int. Adath Jeshurun On June 1, WILLIAM F.

RINEHART, of Cresco, son of Elizabeth M. and the late Harry P. Rinebart. Relatives, friends and Lodge No. 9.

F. A. are invited to the service. Fri. 2 at the Oliver H.

Bair 1820 Chestnut st. Int. private. Friends may call Thurs. eve.

A. RITTENHOUSE, son of Martin H. June 2. TAYLOR and Clare Dengler Rittenhouse. Relatives friends are invited to services, 3 and Academy, City Line.

Int. P. at Epiphany Arlington Cem. -Suddenly, in Atlantic City, ROWLAND. N.

June 2, EDWIN DUFFIELD, husband of Mary' Pearson Rowland. Relatives and friends are invited to attend services, 2 P. Jeffries Keates, 1713 Atlantic ave. Int. strictly private.

-June 2. of 508 Waring Elkins Park. FREDERICK husband of SCHULER. Lizzie M. Schuler.

Services and interment at the convenience of family. Friends may call Fri. at Sechier Maguire 1953 N. Broad st. widow of Dr.

L. J. Schwatt, in her 75th on June 1. ROSE and friends are invited to year. Relatives Fri.

2 P. at the Oliver the Bair services. 1820 Chestnut st. Int. private.

H. Friends may call Thurs. eve, AUCTIONEERS Philadelphia Executor's Sale at Auction Estate of George Henderson, Machinery and Equipment of MACHINE SHOP Spring Alley, Rear 5032 Germantown Avenue TODAY, JUNE 4, 1937. AT 10 A.M. Daylight-Time on the Premises Fordick radial drill press, 150- ton portable hydraulic press.

Ohio 2-head planer, Mitts Merrill key seater, Whiton centering Barnes Myers vertical drill press. en, plain milling machine, Universal tool grinders, Peerless high -speed hack Detrick Harvey 3-head open side planer, Bullard vertical boring mill, Lucas Rockford ma chine lather. Atlas Arbor presses, speed lathes, planer, shaper, air compressor, bench hoists, boring bare, angle and blocks, pneumatic tools, milling twist drills, jacks, reamera. stocks and dies, tapa, chucks, etc. Descriptive Catalogs Upon Appifention Now On Exhibition Executors' Public Auction VALUABLE FURNITURE Furnishings, Antiques, Oriental Rugs, Paintings, Objects of Art The Katate of the Late Mary S.

Thayer Sold on the Premises at Fishers Road and Blackrock Bryn Mawr, Pa. TODAY, JUNE 4, 1937 AT 11 A. M. By Order of Girard Trust Company, Frederick M. Thayer, Executors Died DENN- JERSEY Auctioneers, 31-23-26 N.

24 8t. CANDY MFR. PLANT (Eatate of A. J. Robinson 4 8.

Smith) On Premises 33 ARMAT PHILA. (5600 Germantown Ave.) Today, June 4, at 11 A. M. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Died Died -June 1, MARY R. (nee Shepp), wife of the late Dr.

Peter are inviled Schwenk. Relatives and friends to services, 2 P. at Funeral Home of Andrew J. Bair Son, 3925 Chestnut st. Int.

Forest Hills Cern. Friends may call 7 to 9 P. M. 2, 508 Waring Elkins Park. FREDERICK husband of Lizzie M.

Schuler. Services and Int. at the convenience of family, SHELDON. -June 3. EARL husband of Blakestee Sheldon.

service. Relatives 2 P. M. and. friends are invited to at his late residence, 353 Lincoin Lansdowne, Pa.

Int. private. SIMONE. -June 2. HENRY, husband of the late Kate Simons.

Relatives and friends are invited to funeral service. P. at the Parlors of William H. Eppley, cor. Frankford and Allegheny aves.

Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Viewing Fri. eve. 31, SAMUEL husband of Florence Smith, (nee Trost), and son of.

Fannie and the late Matthew Smith. Relatives and friends. employees of Misericordia Hospital, invited to funeral, Sat. 9.30 A. M.

residence of his mother, 2979 E. Thompson st. Solemn Requiem Mass, Nativity B. V. M.

Church, 11 A. M. Int. private. -Of 421 Righter on June BERT W.

husband of Elizabeth Porter Stirling. Funeral services A. at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Oak Gtn. Int. private.

Friends may call at funeral parlors, 433 Lyceum Roxborough, Friday, 7 to 9 P. M. THOMAS. 2, SOPHIA 8., wife of William L. Thomas.

Relatives and the late, William L. Thomas and, mother friends invited to funeral, 8.30 A. from late residence, 31 S. Carol High land Park, Pa. Solemn Requiem Mass, Laurence Church, 10 M.

Int. Westminster Cem. June 2, of 6212 Master JOHN, husband of Gertrude (nee McIntyre) and son of Margaret (nee O'Connor) and the late James Tobin. Relatives and friends are invited to the funeral, 8 A. from the Forrest Funeral Parlors, 3140 N.

Broads Mass at St. Rose of Lima Church. 9. M. Int.

Holy Cross. Viewing Fri. eve. 1, MARY A. (nee Cor.

rigan), wife of the late Edward Walsh? Relatives and friends, also B. V. M. Sodebn ity of St. Anne's Church, are invited to tend funeral, 8.30 A.

from dence of cousin, Miss Fannie McDonough: 2348 E. Tucker st. Solemn Requiem Mass St. Anne's Church, 10 A. M.

Int. New Cathedral Cem. WELDIN. -June 2, of 4129 Mantua EDGAR husband of Clara F. Weldin.

Relatives and friends, also Charles M. Swain Lodge, No. 654, F. and A. P.

R. R. Retired Men's Assn', and all other organizations of which he was member, are invited to services, 2 P. at Funeral Home of Andrew J. Bair Son.

3925 Chestnut st. Int. Arlington Cem. Friends may call 7-9 P. M.

-At Chester, June 1, MARY J. (nee O' Donnell), widow of Thomas Welsh. mother of Rev. J. Joseph Welsh, O.

And Sister M. Virginia, I. H. M. Relatives and friends of the family, also B.

V. M. Sodality, Altar Rosary Society, Invited to 8.30 A. from her late residence. 324 Lloyd Solemn, mass of requiem The Immaculate Church, 10 A.

Int. Immaculate Heart Cem. June 2, LORAINNE HILLSLEY, wife of the late Edwin Mann Wentz, Relatives and friends are invited to services, 2 P. at her late residence, 39. E.

Gowen Mt. Airy. Int. private. -May 31.

ELIZABETH WIL SON (nee Moore), widow of Robert E. Witee son. Relatives and friends are invited 'to the service, Friday, 2 P. at her late rest: dence, 1323 S. 22nd st.

Int. private. 2. CHARLES, band of Catherine Wisnovsky. Relatives and friends, also all societies of which he was a member, are invited to attend the funeral, 7.30 A.

at his late residence. 705 N. 24 st. Solemn Requiem Mass. St.

Agnes' Church, 9 A. M. Int. Holy Cross. 1, WILLIAM: beloved.

husband of Rose Wolford. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral. Sat 8.30 A. from late residence. 2846 N.

7th st. Solemn requiem mass at St. Edward's Church, 10 A. M. Int.

Holy Cross Cem. MARY, wife, ot John Zimmerman, aged 63 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the services, 2 P. at her late 1336 N. 29th st.

Interment private, Mt. Peace Cem. Friends may call Fri. eve. ter 7 o'clock.



The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.