I 'ii Terme. 'N. Wks. Wood House Bab Agog 10, 1044014 ROBERT JOHNSON, HOUSE ESTA'. AGENT, 149, LORU-s SOU 001 .110.
Mr er of and A kW Joe ilirwarl Umfrrly a wigutrolitot. LORD-STREET. BeApri Bin'masa Hill. a i I 124 Sally, 1.0ri.1 'slid Mrs Manama lousy Mae BAli iA Mr. Iktbinum.
fialven4 Mims Ballirele, d. dor MO Sabina', 4 IN Cottage Osseo. Air Jame Ego Wood. The Grew, ran Weed, Daisy PimAso Miss LAO M. Brown Bre Andrrte Ban Hammon and family.
Manche The Minor .4. 4 S. Carr Mr. Danlop Terrace. Mrs Ora amid 3o PROM EN A 1) E.
1 Mrs Lea sot Mrs Wsilb. Lagelibil sl Mrs avd Mrs Iriab Swam awl The lie" "plea Nre Billkll4llllll 4 .11 Ames Mir lilt Esq. Floriold do Meryport Salk. IbwhoUt Faroworthl WM lITON -ta. PRINCE'S-STREET.
Prises's Grove. Wry I lioroman, ibgber Mn dononon. du Piro Norris, Lovcrpool ILBOiI, Esq. do Coburg Villas. ri.to NEI Manchester Rows.
7 Mrs Tihiary Yorkshire 9 Sirs Axiom Montpelier Nene. 31 Alums rows Mr awl Mb haw, booth sad Wail) la Mrs Coklowee Mdasediaq. Brafiloril W. Cocker Mr IL H. Moan, Livorpovi Mies Um, WOW Mr J.
airbrslo lam sorimma. Tates Hasa 22 lifrolimas Victoria 6 ids haes A 31 Devonshire Noise. Ira L-asr sad Mrs IS.ldge, Holum Clovelaud Terra's. Mrs Tabe Misses Scott Mr, teraer Ilr G. Yaw', Illsoklarn Mr 1.
Yates, LON IMN-Wls. Iwo inmes. II Ma Maas ft Iry Reghtos Ares Rotel. Mrs Watdrannoi Naafis Wain, EN. alanchroar I mei.
Eng. do Thos. Nari. tt. Mauchealar, lUsort.MUM., Eloi.
1111 0 F. Parker, Eat. liork.hirs )Ir 0. W. lloliner.
(Jargon! Ni 0. W. Ban Mr Junes Copland, Wlean Wd sq. linltos 17 lire Searys44 Rnaghtail 6'l6l Vieshaftel Ii 1 fr D-ST It EET. n.
'l7lank if iliaL Cafier Jim Mar, 4 MrII Ohre, 41 AM SO llioiJoaes Wm Wigan Wes mil Mks Vaa Calms', Ilaachr. tr. Nliess NA 4. 14 Mrs 18 Mir Lacer Is Oro larsessel 2 4 larnord au Mrs Spart, Lir forsidri) William AWreil. 1141184.
mei Wii.aulaamar Aldred sad Is Tor Tree Mi. I $2 Gob and Mrs fleosnrear, airs Mrs Sobeles. Marrelhsseer Mrs isstaiiirry. do MI Li. Mr Hwy Ilmimhatim Woe Mums, Es RANK STRUM.
I Sin saw I. Mu assures Mrs Oil lisisk lag. Law. Ake Wiliam' 4 in Air SCHOOL SIVICRT. 7 Mrslore knerald Cottage.
Mr. ermorame 4 Mr' Allow ADELAIDE-SUE! Pen-y-gsat Plain Mr. Bartle Mr and Mrs Boas, lbs. Bow do Ayrtoa Plum. Mime teuckdale Borns Villa.
Mr. Amos Dims Turton Cottage. ifi; Top Worsley Villas. Mrs Mr. Worsley Place.
Mrs Boit Boon Bank. Mrs J.k. name, Mars Ilarrravirr, Ilea View Cottig es. Mrs CZaptimi Void Lleerroul Cremptoa Terries. Mrs Leicester Place.
Mrs CHAPEL-B'n 20 Mrs ontrissi Railway Yr W. Never LK ET 11-ST. EAST lIA EST-ST ET. Old Bath Cottage. IS k.
Simi IS .11,6 Mal Cottage. Mow W. B. Minion BLit KDALE PARK. ROAD.
Sus nor Pisa. hair. mad Mr. Wernegise Mount Ploaanat. Jammu Park Hotel Ifr MoroiMei INEMOMD I ODD Ir Mr 6.
Tbe M.niamini, ei Westworth I Ard wield and Mita Tcanlaa. Bedsit Hampshire Terrace. 1 Mrs Jr J. Ain 3lrre when Eccles Clitil Hard 170 Mrs Wood, MAMA 1, Derby OrdsaP In Ain Crisppe. Wan 4se4er Amber.
AI.IO:RT ROAD. Ash Tills, Mr. 1 I 2 R. Jaw i Ile IMIiV of D. Holt, Ety.
Iwo. IMiso Even, do I SAUNDERS-8 I REE I. Harcourt Terrace. rri. N.
Smith Orwady MIK FL-ST EET. Gambier Terrace. ii.eiams I ww iterrisitos rep A THE SOUTHPORT Houle. ih re. London Bbakspere L.
Heraiugway Hills, Esq Lou, In W. H. Ilina awl family, do glier Clowlwo In. Esq. Liserpool Climb'slain.
do oilman Esq. New bosh), do Cavendish Place. 8 Taw Nisato Grialiroil Albert Roue Mrs Nam Jaws 1 I. Whalton, Esq. and family, Gantsio Ana's Villa.
4 Mrs "6 Beatlillald Nous. Dwasi Urabam, Stretford Sannyside. 49 EW BAT it Iralred IL 1G IL BM. Llmard IONATR Asiwerth I. -ail Times.
11 Ms Yorkshire II ross Limo, FA. Ii If' FZUVART 14, 1564. lUN HOCOLATZ CON FECTIOP CIIOCOLATIL CREAN, as propped 4 IT- Mr admits Mrs Asirrow 91 Mir Jeer Mrs A. Las Terms. rim Warier's, Mr IMAM ling sod V'rkgeraKS'l' Arley Tomsk 17 Mrs Mrs Allow' 29 Mrs MRS Miss Forgis, Glasgow Alas Dianold.
do Peel Bask llmpwase 4 3Am I lsvtii Jt'MPIIA. 12 Mrs Won 14 Mrs Joel Jos 14 Mrs Jrastas Naidesiold Roue. Mrs las Odier. ismilligiii Wi 1.1.1 A SI sTREET. Ityecroft Villas.
11. Arm ikwitt aud Prrscus I ChrOdidy, do Neal Villa. Mr, Nr. Ins Mom Sum, Miami UPPER KING-ST. 17 Mrs Watarriplot ESIONII ViUS.
Mr, Floyd 79 ihrethar Li. But catages. In Mrs 0 '844 Aut. Terms. 34 Afro Amami as Mrs 44 Mrs Belmont Flue.
16 Mrs Mato, Were. Liu uear bottle de Mlles VIM. 1.11 Mrs Ana 'Meld, Cheatham Oak Terms. Mrs W. Ritmo Spriag Cettat mv.
Atm sad Mrs Iliesklirls Liss Tres Mariloll El. term LI Albert i rlfte a. Mrs Printing of Ivory Doooription latirat-eluestyle, with the utmost at very moderateettarges. POSTING BILLS, RAMP BILLS. CIRCULARS.
The brlllianc Trii pa soia the Meet class etyma: Chareobors is of Use war pert chariot. Man ii Nowa Deries us perarns, sad au aely be Wel at 'his estalsoli meet. sll 011DEVIS SUPPLIILD moo ATLS GIVbJ FITTI)G ur 6M4 rJIL, ec G. W. S.
12, I.olilt-sTREEr, LIVEIIP4KoL. it 244 176 Olsten. Ass. Terser -Sisr. 'niers is so aidsks stoat tie rat win eg Ilmarid 1 had very had Nom thrall aid sad I fllnelred reef beak thateneely A prorate: rerend a mine tried it at the eimmtMlaar girth the name happy result.
Darnley. Mar. My wife had 14 years before taking your Egralsern: She could awerly nth woo the our. theist God. she can her wink yeire awn eat arils.
and sleep wal. Mancliestrr. Ib3 Lroulsoda; 1 ingot confess. is tire Meg thing 1 wet with for ad mem" All reetlaranusls guarsated triitlifeL Isnid in 164 and Ye ird (same of 764 la lamer War), 4s 44 (sarnei 134 d). Comm', pore.
Illaorth. Warbernot. I. Scowl-mt. Maim.
hioo.i. 444, IL Ise Abeam. Nlan.l and Will. O. 1,4 liqui.
I flyer. liebre." Ilann bottler, 4. 1..: IS Lralay sod 'tames EV.111.1. Ma CO as by rai l'hennot an. it.
V. 12,11 JOII II OLFO It D. PORTKANTIAII, nunix AND BAD JA TAMAR INC LIV irk POOL OWS SO 01P4INC. SYR UP nre For Children Teething. A Boers is now Orme iii Widow forllin 4.4 Rae.ly.
which Iwo torn, lit su AIIiPHA thirty It all to tote, itat S. is all esees; it the sad gimes it nest; saftesto tim Mad wail all 1.41.111 ir spasmodic action. mod ts brag To TIIE epos it, Mother, at trill give rvet to and IaIEF AND HEALTH To YOUR INFANTS. It wall shwa rehoso Unpins in the liowels Coe, Lawn it the and run remedy in the 11 tu all no" ul Ilyresitt in bether tient tab. Thcre are ureparatwus Of a name in tins connu7.
be oure and for Mr, WtmailOW tall 'thing S. and nr. that PERRIXif. New York and Loudon, ts on the outside wrapper hold by all Chemkta. at la I 4 per on the Azeut for one 1.4 lint Winslow qic Receipt of charge.
SOW la Sustbpart by T. H. W. Assents'. nod ebelaitts everywbere.
London D1i4.20) Ilugh Holborn. BOOKBINDING In every variety of Style executed upon the Premises, by efficient and weal Workmen. AGAZINES an.l REVIEWS stroogly sad bowl) buusKi; also put iW eliAla TANDADD WIiCKS of REFEItENCE pat iato auliatiusual bindings. pOETICdL WOILKs and Drawing Roos Books lb and elapist bindtacs. MUSIC loodo, bat( calf, tall WI, or Also I.
tiaa volamo. ia Mop deicer Wart, kr the sansaissee A evensing ESTI lIATES given for binding ainale acts a works, is own binaries, in aus, Rumen, Morocco, calf, roan aisi cloth, lit ciati4r fiall ea half Lisidisig. EA out)Li, large or trill be executed lid and 4nralality. jOllll5Oll sod Bootlioden 14V, Lord-swot, Samalipen. tabor's Tanana' Cough KureWs foe Ur 1 Imo.
rod sorra. to bo boos. sail be is too trealead Monist, Southport. 110, Su SI, sod 4..44. per bottle.
(tuf Perk, tiveithpert. sap has ben Anne 16. years; boa hoes weier mM beads of trietwei without 11.1 eightent Med levies T. raw the Met owe' bre is he. ihre tw.
She hes it to reeral hem melte hied Is kunieti.e. RAI ell; km.ilVli Cne.vii ta Ti. Italemeof H0M1111.4114 Arseved, le ill he ameba, heareesie.e. asthma 11114 ilitseedere at eielswip. It as the bat.
amid Wont emelt li.l•ft ffte fins Hewing meet pl.e.M anJ tante. It itri he whaliiiiitieel with the grrait .1 I intents sad rltilvlrew. It few seimmielate wee, Mad will vtfret eunel nt it ere in the we own Missies Chemist. Ledetrawt. Apes Air Seatlipart.
7-11 Pet A teiiaii erne eersaisly dors. ea the naive Implies. the werear ewe ewe. sateral Slim Meth seeks. los iewsed eaA rignsh.ll.
Are Ave the eine of Anne. to 1111 rei.vA s.f se a a. Die ales (Honk r. Owlet. it grebe, ewer vs.
..0.1 W. bate mei MS I.S drama. lefielle Thee lee so Aoki. rivves wletewee bee i.loiefl (U. s.ilb iklyhmall) him 11.
es. bow ivy 11l I. all inoth.ve TO. oar is--ead yes vaimmeasen.l 1 to Wire as vs hog se roe risk Nor Yore. from Sew Zahme emeamese dot bie George Grey his awseptoll ii.reolosmitio el die Fos mieswey.
A sew eebsest his bee" limeed. Is is mid es be Mieedoi es mem these of gorernom te Wines. Goverment his eeneestee diet po emit daps i will ems be takes to put Mora the mune I FRAM AID TIM MUM MUM Tin Mist Paris 4111ffelpieliMet age Um Miss dr abeam M. IS "Mfr. woo recalled ism Waelmiessois Anoriers were led se orierairma slot in ear rpm mould is arimered roil Mr.
'Amnia sheril sompired doe Natromit of Minim Thu hos um hos Irdirmikg, sad shoes 1.. Ilembud.huM Warbimises. TIE 1111IIIDDIS Mao: orosisi of sod sow owed Irish do Milan boTrZe Ni Tows MI Usk, wow ia ale NNW. Isso so comisrosos kr ollions of bowie she miss mollbsosy spiels urns sollbood boob by IMMO old symobool. and rowilosisos were pawl Sedigki it chorale to sooftoos so dosisiso of do ossibooss.
tit sib cliadiiituct. JAPAN 001 TWO FRENCH leaslimeett from Javan Tn. BIWA weer weft .11 et Jidda' It 'opened that the Isksd whaled the Is coarrettem. PINK. ha.
rommeimid Nur Wilding do bonnie. is the et eloseriaki. Two Erma shims l. headeted by ir irame Mrs hen mead Oar Ihddrim amd Leowirens Sod. An ro or ipt boo boo soot be As nobility cot I reply es as oddness Ina dolt body to As Asonoo.
His ordeoty TM Worm lon bon peoprod sod Aro dowdy toollool solidood7 root way WM- Sail At as lopotooloot se fro no pliable el the OMNI orpudotobto of As emotry. The pont mg So ipoombob as Amid No orobjeot bat demo ismiillen. olos WO, to wok do sow et Sorb of As tedd am but rotord i.yplm I so fully sootiond AM I dog woo mob New mob olosielot is as pod any AMA! I oddlity." lles Maids: of the laratior Ms bum imberooll we oomereleatoshssii to all Am gomoses pronosee whin itibto of do esslobby of pluodatial orolablito Nom INNAND. no Gower of Pawl hos main' do add fosvooloos of do Iltooloo goloomat Os Ms IS ompobooloo of do looT ne ot Palma User them lookroodom eamoloolooo owl stiosioi proviosiol govemEnis aro sod 010 Mina bramble of do adosioimodso VII Mow kali be only dominoes of th. fooprofko trio et Posrilorg.
Thy whist Mel his 14 divided IWO ompoorooloo docorimooto. owlet die diesodoo of a mem. The put of tiownor le morposood. the fooodelo et ibis Ake bag Mild by tbs Aid el due 410i1 Ameasisirstios. sod the tainswirr-leribisf et the inmos sbesirsi Uth.
Polioh powsoces. Arial arliamtnt. HOIDIZ OF LOltDB. Me Meer To Till orpy Wm. ce de isie die reaL Their loreale ea the Menem least aft prow si.y abler easereet.
boars isolestamers Imo trammeled. ROIIIII OF COIKOIiB. toV INS rEolit HOWL FRI!) Rama save mows that ma the Hit instant L. nova he leave to teal to but ha eatead the franchise la vt I. reply to Itr.
Mr. Grime WI Mol Mr reasnament Womb. to bring Is a MN hr the Mel troorportsuus Arrisdia. Se J. ElpeuotetWe strei teer tia; Geyer ireshl ley on the Wale the report Aateitell to respecting the gnrfietoetscee el the easel.
en the Chaser' tleet. Lord rood asid UM the import is wes enutidesual, gad sbrodie mail eft be did en de labia TISS STARS 4210.11111fliAlla Os the mew et the day irre Ow remiddMee ert sategy, tut J. Welsh eaLot -tar Wesitslose le au etivammtemtea which hare kJ to Um settee rives by the Cleventaseat ut the Caned Mates ef North Amerke I.t. mama the euoveuties Meat MONA v. 3 the Unded Mates mutually IS grapd mut to tit oat newel armaments op tbe tuMeedes Mime; alao the tbe 0011Meree Leteres promos Or AMMO' eed the Vaitet Stew Wile lels Lard The hobottrabu baronet muted Wall papereeademmetreArutu with the Lad (sly esp.sitted the nitnotle i re arreasensents mad, srivelt the coamteldea and Illbe rerstooesty to at sere leased.
sad eastellsd eaus4anees led ts Mew lasediad Ile the Lowe to rehab lbon the waiter at the preeest ties, Ind dr tectula war lira I.tkAeL MONDA Mr. blierldau s.v• socks of MOW 'or I' p. II portion a tit. p. aMS mg buda.t is tbe eatllia.o• a the are imams Mi.
OinqeMS hiLL. Os the motion oir Mr id. We itaiidedies far takes Bill ea, I eed email tereotil ot.i. red a. IA rti.rred tu a eusuaittea.
Sir. G. Grey brearglst re OW to amend Ow awe reiatrui to VO 011'. Ur. N.
Iwamoto eutraelureal OW for tha easeanfte of OP TOWILIIT UR Victor the inonterer of Mies Goodtris. hiessell on wly, by jumping over OW guavas. raihoes I rows. go return from eteapeL CARDINAL WISEMAN. On Saturday tie teaming bulletins were mood in reference to use rate et tbel'artliusi's heal tiATVIIDAT.
Fi 11. FITL The Cardinal is wen II a more WM the. than bit was Itervimeir Zlhisi. II 30 r.ih Th. Cardiaal remiss wit the ewe mem The may to ittirlos on Meade, sersig wool: The Careisal is hearty setae mem' TRZ SAFFRON ELL Mete ars Wei made S.
process repine err S. belies Merest, she is sailer sestesso death ter the eiserder Msdred iternismas. es fareshill. iseasbeir et Isidore asiesded es Weasels" et elm elerlisswell pelts, seem sod mode edevits to the am that they believed use sed set resimissi. bed eremieled the Ibises alhievits ars se be Mid Wen she lire lbsere: soy.
Wet la Ye 44, gees bloselt sp bt the polies. INebtelets skit he die per Nos Whim eseasiesd beide es Thursday. U. would set re the Isegth et wised tbst be use the sernirrer. whisk mat die eistendesess is setesel est the tudessesie be did mhos is elm reseetredieted by die hisdleed et the Mese whore the moth.
use eemmiseL reit remessied. DEATH OF THE DIME OF DORM Tim Disko Heelatunberland esd tedealy at Atemark Ca.te as Sunday Tbeasearoewet old as drum at great rent awes be roar frees sr re lees al be rt. tos. by tiros wee b.essdisses bee soseried as easy essolita Tbe dotord slur labormil tame sr ewes his retro. Hs se Irani is 1:112.
sad reed es ray ates 0114 air. ISo dor sr prorated aril IE4I. abs. be we ere ersestral re bra le bad Art rm. pry at lb.
isersos if Int Lord el tei Alremity, mode tlio Kari ad is SW. mau eat at ary ere sea I. Hi. Ouse bes buss sere saw pater of tbo Lisboa isertior N. bek Wirt dressiehod bassolf by red ass at orgy slabs epee his rarity, sad owe esplessily sub nibessas a.
ismistatiers. err ibe liteestie awl art bars ford bus airesse bo ler married. is lalt, tin eldest of tbe Minor 04 Wesimisesse. Ssit ha. mu truly.
Ms Karl ul every seiree lb. Mk. be 8 111110014, Var. 44, Kay esuna. en4.1.1ner..4.
014 I.P.STA TO Vs. WIT01.1 1171 I. Chtlyin. tyvtbilyi lyieb bow Wee sum la lb. I.
you OM la SW OTOSIr ell 1.. 1114 per afgentreaosa. Iftyligystion. I Pie Is Wm ann. nate Isom LleaJ behe.e•esslinelse aniri Olen dee omit allemank bry he sir A.
Teren's INMAMPO POK min 14-11. by Ur. ablades, a oortify din nibble" 1...... Temsbaiire isr.4 ri( Tisledsrnia la On aft, tbrev sod 1 01 b. I hum.
8.4* by Ilr. oirsses. a la. lea. as' Se.
M. eel WWI. MEI MIN NM ne Mei obleb leek Ore de MI met by the benelag ef the mod Me Wm by eselbo Mod. by lee beedboy do awe elold, dat ddl demeeme remlMl le km ef Meo sem TOM, MGM Ike beak et so era el' as eld Illmembeo earl, Tlytompoe my. Tbe mot mist eel mil Medal Me OM me Mem am, mod dem 94 Ohba Mem as Me 17 pie, sod MOO Mom ee Yr Karl et Many.
Time ma. mold Mod Jam, mil gem es met la do ylt Mem es Mar pmedeeely. leye milleumbed ehey meld mem Me mit Tle so emobed se me peedie sod Mod DIMS es Meesday lbe bees et the ma mew lemd moo Tlim sees memped hem le mei merle TM mood et Immo dem by ehe weer le loildlop le lie Morame eelighlooker4 deeeliemblo BOMANII MAT INUTAIL TN Iwo or AslloursCdh Ebehosy iss4. osier obs orkeek, of Chiba Whom gloom shahs how of is of Os arab of Isms Is sad dons( he pon (most ty lis Loshsi lbe seder Cseisd Ilfloosss sombiss as how hoe ISM pine (Wolin 17 'Maw) hr Seilsed. sod 1113 push hr Id (Waft hew bielmss), shag Ihr Gress Mash of 1321 phew Ugh is On se benne ash( As Nor of as We INS 71 pails is KNOW sad I is I.rnid erg en NI sad hooloso is Soodend Sl.
eshing hm 1138. This hoes see issomo is assobso is Ilsoloni a A. INN ow she 88 hanisiss Thai am am smnall, ye IR Iludled lbw le is Mom Aspar Imo As. me smass ssil 14 hinind.l wok earltivbe rer of As liseas4 ll6.l 4 one IlmsiosL Mho sso los onftessah Ihshei iso wog ishlssa. Nide is lbs oshe maw ss essilssl odor iellorme sel lease lb Ibiblks As pope lb he mamba et ss smnsorise.
smossmsrlos. Bsophis esl sophossies ISM 1411. Ikon am ilm ip iso llores. da zo w. fer me ss wie sh rav essig isid sapid presages shidt is Climb of bre Is usropeliedibe 7 1831 44 $545.
II: It well As. shot Piaui Wk bir really mei (hommi lemehimg of pessms iLisee bis meal is ea onerri hers bah bees is owl sigh Lembo gloss so As Asa 71 loe.lt. 52 amomereek sod IS hosissonse sembihnl. dee orpiesmaggs. beoleemle.
awl Nimenerromasf. TIM UIPBRIAL LITZ OF JULIUS CABAL The Pr et Vises ekes awe mews die bet name 4 de Ower.7 me le pew Psis. UN Mks if the work will demel the Sem et the kola et lbws Mee die beekise 4 the city to the grain Come Uwe in epees weaberat war ememed ben Osman mirk. which tie weber bee dreeeebly embed. wry to Swear rn web pew Jam QUM tad Kaman Lse amised dee week se Wile the woe blowsy.
Thu maw awake lbe Shia she lesmese ememered sde ma Ise ibisolsi dee ibey embehhei bee isle dime gesibiebleto watt bed 4461. Is leselmbe hie ebewysime ebb Ow ram obese Sags-, amed Malt eta hi rapiacal with is as as oxintr a i nC Oki Neat at tinvii. gristly. hied Wore she Wort ihoL Vte eesq the Reelph hod Wee burell es as of liberty. Abeeeb a re be 6 a wsk sad anew were the serer of sad pews.
le bea a mew teeney wee Names et dee elsedem weeder mems awd hueme. wr by was ter, ituhi; sod the sessraney Is koala. and is gaMead Mb de with ti or the vabasy. sad se see wee Moen mew with bleb embleelow leseradom elsbeeeh des petede bed me pee U. dlesedee ef peke abb.
It wee in MOM Nu. tba bu lbe the Mary 4 beebeg, whbb owed eat a such bold relief from be sleet Ceselmette wee greedy UP ebbsereesed Warmwa in imebe weeds Se Web Mt Mai pest paid emedeee se gre. eseed be awe it lea ems. us wbeeher doe urn we meg er Ise watereee. be le meek welt ele gesiber 4 th.
epeartla We se theakey ber ages listeste de mbar, Nese or lbeleed ger beam misideed adr ems se isse me bey meld by ill tbe seem wad isw et mom salad ben to um. Pews elikly miLl bush. heeds 4th. peerisime se hug. they wen washy el a mil hbui.d shot, but for their pearereseebu we be at rolivz.
but for Weds Isms Yam. md ebet mow sad wfichible rink which rho dirilostokike asantkeristic of art sigamegy. thu warlt Roman civilisation Vann MI atm bees fella plebe. FRI BURIAL PLACE OF 1211 PRIM I Tb. seyal as ft seisia awe la it reftmlos al as Pate Ossart le Alma Wray bel peaelly syynasbies araplass.
ear yea balm a.emansesal as asalsa lie lasailso-seswe brag ben by Or law ea Ass MIL Os illbe 1.11141‘ Pomba aOa yaw obi esteaea ea samba gas passessl by as bawd Oro promo, a bee rid a. appal Fmk sad tie ftea ley mas sal ray um. 112 Oa was natal a 'Allosi as Ord as soma Om as reyel soak a Clad. depooted It tiapary aseglaps wads ibe bz nal espolebrel babes a saws sal rerivse. no owasisra.
see fte slab was assably asses ear Ina del taw. ft pared a la lea ask as woo wile ere if opal waft es la saws ria a porta has bees asesa, as wan aka kw bus samba Nib Tomala smass.by aka The lay A Woe wino. yob 4 sae. ao seas bag soaped by as wawa V. basteaal a.MasaS plead MINNOMPA by oloole sod far pillo ewes.
a wale alias bag bewftea by ma else sa gaS balar. Tbe oaseler das pertee orlorood sob as saisftlesly sialawal bal a Naar. Tbe et am Elia aloes a. (Omi) welassafts. awe ba as.
sad tberbb ails as awing belga ft al bet. lbe beget 1 1, a as Agee Se as aft of ao asamal reel (ost as WOO) bag 7111 a. 1110 iwralsow Na bra erected maw as wagerasadars Ibusbest es weasel a as ma sad area of Portia, awe ea gwealaillas alb big A eseamet areas. bah des agar aftl awee paler das masa as pare wla Masa. awe alba a Wawa lel sopa el lbe smear aft Cassia make awe as lalwar.
slab N. esabel ease aftwirelsoft Tbe earsi dartekor tromia rho logs NOW Ifor Ito of eirieloolf la Woo sasease so as Pusi gala ases raiseass. TM. sinaftegos as as la mown as.l alma task et ark gra bad Ira Mae swam awe as I lewd Se Ms pair I bebly absbed, osi within It Ores Is NY So be rem am. be die sessalea erabst oda by Me ea Aas el the rase.
Lmg deg eaftyla n. aftlabra leen GC as rase esaweesa for Wilt woe is Pe beads et Osseo berselsal al edi 11 as ma pass abft laismosso. Os. los algal laffialaft la War saw Waal sale Olga el asps Np gal a ft sigrembed.b lbeassonsoal basi. is bream Tbe Man law eberessee.
sad as deep awl Maga Napa a as lee sari Lan warms sue so semeal. nes as es ALMILIBIN grey INAV N. IN ORM WNW 1111IVOI VAIN isambursrars ow V.1.104111.1 A1l Teni II II 7110 Mops saki of cloo Royal tomb bobbed by a barolsosss does bslestzsdlos Tb is eseabbsily cosily votetsoss lbws P. sotS.s.: about Os osSOOOlllllll, tr besiestly boos toads by tlw MMiV earrytng oat lb. Roy sl I.
Wert world trod to Is re sotslo.J sis is ib. mod of babiUsu. sod dieft has Mos saissisiwit awanam. 16 Mrs Mora 111 Moo ARMOR sireeserood. Nary Al.
E. thessweed. ito 111 as Gromnierad, do Meivillo Plage. riOssass Clifford House. 22 Afro ninon I Miss Tem Jobs Ellis, Eel.
Li Mr sad lln TuytoZreildersaeld 0100 I Tea Tree Villa. min Taylor, do Melbearas Terrain. I 7 Mrs Rasa 21 Mos Arlin Ma Create 9 Mrs Real Let lulls (Let iseasshoil 10 Mho GO Prestos Villa. lbo Clough acid family, A. D.
Caloy, Esq. Bunco rad Miss Sutcliffe Becep 11 Mrs Akre laburnum Terries. 41 ars Hol Cheatham. Mombasa lin aad Meant Woolfall. 3 W.
do Laburnum' Terrace. Miss lamina 48 Mrs i Pllchor. do IMso inquire. sowerby Cottage. Alm a Terra s.
Mr mi Mr. Kooky, Saab Elverson $2 llO latirip OM Bill Terrace. 17 Mr. Gill 28 me Miaow Tinsley NI Mns Wilhasoa 6 WITITi )4 "Gba Alma Flaw'. (Lel Faritioal.) Maas Morrell, Leynaill ha Mrs brass Mt red Mr.
Indica, Livened 26 Afro Dawns Mrs Hadfield. Mancbsoter 84 Moo Alp Vim Cottage al Jobs Sogir, Li Mr and Mrs licaseroot, Hoddenield I 114 Jiro Ma Prosfar SI Mrs Monakoirs be Miens Hague. Terrace. il Mrs las is Mrs W. Mural 31 Min Ardires Igw.
poster, Whalley Range tireitlabla. Lis Mr abil Mrs C. do Coronation Cotters. (Ler Fersishrel) Mr to Mrs Edina Potter, hest Acton. mim vibehm 4.7 Sail In rooter, Heptuustall Mock Landes Mass Diteidlisid, 0.........
Mrs Jar Ir W. de Moweinffiew Orem Immo L. uneesese. Mrs 061.0 Me Mimes Feeler, do Alooroolw 42 Mrs Rey ilearidwiek Metal. Maoris Terrace.
ii. 1... Mead. Eq. BMW WO Mr Alsolor Wry lie Flor Mrs Walton stand, do DE HY-HOA D.
I 11 M.4. 1 "1. 9 4 Mrs Lowden, Waterloo Merano Terram. Inner, lai neh m. Ilse Lansdale, do Nomees.
Park Green Villa. eduesee, Halifax 'ester C. Loosdale, do 4 atm doll Mr. W. Kni ra 1 The Miens Monsell F.
Booth. Esq. le F. Losedele, do 11 Mrs Warsemy Lumley Terrain Verse" rousse. T.
prom. B4 l- 66 36 Tko Maw Roldiry mashy Tenses. Parham' Tits Mars Maass Esq. de Blair, Nhrliag 18 .1. Misr Clahrirl; 1 Carlton Beam Itesuo tin, Liq.
Richmond 4 Wright, g.q. MandesSeld ithodes and Barnsley John Butterworth, Es. Ruchd.lo 1 B. Blinion.op, Esq. ot tles Mtn Shepherd.
Stafforibliira ser ge Limon. E. II Bay. Fit Mies )liluet. do Rydal lionnh Collin.
do Dr. Versos Wm Itazhl. Rasta, Norton Rectory. Let l) and firm do IL Weston p. EN Rolla.
Ireland Staffoolshiro both Mt Mr and Mrs Henry IL Gray was. L'poo: F. Brooke, EN. Manchester R. Conseil Va ni lin Er4 Se Aid.
Mrs Grayson, do 10 Bestarepd Arden, Esq. Liverpool College Zig ViBW. pr. eassoess, Liverpool Brown. Eel il 13; Dr.
Viotti i wham Royal Hotel. Ribble Mount. T. Walloon.o., EN. Birmingham Mr Reps (LM Feraisio4) Mrs Mu 'r Littlewood, Esq.
Oman Mall. I Id gs i I. As Mrs Minidrama. do I. Cross.
Esq. Wigan T. Travers 2.. lor. Loodun Levies Villw J.
glen. hvi. LnaJort Malmo Farrrr. Fp. Liverpool Rochdale .1 Anderton, Esq.
Prior's riewl utt d. HIGHER ROLD-ST. P. Kay. Ilr q.
Liverpool A. Power. E.q. 0., 1 Onnykork Baden Villa. Cottage Wood.
Ems. do I Mr. Roberts, illartsOrt Littarrsuod En. do drals a VIIIIKItIa 111 Mrs Bass Thorbins. En.
do R. Callender, lirys Ilmachaster Illis lattlowood, do Puselawa. Mr and Mrs Littman. lite I. Williams.
Est. do Mrs Callender and Lanny, do 1 1.. Tie Mats Hissiolottas i Leicester House. Salt; int A. Yeomen.
E.Londis Miss do Mr and Mrs Barker. Lamspool 22 Miss Cambria Verandah Cottage. I t. B. Eat.
Liverpool Clarendon Villas. sq. do I Nies Ldtkjotio, Jo Rev. J. smith.
Briod'e 1 41 Mrs Lowry Rotunda. tkui -Col. Hamilton. Manchester Mrs Misofiall flaater D. Muse.
liewclaurch Cavendish Villa. Erg. tireenlieva 217 II" ina Finley. Jun. E.
Mrs and M.ra Hamiltuo, do Hawthers Ream. Mrs Oraser.xl Chin'. .1. II Tisll. Edward Croft.
E.q Preston es Taylor, do William Watts. F.sq. Grecnheys Mr Mrs hana. itukamlarad 47 Mr. Iladu and WM.) 1 43 MSS G.
thlaoo.l Mrs I d. Mr an Mrs Ealliicf Isini WIWI. I.le 43 (Let YorriLle.4) A. E. I lek, Fol.
RochiSelli Triil iez ci a ndo isce. Junes Maori, 1 1 The Misses at Mall Mrs Coadrrick aid losily. do Mr. Moors and Sloth. eld Mr Mrs Abbott tom v.
L. rpool .1. Rotunda Cottage. Jaw Mr. Savant 1.
1 South View. 71 4 Mrs Uliather lin Bnw 1 do ars Ras yan sot 10. Addisoa. Lay 219 lda Mrs Moto and family, Burnet' Ha: E. hitcher I.
EM. Chrethans Hill Ile Bnoke, Ifeld Hose, ems mc i i rui eag mar Si inchester bleu re. arol Mists Addlios. do Mrs Ryas, London Mrs and l', eh rIO Maddorsield Busholawi St. Albens.
Blundell's Buildings It: Terrace. T. Itoliry. St. Mary's Parsonage.
Gress Bask Villa. I 2.1 Ifiss Rol l. Mr. Coolie sod family. Mrs Hadley.
do Mrs 'I .1 (1,1. 1 Mancheuer I Leighton Villas. .41., 34 Mre tu Nim 0 4 11.114. 1 Mrs 7 ili iwou rs di Li e. ver ad ji.
anwie II Mrs U. Josef I 4 ygi, "Lt i expA Csin ala 41K1 ma 4 Kirke, Ile Laves, 22 llus KUL Let I Miss Eine. bi lb, Mite Mewl Yorkshire Victoria gaild 2 11 .7 I zgi mad relad, Grills. Mu by, Cmaherised IlOrid Mrs Crawly, Marakeflell 4 Mrs Araks, I 49 Mrs Groom 231 Miss Mrs Braueorit ilar rairw Hope Bask. J.
Lowsern. Esq. Broaaabtois 2 tl Nee Suliabiuy Terraces. B. Monell.
Fin. Leyland lIdII J. 11.11 Larteson-in-Carreu I lobo It Mails. 237 Miss IMMIINI smi Highgate Terrace. Mrs Lareslert ly.
5z 1,, Alice Villa. Mrs Senior, Mom had- a Mrs Jars Arial .1 N. E.q. G. B.
ailgram, Esq. khans II Rehires Mr. 13 33 ADO. Wigan G. H.
Env Y. KM. 1 .7 4 duh. Halif ax Egerton Place. Higher Broughton 'Mn and family, Ea 55 Tollis .1 Jews llro Mani Mr wid Mrs Itallion Liverpool Mrs and Ildater Borne.
du We Cratitrer, Turk 1 i' vim Dories Idea Grove. Is We 3 840 11 0 Dames, nbrewsbory 239 Sirs Nottell Mr 11. Ridden, Maschs.tar ...9 Maliktchar Mrs Liarril STU SINKS 1.. Bromwich Terrace. Hindny and family, Liverpool 2 ink H.
hag Gaups! Onell Greve. II Mrs Franc. W. Johnson, Esq. du P.
Esq As Mrs Tadriley Clarence Howe. 13 Mrs Whammed Miss Martin, do 3 I I 'Me. len rave, Dumfries 1 M. W. 1." Canberla Terries.
C. nab w. Lou Jiro Farrar The Mime. lerwhant, Myrtle Cottage. as John Butterworth, Esq.
Ipriagield I V.storia Cottage. Sutlej Terrace. 1 florid Stretford Mae. hurley 1 21,. Meg Taylor Mrs 6 Mrs 24) (Lot 64 Harry.
Lrq. LoYerponl Mrs Mon. Litherlasd Park. Liverpool 4 Mrs I tiomm Itatiereorn. ilio The lt Al.cory l.tr 4 Br C.
do 34 W. Rushton, 1 ..4 Nevcs.de-sa. I yor i 1, 4 Loudon 63 Mrs J. Nene 4s I Tbe lirener.ThornAeld, mhos! Alszaadra Cottage. un I 1., la 41 Mug Prat.
Villa Inovo. II Alre 5 While H. Ho.l i non. El. Liwt l.
ol Miss Tbomma, do Illlr J. Jeans. Manchester fultort 'Mins Ma.Shans, Holdrwrield Mrs Maio" de MOUNT "IMF. ET. Osborne Home.
Id The Fa Miw Elii, Brhaball Mous. Stair Mee Ponce's Park, L'paol 64 Mrs 18 Mr. 1... Nu I 7 s. p.
.1..., I LI Oxford House. hold Arias Hotel. BMW Place. lair View Terrace. Windom Plasm.
Mrs W. Gorton 261 Mr INA, 10 .0 re Aiwa a (Mr .1 4.i. Stuart, Ardw.ck Edward Danielton Villas. is l7r otti 3 Mrs Ward Manchester Buildings. Junes Anderson.
E.q. Birranbend I 'fi. Foe i Ts a. s. Parini, Esq.
ticarbocongsi 77 Robert Anderson. Esq. do Lit ForaiskcJ) James Gilmour, Apiary Fleet 3 illsa Parkes sod Manly, do 16 Mr. W. Moslem William Harem EN Barnsley Milton Villas.
Oldham Whittakn, Esq. Must House Numlicsier Berton Ism T. Tay Esq. Corpus Cline's College, T. Aspen Eip Manchester 12 'tr.
seaffheatt 411.11 0 ander-Lne Mrs Gilmore awl totally, do i 4 Mrs folommor 040,4.1 J. Eni StiAcropou-Trent anus rim i de Musa Slacken. bauttleworn Jlios Calatici Eton lace. Myddleton Villa. bliss Forbes.
do 18 Des firoadbost a Mrs W. 16 Mrs Maros Crane, Esq. Shawarilse SO We Jour Jahn Pan, Kul. Mamas's, IMIS StleSSlls 9 Mrs 14 Meson' 4 Craine. En Forbes Alfred Cottage.
I ors Norm and huniiy, do 414311 Hesse. 10 Mira ffemeril Esq Hi LIAtITRENT. so Mrs Sha 2 homy 1 4 1 Mrs and do 2 ne Mires Spesb 12 Mr. 1 Carlisle, Abergeldli Villas. 5.
I. id Won. Becklughais 114 Mrs .11 Rio Villa. Sirs Thompson, do 1 Mrs and Miss Hobos, do IS Mrs J. ivarys SOS lIIISISSuss.
I 271 yr, Ma John W. Mellor, E.g to anus Caitlin's Villas. KING-STREET. Peel Terms. J.
Ferloo. to'. end Izmir. Sholtoo lAre Mailer and family, do Ili Mr, ituhissoe I 11 -Wm "Wham STREET. Beaufort House.
i 4 Aran Um awl Miss 31 Sauglitoia, Bemis Beach Home. Rosa Villa. 27.1 lie. Cush Marine Cottage. Ecei Ales Cos 50 11 SISSILSa.
Jobs bashed. 1,1. Lo.tock I 42 Mr Arai: 11. liookay, Swahili Cott fresh ar iges. i 6 Lim Coma I' Prriton David Davies.
Em. Wni.eth, Oldham M'' do Mrs Inaliall an i y. al 1 ND. 15.1- and family. Pored lair and Gratueruud and lonely.
Sir limner, McAlester Sutton Vino. Rodger awl Liverpool isirharacinfe Place. I 11 Mrs Here. 6i.ner. do 12 Dr.
.11 81101.ris Casson Cottage. .0411 IVISSISIL 281 Wm Montague Cottage. 1. vro Vey IluMil flue Beak Cottage. Mr and Mrs W.
ClAruky and munly. 1 ii- Itt)A I et Preston 23 1' es Diams York Villas. lho maw Mr Mrs Crier, Attoon.und,r.Ly ne Waterloo Terries. 14 Mrs Claremont Terrace. 2 4 Mc.
Tang" vt J. Woad. Lai. lAslt Pact, Stu ughtua 4101. NUMareS.
Mosley Plate. 293.. Was MaLsh .2 Loacauer 21 air. ure 4c Anima Villa. Carlow Tarrant.
II Mrs Charles Lowndos, Chrt on lofts Co sp. Manch. Mee Mrs liody, Weirton, Simon 1 I Mrs Wkali7 Mrs bliss Lisa. john. do Mrs Cro pp and family.
du TS Maass Edoy, eru I 3 Mus Roliiry 47 Mrs Ltriakeli Shed 3 Miss J. de Con stautuar Clior: lenry Lag, Esq. Itochdoo Mr lai. I Winn and Wally, tpg. Mow J.
C. Thew 1 1.2 al (Let foroii4.l) Campbell Villas Mrs King. do au.l 11r. L.itwior, Over 1 Peteito Villas. Plenum Villa lur Mrs Wen.
Heap. itchdale 22 Mrs Sir Twelostru. Lotadou 'Later Etat. asle, do IN Mrs hall I Moo Jam Awe 1 II Ala Seed 2 Parry, Liverpool Muss Bland. do Mir do 1 167 Mo.
Britisher Cooper. Esq. Look I (141 1 'Mrs Worthington, ID Brown, Laverprod Teneriffe Hon's. Prospect Villas. Mrs Confer, do Victoria Hotel Company.
Mno Cann. du Mt Sugder, Mnichouer 1 Miss Cans 1 117 Mrs Trylve Part of the of Jobs a ehora gorhe Menehsee ee Mr 5. 1. E.thardsoo, Bock ferry Glossop Cottage. Adelaide Terrace.
31.. Bohm 114, FArleown ITISMO Parkinson. F.o. Liverpool 54 Beigrave Plasm. WOl.l 1 11011 Terrace.
flev. R. Bryan. Wir i iven Mies Wild YOI nand Jas Villas. 7 Mrs Smith 119 Sirs Solari.l ....111 .13 Vn Ronk Hallam, Eiq.
Soap. rt 'Miro Boalton, .2 (La Foreisheol) 'Mrs Hallam, do iii Grinnbaw, Cheithatu Hill Talbot Villa. 9 Mrs Mr Wood. do mrs i i re gb edon gu wo gh h. lamas linthwelL Esq.
Mamboing. Grinishaw hod I do mond VA'''. (44 W. Cherth.m. Eel do Iles and Miss Buinley.
do 11 4 Cheetharn. Em. Liverpool 26 Miss st. A. Ww do A Mrs Al la W.
H. Gilbert, heq. do as lirs Jac, I 1 6 ii I gr I st et family, Ea ame Jeffe wi ry l. g4 E7 llancliester I Vine Grove. 1 Laburnum Villas.
Mrs Laity Altruschaas i so Mee Mellower. Adiam i K.q SWYbrialge Hun. Mary C. B. A dbrabasa, Green Oc.s.
Bates. Esq. do Knowsley Mr Ilosheo awl family Mr and Mrs 7lmPerkT En Si andring. jun. Selo We.
Agk IRdwaral Chester Th Toner. Esq. Manchester I Spring Bash. Illre Mono. As ig T.
Caner, keg Marple 24 Mrs Torpor. do I 44 The Misses Nicholson im, 0 2222 ind port of fadOli do 16 Mrs Gars Albert Place. 111 and 'Mr. G. Fairlawn, Itaachestargwo IMr Hugh Bagsbaree, do 35..
Mrs Checks Anilines Mrs 31.416 1k near Halifax Lairs At A loace Ile and Mrs Alfred Booth and ficarly Stanley Terrain. Mrs Welsh, Bowdon St Halos. 34 Mrs Moreer Miss and Matter Welsh, do In (Let Piroisked) 3.s Mrs Facer, 1111.. Ta Mass S. AN.
illryiakalloa J. Haulms. Es. Preston 'Mrs Lenora and family, Wltitalsolt Albert Terrace. Mrs Harrison.
do I Hall, as, Uleantece ss Mrs Tivoli Cottage. 1 weal" ti Nwamall re. mum Harrison, Chapel es-le al W. Cayuga and his Powoall, Wood's, Frith Union Terrace. Mrs Models sad As cis kap.
The family Gill. Limped 43.. Mrs Willie. Jokasee 40.1 Mrs Moo Mr mad Mrs Willis. Helltwoll, Wigan 81 no Mimeo Mr me mi.
Robert Wood, Harrogate HIGHFI ELM HOUSE. Montagu flue. May Plus. 64 Mrs 111 Mrs Lon 42 he Masi Moro 66 Mrs J. D.
Alamos SO Mr' Lidera 44 71. Alias Creme Mrs Williamann and family. Endes 41 Mrs Chass 44. The Misses Waives, Mies Basis Nooks New Longford Simnel Prime, Esq. The Study, iilassere Place.
Miss Saran Houghton. ritretford Derbyshire ss Mre Nisaer Prince and Cosily, il i I 45.... ns Mimes Wildman 64 mwe 17Iso Mimes Elmwood, Ilona-. 1 1 1 riniver Patent Villa gate Mr ohs 60 U. Derby Place Mrs Dimes, Roy.
Thomas Whalley, Liverpool Mr and Mre H. F. Misyd, Woodlands, 42 Mrs Walk. Mrs Wiulley sad Lushly, in Staffordehire Miss Wallace, Louisa Miss Crisscross, is. 'Onion Hotel.
Bath Terrace. Willies Halstead, Esq. Burnley 84 Mr Mn Halstetd. As 11 Mrs Totosnooll Gore's Ildsa Place. 2 Jona 74 Jim Lent 46 76 Mist Wait, Misr Ur R.
do Mr 0a Stolterfolt, Esq. Shadows Park ir i. A mt el Wavertres Mrs Mies Maerdsley. Onell Vi IMr sad re Imith, lrs 3toterolt awl fil amy, mar Liverpool 1 44 Miss aloses 14 1 1e. 47 Howarth's Build up.
Mrslov Canoe Plies. Bay Cottairta iso umersi 1.,, Maar, Viggo, VICIORI A4T. 44 gg Niso NO is oos risossos 111 D. Milieus. Bronglassa Mre Dposo Ribble Maud Cottage Mr and Mrs Williams sod hia Moe Laois looms Apitbsy Pima 4 1 Mrs W.
M. Sharks 100 Mrs Chios (Let Plinabl aii4 I Mrs rump Minn, H. Bradley, Erg ado MOW and lin Carr, Blanthars rs Bradley and 1102 6 418 'Wes Lady Joao, Liverpool 101 li Lint WISP. rs Whitley, Branighlall 106 Mrs O. 6 Jai 1.1.
H. Loon" Zoo Loudon Zing's Bondi'''. Mr Notes, We Sam sod foaVy. do 11 112 Miss oug e. Mr 'is.
10 DoMoM. as i Mr Manelsoster Teems, Mrs 1.51, 40 Mrs Game eio4 fesoUy, de Mregiesedes Moo Livery. Bury 114 u. Psraisero ts .1 22,,, a giasis linik. Mos lOokkollo.
do John Riley. Veg. Oldham l.g. 1 Mrs and Miss Riley, do The Misses Lem Altrisehom urns sosnans. 118 Mr.
HMO. Marriott. 21.4 818 10181 II Mr. Waller Mr sad Mrs Walktmon and family amo ss. go J.
Bayley. Esq. Liverpool Mangum rk. Mimeo Joao N. Bayley, Bohai Mn Werner sad fasnll7.
Salford i i i to sh ar ao 4 Mrs Jahn 7044 111 Kr and Mrs Chadwick and taw a Mr. Witco. do Littlehroagh Aries Smith the Mow Worm" do JN AND .1. 1.. by N.
TUN EN CU. by CeafseSksrs, Urssaista, sal Orsess Utrossbuss bs Raked i(fin buten Lille. I iOn CARRINGTON brie is Stan Undue sy sad sins lbM ha. appoksted SOUR? CLARKSON, CosL MERCHANT, dldd is andhadre ad Maria, Mis sak at Ms Rases Llama 'MA e. esskparlss eadslisks.
05.., I. Vasiods Toy Marks. 121-2 OS STOWZR'S No. 1 GINGER WIRE. seepreed (If wyealled).
MU by Ailbss.Cbsolos Jams Unarm Ctimmlot Abrader awl. immureW Meer 01111011ri Ontsitikw; IJ. nCftemboosr. or Ask far STOWIIBIII UThI VIZIR.