Prévisions météo sur 10 jours pour Myrtle Beach, SC, États-Unis - The Weather Channel | (2024)

Le 8:12 EDT

Orages isolés aujourd’hui. Les tempêtes peuvent contenir de fortes rafales de vent demain soir.


Orages isolés



SSO 21km/h

mer. 31 | Jour



SSO 21km/h

Ciel peu nuageux avec risque d’orage. Chaud et humide. Maximale : 32C. Vents SSO soufflant de 15 à 30 km/h. Risque de pluie 30%.

  • Humidité79%

  • Indice UV8 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 27

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 15

mer. 31 | Nuit



SO 18km/h

Partiellement nuageux. Risque d’averse ou d’orage bref. Minimale : 25C. Vents SO soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h.

  • Humidité92%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever2 h 24

    Dernier croissant

  • Coucher17 h 45

jeu. 01

Peu nuageux



SSO 21km/h

jeu. 01 | Jour



SSO 21km/h

Partiellement nuageux. Risque d’averse ou d’orage bref. Maximale : 33C. Vents SSO soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h.

  • Humidité80%

  • Indice UVExtrême

  • Lever du soleil6 h 27

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 15

jeu. 01 | Nuit



SSO 14km/h

Orages pendant la nuit. Les tempêtes peuvent contenir de fortes rafales de vent. Minimale : 26C. Vents SSO soufflant de 10 à 15 km/h. Risque de pluie 40%.

  • Humidité92%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever3 h 20

    Dernier croissant

  • Coucher18 h 41

ven. 02

Orages dans la matinée



SSO 25km/h

ven. 02 | Jour



SSO 25km/h

Orages dans la matinée. Les tempêtes peuvent contenir de fortes rafales de vent. Maximale : 32C. Vents SSO soufflant de 15 à 30 km/h. Risque de pluie 40%.

  • Humidité85%

  • Indice UV10 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 28

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 14

ven. 02 | Nuit



SSO 23km/h

Orages pendant la nuit. Minimale : 26C. Vents SSO soufflant de 15 à 30 km/h. Risque de pluie 40%.

  • Humidité93%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever4 h 20

    Dernier croissant

  • Coucher19 h 29

sam. 03

Orages dispersés



SSO 28km/h

sam. 03 | Jour



SSO 28km/h

Orages épars. Chaud et humide. Maximale : 32C. Vents SSO soufflant de 25 à 40 km/h. Risque de pluie 40%.

  • Humidité83%

  • Indice UVExtrême

  • Lever du soleil6 h 29

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 13

  • Humidité91%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever5 h 23

    Nouvelle lune

  • Coucher20 h 09

dim. 04

Orages dispersés



S 23km/h

dim. 04 | Jour



S 23km/h

Orages épars. Maximale : 30C. Vents S soufflant de 15 à 30 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité85%

  • Indice UV10 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 29

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 12

dim. 04 | Nuit



SSO 18km/h

Orages épars. Minimale : 25C. Vents SSO soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité95%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever6 h 25

    Nouvelle lune

  • Coucher20 h 43

lun. 05

Orages dispersés



SO 18km/h

lun. 05 | Jour



SO 18km/h

Orages épars. Maximale : 31C. Vents ONO s’orientant S et soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité82%

  • Indice UV10 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 30

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 11

lun. 05 | Nuit



OSO 15km/h

Partiellement nuageux. Minimale : 24C. Vents OSO soufflant de 10 à 15 km/h.

  • Humidité92%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever7 h 27

    Premier croissant

  • Coucher21 h 12

mar. 06

Peu nuageux



ESE 17km/h

mar. 06 | Jour



ESE 17km/h

Partiellement nuageux. Risque d’averse ou d’orage bref. Maximale : 32C. Vents NNO s’orientant SSE et soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h.

  • Humidité76%

  • Indice UV10 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 31

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 10

mar. 06 | Nuit



S 16km/h

Partiellement nuageux. Minimale : 24C. Vents S soufflant de 10 à 15 km/h.

  • Humidité90%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever8 h 24

    Premier croissant

  • Coucher21 h 37

mer. 07

Peu nuageux



SSE 19km/h

mer. 07 | Jour



SSE 19km/h

Partiellement nuageux. Maximale : 31C. Vents NO s’orientant SSE et soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h.

  • Humidité77%

  • Indice UV10 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 32

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 09

mer. 07 | Nuit



S 18km/h

Orages pendant la nuit. Minimale : 25C. Vents S soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h. Risque de pluie 40%.

  • Humidité84%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever9 h 21

    Premier croissant

  • Coucher22 h 01

jeu. 08

Orages dispersés



S 21km/h

jeu. 08 | Jour



S 21km/h

Orages épars. Maximale : 31C. Vents S soufflant de 15 à 30 km/h. Risque de pluie 50%.

  • Humidité77%

  • Indice UV10 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 32

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 08

jeu. 08 | Nuit



S 19km/h

Orages épars. Minimale : 25C. Vents S soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h. Risque de pluie 50%.

  • Humidité88%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever10 h 16

    Premier croissant

  • Coucher22 h 23

ven. 09

Orages dispersés



S 20km/h

ven. 09 | Jour



S 20km/h

Orages épars. Maximale : 32C. Vents S soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité79%

  • Indice UV10 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 33

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 07

ven. 09 | Nuit



SSO 18km/h

Orages épars. Minimale : 25C. Vents SSO soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité92%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever11 h 11

    Premier croissant

  • Coucher22 h 47

sam. 10

Orages dispersés



S 19km/h

sam. 10 | Jour



S 19km/h

Orages épars. Maximale : 30C. Vents S soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité84%

  • Indice UV9 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 34

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 06

sam. 10 | Nuit



S 16km/h

Orages épars. Minimale : 24C. Vents S soufflant de 10 à 15 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité93%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever12 h 06

    Premier croissant

  • Coucher23 h 12

dim. 11

Orages dispersés



S 18km/h

dim. 11 | Jour



S 18km/h

Orages épars. Maximale : 28C. Vents S soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité87%

  • Indice UV8 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 34

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 05

dim. 11 | Nuit



SSO 15km/h

Orages épars. Minimale : 24C. Vents SSO soufflant de 10 à 15 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité94%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever13 h 04

    Premier croissant

  • Coucher23 h 41

lun. 12

Orages dispersés



S 18km/h

lun. 12 | Jour



S 18km/h

Orages épars. Maximale : 29C. Vents S soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité85%

  • Indice UV8 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 35

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 04

lun. 12 | Nuit



SSO 16km/h

Orages épars. Minimale : 24C. Vents SSO soufflant de 10 à 15 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité93%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever14 h 04

    Premier quartier

  • Coucher--

mar. 13

Orages dispersés



SSO 19km/h

mar. 13 | Jour



SSO 19km/h

Orages épars. Maximale : 30C. Vents SSO soufflant de 15 à 25 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité84%

  • Indice UV8 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 36

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 03

mar. 13 | Nuit



SO 16km/h

Orages épars. Minimale : 24C. Vents SO soufflant de 10 à 15 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité92%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever15 h 06

    Lune gibbeuse (bossue) croissante

  • Coucher0 h 14

mer. 14

Orages dispersés



SSE 17km/h

mer. 14 | Jour



SSE 17km/h

Orages épars. Maximale : 29C. Vents SSE soufflant de 10 à 15 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité85%

  • Indice UV8 sur 11

  • Lever du soleil6 h 37

  • Coucher du soleil20 h 02

mer. 14 | Nuit



S 15km/h

Orages épars. Minimale : 24C. Vents S soufflant de 10 à 15 km/h. Risque de pluie 60%.

  • Humidité92%

  • Indice UV0 sur 11

  • Lever16 h 09

    Lune gibbeuse (bossue) croissante

  • Coucher0 h 54



Now8 h 459 h 159 h 4510 h 1510 h 4511 h 1511 h 4512 h 1512 h 4513 h 1513 h 4514 h 15
Prévisions météo sur 10 jours pour Myrtle Beach, SC, États-Unis - The Weather Channel | (2024)


What is the best month to go to Myrtle Beach? ›

The best months to go to Myrtle Beach is June through August. This is the best time of the year for warm and sunny beach days. For fewer crowds but warmer weather still, September to October and April to May are great times to visit Myrtle Beach, too.

What's the temperature in South Myrtle Beach today? ›

Upcoming 5 hours
Now11:00 pm3:00 am
76 °F74 °F72 °F
1 more row

What is the water temperature of Myrtle Beach today? ›

Today's Myrtle Beach - Pier 14 sea temperature is 81 °F.

Does it usually rain all day in Myrtle Beach? ›

Throughout the summer, there is an average of 8 days of rain per month. Luckily, this rain usually comes through as afternoon showers, which helps to bring in a cooler evening.

What month is hurricane season in Myrtle Beach? ›

Since North Myrtle Beach is along the Atlantic Ocean, hurricanes are a natural disaster we need to prepare for. Hurricane Season runs from June until November, with the peak in late-August to October. Throughout history, hurricanes have been known to cause major damage and fatalities.

What are the cheapest months to go to Myrtle Beach? ›

Winter is the off-season in Myrtle Beach, and because lower occupancies drive the hotel rates down, December, January, and February are some of the cheapest months for trips to the Grand Strand.

What months are hot in Myrtle Beach? ›

Myrtle Beach Summer (June – August)

Temperatures are typically in the high 80's – low 90's during the day and mid-70's during the evening hours, making it easy to soak up the sun during the day and hit the town at night.

Can you swim in Myrtle Beach right now? ›

The beaches throughout the Myrtle Beach area are open, the water is fine and swimming is allowed. We do NOT have a “no swimming” notice or advisory for any beaches in our area. We do test the ocean water twice a week in the summertime at various locations along the Grand Strand.

How accurate are 10 day forecasts? ›

The Short Answer:

A seven-day forecast can accurately predict the weather about 80 percent of the time and a five-day forecast can accurately predict the weather approximately 90 percent of the time. However, a 10-day—or longer—forecast is only right about half the time.

Is 70 degree water cold? ›

70°F - 60°F (21°C - 16°C) Now you're getting into cooler waters. For those not accustomed to it, this temperature range can feel cold. Your breathing becomes more labored, and holding your breath might be harder.

Can you drink the water in Myrtle Beach? ›

Myrtle Beach water meets or exceeds all drinking water standards! Where has my water been? The Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority (GSWSA) Myrtle Beach Surface Water Treatment Facility withdraws and treats water from the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway.

Is 60 degree water cold? ›

It's the water temperature that matters. If that is 50–60 degrees F, you're going to find it very cold, and if you don't keep moving or you're not in an insulated suit, you will soon lose too much body energy to function.

What month can you swim in Myrtle Beach? ›

Myrtle Beach, located in Horry County, is a part of South Carolina's Grand Strand. From June through early October water temperatures are practically tropical making this area perfect for swimming and beach activities. The water cools significantly during the winter months due to cold offshore winds and longer nights.

What are the best times to visit Myrtle Beach? ›

Best Time To Visit Myrtle Beach

While summer (June through August) is the destination's high season for visitors, spring and fall still see warm temperatures and often fewer crowds. Says Van Dyke, “Visitors continue to come in the fall and winter to enjoy seasonal events as well as the beautiful, mild weather.”

How often do hurricanes hit Myrtle Beach? ›

Now that we know hurricanes strike our coast on average once every four years, we can safely assume that whatever early records survive are not telling the whole story.

What is the hottest month in Myrtle Beach? ›

Our high temps usually average in the mid-80s to 90s in the summer months, with July being the hottest. The record high in Myrtle Beach is more than 100 degrees.

What month has the best weather in South Carolina? ›

Best Times to Visit South Carolina for Good Weather

“From late April to early June and early September to late October, you'll get all the benefits of warm weather without it being too overbearingly humid.” It may not be swimming weather, but the colder months can be a great time to visit, too.

What is off season in Myrtle Beach? ›

November through February is considered the “off-season” for Myrtle Beach. However, just because the temperatures have cooled down, doesn't mean the fun isn't heating up in Myrtle Beach in the winter! Myrtle Beach's average temperature in the winter is nearly 60°F - a cool respite from the frigid northern cold.


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Views: 5790

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.